Admission Enquiry


Master of Law (LL. M.)


The Master of Law degree course prepares graduates at the postgraduate level in legal principles, law, justice, and governance while building in them strong research acumen and subject-matter expertise in i) IT and Data Protection Law, ii) Corporate Law iii) Intellectual Property Law iv) Law, Climate Change and Sustainability v) Trade and Commercial Laws vi) Crime and Forensics Law vii) Human Rights Law. The pedagogy and learning delivery includes classroom training based on seminars, workshops and research-centric discussions in law.

Course Duration

One year (Full time) / Hybrid


  • Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Criminal Law and Security Law
  • Taxation Law
  • Legal Pedagogy and Research
  • IT and Data Protection Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Law, Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Trade and Commercial Laws
  • Crime and Forensics Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • Intellectual Property Laws


The Alliance School of Law is committed to imparting world-class learning in law practice and governance to its key constituents. To fulfil this objective, the curriculum and teaching pedagogy is designed to prepare its graduates in the domestic, international, and comparative law subjects. Graduates from the Alliance School of Law study compulsory subjects and choose from an unparalleled range of elective subjects. In addition to Core Compulsory Law subjects, students are required to select the subjects for their area of specialization. Alliance graduates also acquire teaching and lawyering skills through practical training activities and clinical, legal programs even while they inculcate in themselves sound research and writing skills.

Commence of the course

January 2020 & July 2020

Course Duration

1 Year

Mode of Study

Full Time Course


LL. B. / B. L. or any other graduate degree in Law recognized by Bar Council of India with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate.

A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC / ST.

Learning Delivery

There are four subjects in the first semester and five subjects along with the Dissertation in the second semester.

Three (3) Core Compulsory Law subjects and Dissertation are of 3 credits each.  Specialisation Six (6) subjects are of 2 Credits each.

Each credit is equivalent to 15 classroom contact hours and includes practical training classes.

Alongside classroom hours, a student are also required to conduct research projects, analyse Cases, review articles, and take up teaching assignment as a part of the curriculum.

For the award of the degree of LL. M., a student must successfully complete ten subjects consisting of 24 Credits.

Programme Structure

Specializations Offered

Sl. No. Area of Specialization Subject
1 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Constitutional Government and Centre State Relations
2 Corporate and Commercial Law International Trade Law
3 Intellectual Property Law General Principles of IPR Law and International Protection of IPR
4 Criminal Law and Security Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration
5 Taxation Law
General Principles of Taxation
6 Legal Pedagogy and Research
Curriculum Planning, OBE & Develpment of Teaching Plan
Sl. No. Area of Specialization Subject
1 Constitutional and Administrative Law Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
Decentralization of power and Local Self Government
Administrative Law
Service Laws
Global Administrative Law
2 Corporate and Commercial Law Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Competition Law
Mergers & Acquisitions
Law of Insolvency
ADR & Commercial Arbitration
3 Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law- I (Copyrights, Industrial Designs and other related Rights)
Intellectual Property Law- II (Trademarks and other related Rights)
Intellectual Property Law III (Patents and Allied Rights)
Cyber and Information Technology Law
Biotechnology and the Law
4 Criminal Law and Security Law Victimology
Criminal Justice and Human Rights
International Criminal Law
Police Law and Administration
Sentences and Sentencing
5 Taxation Law Law relating to Direct Taxes
Contemporary Challenges in Taxation
Corporate & Digital Taxation
International Taxation
GST and Customs
6 Legal Pedagogy and Research Education Law
Clinical Legal Education (Legal Clinics & Clinical Methodology)
Supervision and Assessment of Student performances
Co-curricular Programmes & Law School Management
Educational Psychology and Adult Learning

Moot Court Society

Moot Court Society

Exposure with International Faculty

Exposure with International Faculty

Faculty Speak

What’s Unique About LL. M. at Alliance School of Law? | Dr. Mukul Saxena

Law Onboarding

Law Onboarding 2024 | A Journey of Legal Excellence Begins!

Student Experiences

Student Experiences | LL. M. Programme

Success Odyssey | Ernst & Young

Success Odyssey | Ernst & Young

Contact for Admissions