About the Journal

International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (IJLS) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, published by School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru. IJLS aims to be a platform that encourages students, academicians, jurists, practitioners and research scholars to come together for the cause of legal education and research and contribute scholarly pieces with a specific focus on issues that fall in the domain of law and allied social sciences. School of Law, Alliance University proposes to set the tone of the 'transition' i.e. towards a Global Research University through International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (IJLS). This research journal is envisaged to open up the avenues for researchers to share their comprehensive and interdisciplinary research writings.

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Call for Papers

The Journal Committee of School of Law, Alliance University hereby invites original and unpublished submissions in the form of articles/research papers on any contemporary debates in law and allied social sciences for publication in International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (IJLS) bearing Print ISSN: 2454-8553 and Online ISSN: 2583-8644.

The IJLS is now accepting submissions for its next edition. Last date for submission: May 30, 2025. The Journal Committee will also accept submissions on a rolling basis which may be considered for subsequent editions of the Journal.

Submission Guidelines

All paper submissions should strictly follow the guidelines
The word limit of the paper should be between 5000 to 8000 words. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes to this conditions and guidelines mentioned herein.
The maximum co-authorship for a paper is limited to two.
All submissions should be made through https://www.journalsalliancepub.com/
Abstract – The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of about 250-300 words along with 5 Keywords.
Every submission should be adhered to the following style and citation format.
Main Text: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing, justified, with a margin left 1.5 inch and right 1.0-inch, top 1inch and bottom 1 inch. The first line of the paragraph is not to be indented.
Titles Format - Paper title in Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, capital letters, 1.5 line spacing. Headings and subheadings in same specifications with font size 11 and 10 respectively.
Citation - Submissions are required to strictly adhere to The Bluebook: A Uniform Method of Citation, 20th Edition
All manuscripts shall include an 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion'.
Use of first person shall be avoided.
All pages shall be numbered.
All tables, charts, graphs, figures etc. should be kept to the minimum. They should be on separate sheets with sources indicated at the bottom.


Submissions accepted from:

  1. Judges.
  2. Academicians.
  3. Professionals.
  4. Research Scholars.
  5. Students pursuing Law in allied disciplines.


All submissions would undergo a rigorous research-based scrutiny by academicians or specialists in the related areas and under the supervision of Editor-in-Chief / Editors. It would be a blind, double peer review, based on well-chart out criteria approved by the Editorial Board of the proposed research journal.

Publication Policy

  • Alliance University levies no charges for the publication of manuscripts if selected for publication by the editorial board after the peer review.
  • All authors must declare that they have read and agreed to full contents of the publication and ethical guidelines and take the responsibility of any research misconduct or inappropriate statement of comment in the contents of the submission
  • All the submissions should be original, neither previously published nor in consideration for any other publication
  • The Editorial Board will follow the peer review policy for sorting, judging and selecting the submissions for publication
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any article found unsuitable for publication. An article may also be rejected if the Board deems that it might harm the political or religious sensitivity of interested readers in any manner
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to disqualify entries on account of plagiarism. The submissions should not infringe the copyright or any other right of a third party, if so, the journal disclaims any responsibility for copyright violation or any other liability whatsoever
  • By submitting their work, the authors grant to IJLS an exclusive right to publish and reproduce their work in all media. Such right is to be given with the view of observing the doctrine of fair use under intellectual property rights subject to attribution of the author
  • Authors shall be responsible for reporting standards, originality of contents and plagiarism, acknowledgment of sources and notification of fundamental errors in published works
  • The Editorial Board will consider the authorship and designation mentioned in the cover letter during submission as final and correct, unless otherwise intimated by the author/s. It shall be the responsibility of the Author to intimate the Editorial Board regarding any change in designation during the period in which the paper is being processed. No changes will be entertained after publication




Alliance University

Central Campus, Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapura - Anekal Main Road, Anekal, Bengaluru - 562106, Karnataka, India.

Starting Year: 2015

Frequency: Yearly

Subject: Law and Social Sciences

Language: English




The Editor-in-Chief,
International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (IJLS)
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University

Central Campus, Chikkahagade Cross
Chandapura - Anekal Main Road, Anekal
Bengaluru - 562106, Karnataka, India

+91 80 4129 9396 | 9351 | 9252

Alliance University, Central Campus, Chikkahagade Cross
Chandapura - Anekal Main Road, Anekal
Bengaluru - 562106, Karnataka, India.

+91 80 4129 9396 | 9252 | 9351



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