
Alliance University hosted the orientation for the 45th Batch of the coveted Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management Programme (EPGDM) of Alliance School of Business on May 28 that saw active participation from the academia and the corporate world.
The event exposed the new executive students who come with diverse corporate experience to the process of going through the EPGDM Programme from both, an academic perspective as well as functional aspect. The EPGDM Programme of Alliance School of Business has created a legacy of its own built over more than a decade and half of academic excellence. The new batch of EPGDM has working professionals as students who represent 50 different industries and the senior-most executive with a work experience of 20 years.
The orientation programme welcomed the new students into a journey that will take their learning process to a higher level. The event was graced with the presence of Dr. Nivedita Mishra, Registrar, Alliance University; Dr. Samir Ranjan, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academics & Research), Alliance University; and Dr. Michael Barnes, Dean, Alliance School of Business who shared their valuable thoughts with the executive students.
The students of the EPGDM batch also shared their experiences in the corporate world and the way the programme will facilitate career enhancement and growth. The orientation programme was held at the central campus of Alliance University which also helped the students to experience the unique ecosystem and green environment of Alliance.