
Mr. Suman Kalyan Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Applied Mathematics
Prof. Suman Kalyan Ghosh holds a master’s degree in Mathematics (Major – Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, and Operations Research) from IIT Kanpur. He is currently pursuing PhD in Statistics from the Dept. of Studies in Statistics, University of Mysore under the guidance of Dr. S. Ravi in the areas of Counting Processes and Renewal Theory.
Prof Ghosh also holds several other academic and professional qualifications as listed below:
- UGC-CSIR NET qualified in the subject Mathematical Sciences
- Qualifications in Actuarial papers (Institute of Actuaries of India) – Probability & Mathematical Statistics (CT3), Business Economics (CT7)
- Executive MBA (Specialization: Finance) from Manipal University
- Certified Six Sigma Green Belt from Infosys BPO Ltd., Certification in Project Management – PRINCE2 (Foundation)
Prof. Ghosh teaches Business Analytics using R, Analytics in Operations, Total Quality Management, Business Statistics, Research Methods in Operations, Spreadsheet Modeling, and Managerial Mathematics in the University. He has more than 15 years of teaching, industry, academic and research experiences in ITES, E-commerce and Higher Education sectors in the field of Decision Science and Analytics, Quality and Six Sigma, Operations Research.
Prof. Ghosh started his career as Quality Analyst (Quality Lead) at Quality Department (Operations), Infosys BPO Ltd. (July 2006 to Aug 2008). Thereafter he joined Edusys Services Pvt. Ltd. as a Consultant - Six Sigma and served there for a period of 7 years and 8 months in different roles before joining Alliance University. He was promoted twice in this course of time and at the time of leaving Edusys Services he was designated as Senior Manager - Analytics & SEO.
Apart from that Prof. Ghosh was associated with many companies/ institutes as consulting roles:
- GATE–Indian Institute of Tutorials as a Guest Faculty - Statistics for a period of 4.5 years
- TIME, Bangalore as a Guest Faculty - Engineering Mathematics
- Chegg as SME (Advanced Math, Stat and Probability)
- MeritTrac Services Pvt Ltd as SME, Six Sigma Green Belt
- Spanedea as Faculty, Quantitative Techniques
Prof. Ghosh is actively involved in research. His major area of research includes Counting Processes, Renewal Theory, Distribution Theory, Data Analytics, Reliability & Survival Analysis, Statistical Process Control (SPC).
- Journal: Research paper entitled “Modelling pages left blank in university examination: A resolution in higher education process” accepted for publication at Scopus indexed statistical journal REVSTAT (Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.25) dated 7 July 2021.
- Book: Co-author of "A Guide to the SMstudy® Sales and Marketing Body of Knowledge" (SMBOK® Guide) – Marketing Research (2015 Edition), ISBN: 978-0-9899252-6-6 published by SMstudy®, a brand of VMEDu®, Inc. 410 N 44th Street, Suite 240 Phoenix, Arizona 85008 USA. Chapters written – chapter 3 and 4, Data Collection and Data Analysis, Appendix: Statistics.
- Book chapters: Contributed to the chapter “The Mirra distribution for modeling time-to-event data sets” for the research book “Strategic Management, Decision Theory, and Decision Science” published by Springer Singapore (copyright 2021) with ISBN No. 978-981-16-1368-5, DOI 10.1007/978-981-16-1368-5. (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811613678)
Paper Presentation in International Conference
- Presented paper titled “India’s District Information System for Education data to map Sustainable Development Goal 4 of UNESCO – A Descriptive Analytics” at Alliance Management Studies International Conference 2021, Social Challenges & Business Responses held at Alliance University, Bangalore during 29-30 Jan 2021.
- Presented paper titled “The Mirra: A two-parameter life distribution for modeling time-to-event data set” in the data science track of the international conference on Strategic Management, Decision Theory & Data Science (SMDTDS 2020) during Jan 04 – 06, 2020 held at CSIR - CGCRI, Kolkata organized by Indian Association for Producibility, Quality & Reliability (IAPQR)
- Presented paper titled “Caring Nature in Paper Usage: A Challenge in Higher Education?” in the statistics track of Alliance Management Studies International Conference (AMSICON) 2019 during April 11 - 13, 2019 organized by Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore
Book Chapters Reviewed
Quality Management (Chapter 1: History of Quality, Chapter 6: Quality Circles and 5S Principles), CENGAGE Learning India Pvt. Ltd. during Feb - Mar 2017.
