
Mr. Vishal Babasaheb Ranaware
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Prof. Vishal Ranaware has completed his Master’s Degree (LL.M.) with specialization in Business Law and Criminal Law from University of Pune, Maharashtra. He pursued his Bachelor’s Degree (B.S.L.LL.B.) from Solapur University, Maharashtra. He has qualified UGC NET in Law. He has also completed ‘Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)’ and ‘Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare (DLL&LW)’ from University of Pune. He has 7 years of total experience. Before joining the Alliance School of Law, he has worked as an Assistant Professor in Law at Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune. He also worked as a Legal Associate at Law Allies India Pvt. Ltd., Pune and Mindcrest India Pvt. Ltd., Pune.
He has presented and published papers in National and International conferences/ seminars/ journals in his areas of specialization and research. His areas of interest include Business Law, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Medical Jurisprudence and Cyber Law.
Paper Presentations:
- Presented a research paper titled “Applications of Blockchain Technology in Smart City Development: A Study” in International Conference on “Delivering Future Infrastructure for Developing Countries” organized by Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India and School of Architecture and Built Environment University of Wolverhampton United Kingdom held on 10th-12th July 2019.
- Presented a research paper titled “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environment Protection Laws” in State Level Seminar on “Environmental Protection Laws in India: Issues and Challenges” organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College, Pimpri, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 8th & 9th September 2018.
- Presented a research paper titled “Indian Agricultural Policies & Problem of Farmers Suicide” in State Level Seminar on “Problem of Farmers’ Suicide and Rethinking on Agricultural Policies and Laws in India” organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 7th October 2017.
- Presented a research paper titled “Need of Legislation on Open & Distance Learning in India” in International Conference on “Unleashing the Potential of ODL Reaching the Unreached” organized by SCDL and ICDE held on 10th & 11th March 2017.
- Presented a research paper titled “Need of Sustainable Development” in State Level Seminar on “Effective Implementation of Environmental Laws in India for Sustainable Development” organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 24th September 2016.
- Research paper titled “Applications of Blockchain Technology in Smart City Development: A Study” published in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Scopus indexed journal.
- Research paper titled “Technological Invasion on Children’s Online Privacy and Legal Protection” published in Volume - 7, Issue – 1, May 2019 in UGC approved International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Research Directions with Impact Factor: 5.11 (ISSN 2321-5488).
- Research paper titled “Legislative, Constitutional Measures and Judicial Trends towards Establishing Gender Equality” published in Volume - 6, Issue – 10, February 2019 in UGC approved International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Research Directions with Impact Factor: 5.7 (ISSN 2321-5488).
- Research paper titled “Need of Sustainable Development” published in Seminar Proceeding (ISBN 978-81982048-0-8).
Publication of Chapters in Books:
- Chapters published in pearly reviewed books (Self-Learning Material) published by Symbiosis Open Education Society like, E-Commerce Related Laws, Information Privacy, Cyber Law in Corporate Privacy, Banking Regulation and Laws, Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management, etc.
Professional growth activities:
- Participated in Inter-Collegiate Workshop on “Global Challenges & Leadership for Tomorrow”, Lorven College of Management & Science, Bangalore, August 2009.
- Participated in Symposium on “Higher Education & Employability”, Lorven College of Management & Science, Bangalore, April 2010.
- Participated in Workshop on “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, October 2010.
- Participated in Management Development Programme on “Rethinking Risk Management in Financial Services”, RVIM, Bangalore, November 2010.
- Participated in IACBE 2011 Asia Regional Conference on “Management Education in Emerging Economies”, Alliance University, July 2011.
- Participated in Finance Summit on “Current Market Scenario”, Alliance University, Bangalore, November 2011.
- Attended “India Finance Conference 2011” Indian Institute Management, Bangalore, December 2011.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on "Energy" - The Key to Transform Teaching Dynamics, Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore, 2014.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Mediation and Moderation Analysis Using SPSS and AMOS”, RVIM, Bangalore, 2014.
- Participated in Two day workshop on “Applied Econometrics for Business and Finance”, XIME, Bangalore, January 2016.
- Participated in National level Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analysis through SPSS”, School of Commerce Studies, Jain University, Bangalore, November 2016.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology and SPSS”, PES Institute of Technology, South Campus, Bangalore, March 2017.
- Participated in Two day workshop on “Time Series and Panel Data Econometrics” XIME, Bangalore, July 2017.
- Participated in Seven days National Level “Experiential Workshop on Research Methodology”, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Bangalore, December 2018.
Courses, Workshops, Conferences and FDP Attended:
- Participated in International Conference on “Delivering Future Infrastructure for Developing Countries” organized by Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India and School of Architecture and Built Environment University of Wolverhampton United Kingdom held on 10th-12th July 2019.
- Attended FDP on “Learning Outcomes & OER Licensing” organized by Symbiosis Skills and Open University, Pune held on 25th to 27th March 2019.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on “Environmental Protection Laws in India: Issues and Challenges” Organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College, Pimpri, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 8th & 9th September 2018.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on “Problem of Farmers’ Suicide and Rethinking on Agricultural Policies and Laws in India” organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 7th October 2017.
- Participated in International Conference on “Unleashing the Potential of ODL Reaching the Unreached” organized by SCDL and ICDE held on 10th & 11th March 2017.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on “Effective Implementation of Environmental Laws in India for Sustainable Development” organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 24th September 2016.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on “Redressal of Consumer Grievances under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986” organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 26th September 2015.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on “Issues and Challenges in Investigation of Crimes and Police Accountability” organized by organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 14th February 2015.
- Participated in State Level Seminar on “Empowerment of women Reality and Myth” organized by STES, Sinhgad Law College, Pune under QIP Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune held on 29th November 2014.