
Faculty Publications & Achievements
June 2024

Faculty Profile Title of the Research Paper / Journal / Article / Book / Chapter / Case / Award Name of the Publisher / Journal / Awarding Body References
Dr. Abhishek Thommandru Dr. Abhishek Thommandru
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Fortifying Uzbekistan's integrity landscape: Harnessing India's tech-driven anti-corruption strategies Sustainable Futures - Published by Elsevier Ltd; Volume 7, June 2024, 100206 Link
Dr. Gyanashree Dutta Dr. Gyanashree Dutta
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law

Dr. Upankar Chutia Dr. Upankar Chutia
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Addressing the Legal Dimensions of Climate Change and Gender Discrimination on Women’s Health in India Juni Khyat, ISSN: 2278-4632 (UGC Care, Group I Listed Journal, Vol-14, Issue-5, No.02, May: 2024 Link
Ms. Anya Behera Ms. Anya Behera
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Study of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Education Sector Artificial Intelligence in Academia: Data Protection and IPR Issues in AI Regime, NLU Delhi Link
Analysis of Digital Transformation in Education: Opportunities and Challenges Technology Integration in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges, NLU Delhi Link
Ms. Varda Mone Ms. Varda Mone
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law

Dr. Abhishek Thommandru Dr. Abhishek Thommandru
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Online Privacy and Children in India: A Socio-Legal Study of Parental Concerns, Regulations, and Education Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences Link
Dr. Usha Arcot Dr. Usha Arcot
Professor & Program Director - Ph.D.
Alliance School of Applied Mathematics
A QSPR analysis and curvilinear regression models for various degree-based topological indices: Quinolone antibiotics - Link
Numerical Descriptors of Top Ranked Zinc Databased Inhibitors of Sars Cov-2 Archives des Sciences Link

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