Research Papers Reviewed in peer reviewed journals
Reviewed the manuscript AODS-D-18-00081, "On discrimination between the Lindley and xgamma distributions" submitted to Annals of Data Science.
FDP/ Workshop/ Training Program/ Seminar Participation
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online elementary FDP on "Integrated Data Analytics - the Tools and Applications around Industry Verticals" from 2021-07-05 to 2021-07-09 at Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-2.
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online elementary FDP on "Actuarial Science Applications" from 2021-06-14 to 2021-06-18 at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering.
- MOOC on “Introduction to Statistical Analysis” during 01 May to 10 June 2021 offered by CEMCA and KISS through mooc4dev.org/statanalysis
- One week Online Short-Term Training Program (STTP) on “Emerging Trend in Cyber Security & Data Science” approved by ISTE, New Delhi during 15/06/2021 to 19/06/2021 organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- National level workshop on “Mathematical Software Workshop” organised by Dept. of Applied Sciences & Humanities in Association with Mathematics Club. Universal Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala during 2 - 6 June 2021
- National level workshop on “Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics” organised by Dept. of Applied Sciences & Humanities in Association with Mathematics Club. Universal Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala during 5 - 11 June 2021
- International webinar on “People Analytics – Agenda for the Future of HR” presented by Prof. Max Blumberg, Research Scientist - People Analytics, University of Southern California, USA on 8th May 2021 organised by FDP wing on Firebird Institute of Research in Management
- One-day international webinar on “Recent Advances in Statistics” organised by Dept. of Mathematics, Institute of Science, GITAM (Deemed to be University) on 29th June 2021
- One Day Webinar on "Stochastic Point Process Models and Its applications” and "Machine Learning Techniques for Recommender Systems" organised by the Department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh on May 29, 2021
- One-week FDP on “Advanced Training Tools & Methodology for Outcome Based Education” organised by IQAC, held from May 18 to May 22, 2021
- National workshop on “Writing Research Proposal” held through online mode on 30th April 2021, organised by Institute of Management Studies & Research in collaboration with Chaudhry Ranbir Singh Institute of Social & Economic Change, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak.
- National Webinar on “Research Methodology” organized by Department of Mathematics, ICFAI Science School, ICFAI University Tripura, dated 12th April 2021
- Virtual International Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Professional and Research Writing” organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, ITER, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University) in collaboration with Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (Scopus Indexed) during 15th – 19th April 2021
- Webinar titled “What is the Riemann Hypothesis and Why Does it Matter?” delivered by Prof. Ken Ono (University of Virginia, USA) on 21 April 2021
- Short term course on “Computational Fluid Dynamics and its Applications” conducted as a part of quality improvement program, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Indore from March 26 to March 31, 2021
- 5-day National Workshop on “Data Science and Advanced Computing” during 13th -14th March 2021 (Level-I) and 19th -21st March 2021 (Level-II) organized by the School of Advanced Sciences (SAS), VIT-AP University
- TEQIP-III sponsored one-week online Short-Term Training Programme on “Role of Computational Mathematics in Science & Engineering” held from 15th February 2021 to 19th February 2021 at Department of Mathematics & Humanities, College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Bhubaneswar, India
- International workshop on “Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics and Research Methodology” organised by Dept. of Mathematics, Govt. MGM PG College, Itarsi (MP) from March 4 - 5, 2021
- One-Week Online National Workshop on “Applications of Mathematical and Statistical Tools” jointly organized by Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics and School of Education under the Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, India from March 20-24, 2021
- One-week International Faculty Development Programme on “Demystifying Optimization Techniques” organised by Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India from 22 to 27 March 2021.
- Webinar on “Data Forecasting: A Tool for Economics and Finance” conducted by ASBM University, Bhubaneswar on 5th Jan 2021
- AICTE sponsored 6 days Short Term Training Programme under AQIS on “Quality Teaching and Research” held at International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar during 11th - 16th January 2021.
