Alliance University is a Private University established in Karnataka State by Act No.34 of year 2010 and is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi.
The mission of the University is to create and sustain a community of lifelong learners in an environment that emphasizes literacy, critical thinking, and humanistic and scientific inquiry.
CSR at the University encourages and propels students to imbibe the qualities of enlightened leadership and thereby instills in them a level of trust and confidence about themselves and the community.
The core strength of Alliance University lies in its intellectual capital of highly accomplished faculty. The expert faculty group at the University is one of the best in management, engineering and law education, and is truly an agent, instrument, or means of accomplishment for our graduates.
Alliance Student Conference (ASCON) 2021 June 2021
Alliance Student Conference (ASCON) 2021, a unique student-driven platform designed by Alliance University, was held virtually on 10-11th June, 2021. The hallmark event was held for students and research scholars from across the globe to showcase their research skills and get trained through workshops by internationally acclaimed experts.
Crises, such as COVID-19, often disrupt, and most creatively so, the business paradigm and finally lead to a dynamic macro transformation. Such crises may be financial in magnitude, socio-political in ramifications, or even environmental in nature and may result in complex transitions that force businesses to ensure a sustainable position and adapt to the changes. From the perspectives of research, such crises and their impact on business, organization, and market are crucial sites for examination. Keeping this idea in mind, ASCON 2021 had as its theme the broad area of “Global Crisis: Business Disruptions & Responses”.
Dr. Ray Titus (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Academics & Research) inaugurated the virtual conference with a speech on relevance of the theme in the current pandemic period, followed with an inaugural vote of thanks rendered by Prof. Mihir Dash (Associate Professor & Chair, General Management, Alliance University).
The Conference proceeded with the keynote addresses from Dr. Sanjit Roy (Associate Professor of Marketing, UWA Business School, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia); Dr. Ozlem Sandikci Turkdogan (Professor in Marketing Management, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK) & Dr. June Cotte (President Elect, The Association for Consumer Research, & Scott and Melissa Beattie, Professor of Marketing, Ivey Business School, Western University Ontario, Canada Continental India).
Dr. June Cotte (President Elect, The Association for Consumer Research, & Scott and Melissa Beattie Professor of Marketing Ivey Business School Western University Ontario, Canada Continental India).
Dr. Ray Titus , Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics & Research), Alliance University.
Dr. Ozlem Sandikci Turkdogan (Professor in Marketing Management, Adam Smith Business School University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK).
The keynote addresses were proceeded with two informative research-based workshops conducted on the topics of Quantitative Methods for Research by Dr. Subhradev Sen, Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Business & another workshop on Qualitative Methods for Business Research, by Dr. Paromita Goswami, Professor of Marketing Management and Social Innovation, SME, Shiv Nadar University.
The opening sessions of ASCON 2021 were dedicated to the exhaustive research talks by academicians of international repute intended to build the research acumen of budding scholars. Invited lectures were held by Dr. Sumanth K. Nayak (Global Leader- Process Stack, TE Connectivity, India) & Dr J. Jessy Christin (Chief Delivery Officer - India Operations, Masadir HR Services, India).
The Conference also had technical sessions chaired by various faculties of Alliance University. Various papers presented at the conference laid great focus on the changing world scenario in view of the current crisis due to COVID. The papers also shared insights on how to deal with the present situation with positivity & optimism.
In order to foster a spirit of innovation & research among students, the ASCON Committee selected the Best Two Research Papers which were awarded with a cash prize. The award winning papers were: "Linking opinion seeking to buyer behaviour of herbal health products: An indirect effect on buyer behaviour" by Ms. Roopa B.L. (Research Scholar of Alliance University) and Dr. R. Venkatesh & "What motivates consumers to use insurance aggregators?" by Mr. Sourav Jain, Mr. Sarthak Mittal, Mr. Vaibhav Khandelwal, Mr. Manoj Bharath P., and Mr. Chetanya Sharma (MBA students of IIM Vishakhapatnam).
Besides receiving overwhelming responses from participants and guests in favour of looking forward to thought-provoking sessions in the near future, the conference was concluded with the valedictory session by Dr. Arindam Das (Associate Professor and Chair ASCON 2021).