5 Days Online International Faculty Development Program
Recent Trends in Composites

January 02 - 06, 2023


Alliance University

Alliance reimagines the idea of the university by creating a community that leads the charge against the complex challenges of the 21st century. The university conceives research to be the essence of all teaching and learning practices. A unity between research and teaching is promoted to extend the frontiers of knowledge in order to solve real world problems at the local, national, and global scale. For this purpose, the university seeks to be the nerve centre of interaction between the industry, the government, the civil society, and the community at large. In times when technological and social change is transforming the very idea of employability, the university embraces the increasing diversity of specializations while retaining the impulse to unify all knowledge.

A designed convergence of the business, engineering, law and liberal arts units precipitates transdisciplinarity as the core academic philosophy.

Freely working across divergent streams of knowledge like public policy and data science, technology and law, physics and philosophy or businesses and rhetoric, transdisciplinarity nurtures a dynamic foundation for the spirit of collaboration, inquiry, and enterprise.

Alliance College of Engineering and Design

Alliance College of Engineering and Design offers degree courses aimed at building skills, expertise and knowledge among its graduates in the areas of technology and design. The College is committed to achieving excellence in technology development and its courses, under the various fields of engineering and technology aim at achieving in its graduates competent and motivated engineers and designers.

The Alliance College of Engineering and Design has been built on a strong foundation of achieving technological development through a curriculum that places a high emphasis on the design aspects of engineering by developing design professionals who are passionate and creative problem-solvers, and who possess strong multi-disciplinary fundamentals that are combined with a keen sense of aesthetics. Real-world, industry-driven internships and project work; centers of excellence and incubation for cutting-edge research and development; learning outcomes aligned with the criteria outlined by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), USA—the Alliance College of Engineering and Design provides unparalleled opportunities for graduates to pursue technological education with passion and confidence.

The Alliance College of Engineering and Design offers four-year full time Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) degree programs in seven branches viz; Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering. It also offers two-year full time Masters of Technology degree programs in eight specializations in all Engineering branches and Doctoral programs in Engineering and Basic Sciences.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering program at Alliance University conveys an instructive program of study that equips its alumni to become scholarly pioneers in the industry, government, and the scholarly community. Graduates in mechanical engineering are adept at designing innovations and technological advancements in the high technology areas of mechanical systems, robotics, nanotechnology and mechatronics, and are renowned for their generalist engineering expertise. Choosing and pursuing a degree course in mechanical engineering—one of the oldest and broadest engineering branches—provides graduates with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and expertise that can be applied to the various branches of engineering. At the Alliance College of Engineering and Design, the B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering degree is crafted with a high emphasis on the design aspects of mechanical engineering: tool and die design, industrial robotics, gears and cams as well as oil hydraulics and pneumatics.

FDP - RTC 2023

Composite materials are mainly applied in different applications for the reduction of weight to improve the efficiency with higher strength and lower cost. The target of the FDP is to cover broad areas of multidisciplinary topics in composite materials. This FDP offers excellent guidance not only explains the recent trends in waste utilization thriving towards waste to material approach in polymer composite industry, but also the future of sustainable aviation in CFRP structures, nanocomposite for waste water treatment, and molecular dynamics simulations. This FDP will be suitable for Faculty, UG, PG, Ph.D. students, and industrial delegates who are actively involved in composite materials development for wide range of applications.

Who should participate?

Faculty members, Ph.D. Research Scholars, PG and UG students from State / Central Government/ Private Universities, and industry delegates from different countries are eligible to attend the international faculty development program.

Why you should participate?

  • FDP will provide insight on recent advancement in composite materials
  • It will strengthen the participants skills in waste to material approach, waste water treatment, dynamics simulations, and sustainable aviation of composite structures



Mr. Abhay G. Chebbi

Mr. Abhay G. Chebbi

Alliance University


Dr. Anubha Singh

Dr. Anubha Singh

Alliance University


Dr. Reeba Korah

Dr. Reeba Korah

Dean, Alliance College of Engineering and Design


Dr. Girish B. M.

Dr. Girish B. M.

Head, Mechanical Engineering Department


Dr. Mohit Hemanth Kumar

Dr. Mohit Hemanth Kumar

Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design


Dr. Sasmita Bal

Dr. Sasmita Bal

Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design


Mr. Abhas Choudhary

Mr. Abhas Choudhary

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Dr. S. Indran

Dr. S. Indran

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Dr. Sabarish Radoor

Dr. Sabarish Radoor

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Dr. Akarsh Verma

Dr. Akarsh Verma

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Dr. Reda Felfel

Dr. Reda Felfel

Read More

Topics to be Covered

CFRP Structures: The future of Sustainable Aviation

Recent Trends in Waste Utilization: Thriving towards Waste to Material Approach in Polymer Composite Industry

Polymer nanocomposite for wastewater treatment

Molecular dynamics simulations: Applications in 2D nanomaterials and nanocrystalline alloys

Polymer Composites for Biomedical Applications


Day 1: January 2, 2023
07.00 pm to 07:35 pm Inauguration of FDP RTC 2023
07:40 pm to 08:40 pm CFRP Structures: The Future of Sustainable Aviation
Mr. Abhas Choudhary
Day 2: January 3, 2023
06:30 pm to 07:35 pm Recent Trends in Waste Utilization: Thriving towards Waste to Material Approach in Polymer Composite Industry
Dr. S. Indran
Day 3: January 4, 2023
06:30 pm to 07:35 pm Polymer nanocomposite for wastewater treatment
Dr. Sabarish Radoor
Day 4: January 5, 2023
06:30 pm to 07:35 pm Molecular dynamics simulations: Applications in 2D nanomaterials and nanocrystalline alloys
Dr. Akarsh Verma
Day 5: January 6, 2023
05:00 pm to 06:00 pm Polymer Composites for Biomedical Applications
Dr. Reda Felfel
06:00 pm to 06:30 pm Vote of Thanks and Feedback from participants


Last date of registration December 30, 2022
Intimation of Acceptance December 31, 2022
Duration of FDP January 2 - 6, 2023


Particulars International National
Academician / Industry $50 ₹400/-
Research Scholar / Students $25 ₹200/-
  Pay Now


Alliance University

Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapura - Anekal Main Road,
Anekal, Bengaluru – 562 106, Karnataka, India.

Phone Number:

+91 96774 26571 / +91 99371 13932