ALLIANCE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Hosted the International Conference in Management Studies
11 April, 2019

Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, held the International Conference on Global Challenges and Local Prospects in Management Studies [AMSICON] at its central campus in Bangalore between 11 and 13 April, 2019.
The conference served as the interactive forum for three days to present and discuss research results about the evolution of the international economics, business and the global financial system. The conference emphasised on the development of emerging market economies and their impact on international trade and commerce and their regulation. Thus the conference presented varied tracks such as Social Media Analytics, Block-Chain Technology, Financial Analytics, Business Intelligence & Green Buildings, Feminism & LGBT Studies, Cultural Discourse & Developmental Studies.
On 11.4.2019, delivering the key note speech, Dr.Furqan Qamar, secretary General, Association of Indian Universities, said: “Research has to be an integral part of teaching, and the subjects taught must invariably be from the area of research. The new generation must be given the opportunity and autonomy to choose the subjects and the learning patterns. It is high time we adapt to novel demands of teaching and learning process.”
Dr. Asha Kaul, Professor, Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad, during her key note Address on 13.4.20192, spoke upon “Decoding Communication through Social Media”. Dr. Kaul emphasized the significance of effective communication in organizations to secure both reputation and trust in the digital age with respect to consumers.
The conference witnessed a myriad of unique international experts in the field of management studies, researchers, academicians, practitioners, leaders, policy makers who shared their diverse experiences through fruitful discussions and debates and suggested solutions to the issues related to the challenges in business and society at large.
The following received the best research paper awards:
The research paper titled “Digital Aided Image Construction: Research Insights on Virtual Social Selves” by Dr. Ray Titus, Dr. Alex Fenton and Sejal Valera, in the area of Marketing, Operations & Systems,
The research paper titled “Understanding Influence of Communication Satisfaction On Organizational Identification and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours: A Qualitative Study Among Knowledge Workers” by Mr. Aniisu K Verghese in the area of Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources,
The research paper titled “Financial Development – Economic Growth Nexus in India” by Nithya Ramalingam and Bhavna Ranjan Ahuja in the area of Statistics, Finance & Economics,
The research paper titled “ Aesthetizing The Cyborg Entity: Showing and Telling the Post human in Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl” by Jaya Sarkar from Birla Institute of Technology and Science- Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India, in the area of Business Communication & Gender Studies.
The conference concluded with the valedictory session with an announcement of the AMISCON- 2020 in the month of January, by the conference organisers.