School of Law, Alliance University hosts the 2nd National Workshop on Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing - 2022
24 September, 2022

Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru hosted the 2nd National Workshop on Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing on 24th of September 2022. The objective was to develop drafting skills with a comprehensive understanding of the nexus between the law, the facts, and the language. Alliance School of Law invited experienced experts from industry to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
The expert speakers were Adv. Praveenkumar Hiremath, who is the Co-Founder & Partner at PSA Law Partners, Bengaluru, Adv. Vishal Bhat who is a Partner at Anoma Legal, Bengaluru and Adv. Balaji N. who is an Advocate at Lego Remedium, Bengaluru.
The first session was delivered by Adv. Praveenkumar Hiremath, Co-Founder & Partner, PSA Law Partners, Bengaluru. Adv. Praveenkumar discussed about the principles of drafting and pleading in civil matters. He spoke on various provisions of the Civil Procedure Code which deals with pleadings. He further explained the plethora of rules to be kept in mind while pleading.
The second session was delivered by Adv. Vishal Bhat, Partner, Anoma Legal, Bengaluru. Adv. Vishal discussed conveyancing and drafting of different deeds.
The third session was delivered by Adv. N Balaji, Senior Advocate, Lego Remedium, Bengaluru. Adv. Balaji discussed about principles of drafting and pleading in criminal matters. He further spoke on the procedure to be followed in criminal matters, starting from the complaint by victim to judgment by the court.
The workshop exposed students to the basic principles of various pleadings and drafting documents that include conveyancing, part of the curriculum across Law Schools in India. The event was coordinated by Dr. Upankar Chutia, Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law along with Prof. Mahantesh G S, Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law. The National Workshop was a great attempt towards developing drafting skills among students by experienced experts from the industry who helped to bridge the gap between theory and practice.