Faculty Development Program (FDP) by Alliance School of Law at central campus of Alliance University
26 July, 2022

Alliance School of Law, Alliance University conducted a one-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Legal Research and Publication” at the University Central Campus. The program focused on the role of research and publication in the field of legal education.
Dr. Rose Varghese, Former Vice-Chancellor, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Cochin started the program with her views on “Research Process”. Research should be done scientifically and with proper objective to achieve the desired results. She also emphasized on inquisitiveness of the researcher that will lead to original piece of contribution, and she focused upon reading of Jury Matrix and Cardozo.
Further the FDP was led by Dr. Arindam Das, Associate Professor from the Department of Language and Literature of Alliance School of Business on “Critical Writing Style”, he spoke about collaborative writing and importance of networking in the world of research. He also elaborated on the technical aspects that require attention when a submission is made to SCOPUS indexed journals and various styles of writing.
Dr. Kiran Dennis Gardner, Dean, Alliance School of Law during the program spoke on the topic of customizing the teaching and research process for maximizing productivity. She also explained eighteen different ways to teach in an effective and innovative manner. Dr. Prakash I N, Librarian at Alliance University and Mr. Akshay Prasanna from Turnitin deliberated on the advancement of technology in library for the purpose of research process and demonstrated the importance of “Shodh-Chakra” platform of UGC.
Dr. Sairam Bhat, Professor of Law at National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru shared his knowledge on “Importance of Research to Teaching”. Prof. Bhat premised his talk to four areas, each leading to the next – Reading, Research, Teaching and Training. He emphasized that research can be a relevant tool for both inside and outside the classroom.
The last session of the program was marked by the presence of Dr. V. B. Coutinho, Former Vice Chancellor of Gulbarga University who spoke on the topic of “Researching Globally Evolving Legal Issues: Paradigm Shifts and Research Methodology”. He recounted his own experience in researching on new areas that has resulted in a paradigm shift in the legal regime.
The Faculty Development Program was entirely based on knowledge sharing and demonstration given by the faculty in their area of expertise and finding the facts of research and its effective use in teaching and training by using various methodologies.