- AICTE sponsored six days online STTP on “Software Packages for Mathematics in Engineering” organised by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Applied Sciences from 23rd Nov to 28th Nov 2020
- Online seminar on “Role of Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Technology” On October 15, 2020, Organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Manipal University Jaipur, India
- Online Workshop on “Harmonic Analysis” hosted by IISER Mohali during 7th December to 12th December 2020
- Online FDP on “RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (RDMS)” organized by the Department of Mathematics, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, from 6th-10th November 2020
- National Seminar on “Recent Developments in Applied Mathematics” organised by the School of Mathematics, Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science on 30th Nov 2020
- One-week AICTE sponsored STTP on Outcome Based Education for Technical Institutions – Phase II: Outcome Based Education & Autonomy conducted by Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Kochi from 16th to 21st Nov 2020
- National Workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis Using R -studio and R Programming” sponsored by GUJCOST (DST, Govt. of Gujarat), organized by Department of Mathematical Sciences, P. D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences (PDPIAS), Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT), Changa (388421), Gujarat, India held during 30th October to 1st November 2020
- International Webinar on “Advances in Optimization Techniques” held at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- Webinar titled “Classification Problems in Mathematics” delivered by Prof. S. Ramanan (Chennai Mathematical Institute) on 08 November 2020
- 6-Days online STTP on “Business Analytics” organised by Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, MCKVIE from 12 - 17 Oct 2020
- Webinar titled An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry delivered by Dr. Tarig Abdelgadir (Loughborough University, UK) on 31 October 2020
- National Webinar on “General Measure & Integration” organised by PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College held on 31st October 2020
- National Webinar on “Rings and Ideals” organized by the Department of Mathematics, Korambayil Ahamed Haji Memorial Unity Women’s College on 23rd October 2020
- National Webinar on “Construction of Topology from Basis & Sub-Basis” organised by PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College held on 24th October 2020
- Lecture workshop on “Applied Mathematics” sponsored by Indian Science Academies and organised by Dept. of Mathematics, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 20 - 21 Oct 2020
- Webinar on “Mathematical Modeling & Simulation for Societal Needs: An Integration of Science, Technology & Engineering” on 22.10.2020 organised by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Pachapalayam, Perur Chettipalayam, Coimbatore
- One Day National Webinar on “Mathematical Analysis and Probability” organized by the Department of Mathematics (UG & PG) in collaboration with IQAC of J.K. College, Purulia on 4th Oct 2020
- International webinar on “MATHEMATICAL MODELLING IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID-19 AND THE GLOBAL CRISES” held during 12 – 14 Oct 2020, organised by Dept. of Mathematics and IEEE
- Discussion Meeting on Stochastic Analysis, Geometry, and Random Field organized by the Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru during January 6 - 10, 2020
- Workshop on "Probability and Statistics with R" during Aug 3 - 21, 2020 organized by the Dept. of Basic Sciences, Alliance College of Engineering, Alliance University, Bangalore
- FDP on HR Analytics on Aug 8 - 9, 2020 organized by NIST, Berhampur, India
- Workshop on Time Series & Panel Data Analysis on Aug 18 - 19, 2020 organized by Indian Accounting Association, Bhubaneswar Branch, Odisha
- FDP on Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory & It’s Applications on Aug 17 - 21, 2020 organized by Dept. of Applied Sciences & Humanities in association with IQAC, Universal Engineering College, Vallivattom, Thrissur
- FDP on Topological Data Analysis conducted on Sep 3 - 5, 2020 organized by Post Graduate Department of Mathematics, Al-Ameen College, Edathala
- STTP on “Linear Algebra and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (LA & SES-2020)”, organized by Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad, under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP- III), during Sep 2 - 6, 2020.
