Alliance University received the Brands Academy Education Excellence Award, 2013

Alliance University was recently awarded the Brands Academy Education Excellence Award, 2013 for the Most Innovative Private University in South India. The award was based on a research conducted by BIG Research: one of India’s leading market research companies, who carried out a study over a period of six months and across 3,300 educational institutions spread across India. The winners were decided on the basis of an analysis of data on parameters such as infrastructure, faculty, placements, number of students and annual growth measured in terms of student intake and new courses, among others. The study also took into account factors such as the presence and quality of facilities for student recreation, hostels and canteen as well as the publication of an institutional journal, user friendliness of the institute’s website and the participation of students and faculty in national and international seminars alongside published faculty scholarship in national and international journals. Subsequently, the popularity and perception of the participants among stakeholders: students, parents, educational consultants, industry experts and prominent educationists was also assessed through opinion surveys where over 2,550 respondents submitted their feedback that focused on gathering insights into brand equity, media visibility, student and alumni feedback as well as perceptions from industry experts about the University.