- FDP on Applied Mathematics and Related Fields on Aug 24 - 29, 2020 organized by Dept. of Mathematics, Institute of Applied Sciences and Humanities, GLA University, Mathura
- STTP on Mathematica – A Scientific Research Tool on Sep 21 - 26, 2020 organized by Dept of Applied Sciences, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal
- International Webinar On “Mathematics in Data Analysis and Internet Security during COVID-19 Pandemic” held during Sep 9 - 10, 2020 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Kalyani Mahavidyalaya
- Webinar Series 3: Linear Algebra organised by Department of Mathematics, RSET and CETA from 7th Sep to 9th Oct 2020
- Webinar on “Art of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence” organised by Research Dept of Mathematics and Pi-square club, MES Mampad College in association with 3G Institute of Research & Policy Studies, Education Research Institute HQ-IIT Madras Research Park on 14th Oct 2020
- Two weeks workshop on MATLAB during 12 - 28 June 2019 organized by Department of Basic Sciences, Alliance College of Engineering, Alliance University, Bangalore
- Workshop on Reliability Theory & Survival Analysis organized by SQC & OR unit, ISI Bangalore during 28 - 30 Nov 2018
- AICTE sponsored 2 weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) during 3-16 Dec 2017 on Multivariate Data Analysis for Advanced Research at International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar. Presented a research project as part of the partial fulfilment of the FDP certification.
- Two weeks workshop (Advanced Instructional School for Teachers) during 23 October - 04 November 2017 on Asymptotic Theory of Statistical Inference at SP Pune University organized by National Centre for Mathematics and Department of Statistics, Centre of Advanced Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
- Workshop on SAS, Advanced Analytics & Excel during July - Aug 2012 at Analytics Training Institute, Bangalore.
- Workshop on Sample size calculation & SLA base lining for 3 days conducted by Infosys BPO Ltd. (Quality Dept.)
- Training program on Six Sigma Green Belt (DMAIC life cycle, Advanced Quality Tools) for 5 days conducted by Infosys BPO Ltd. (Quality Dept.)
Achievements/ Rewards & Recognitions
- Annals of Data Science awarded recognition for review of research article entitled “On Discrimination Between the Lindley and xgamma Distributions” on Publons dated Jan 30, 2020
- Became a member of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a leading publisher of journals and a prolific organizer of scientific meetings in the fields of probability and statistics, dated 30th Nov 2019
- Completed Certification courses (NPTEL Online Certification, July – September 2017) on Data Analytics (Score: 82%, Elite Certificate) and R Software (Score: 90%, Elite + Gold Medal Certificate)
- Received RAMP Award for writing Handbook on statistical self-learning deck for Quality professionals carrying out six sigma projects from Infosys BPO.
- Received Team award for successfully organizing Knowledge Management Campaign at Infosys BPO
- MCM Scholarship holder from IIT Kanpur for consistent academic performance in the master’s degree (2004 – 2006)
- Awarded Ramanuj Pattu Ayanger Memorial Prize for securing third highest marks in Mathematics Honours Exam of the Calcutta University among the students of the college in the year 2004.
- Awarded Dr. Satinath Bagchi Memorial Prize for securing highest marks in Mathematics Honours in Part I Exam of the Calcutta University among the students of the college in the year 2003.
- National Scholarship holder for consistent academic performance throughout (10, 10+2, B.Sc.)
Affiliation with Professional Bodies / Academic & Research Organizations
- Life member of Indian Association for Productivity, Quality, and Reliability (IAPQR)
- Life member of Alumni Association of IIT Kanpur
- Life member of Alumni Association of Presidency College, Kolkata
Coursera Certifications:
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Six Sigma Advanced Define and Measure Phases
- Six Sigma Advanced Analyze Phase
- Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma
- Linear Regression for Business Statistics
- “National e-Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Statistics (NCRAAS-2021)” organized on April 24th, 2021, by Department of Statistics, School of Computational Sciences, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur (MS).
- Alliance Management Studies International Conference 2021, Social Challenges & Business Responses held at Alliance University, Bangalore during 29-30 Jan 2021
- 26th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Algebra and Analysis held at Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India during December 18-20, 2020
- National Conference on “Mathematical Modelling with Differential Equations-NCMMDE2020” held during 14th October - 17th October 2020 organised by PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College
- International conference on Strategic Management, Decision Theory & Data Science (SMDTDS 2020) during Jan 04 - 06, 2020 held at CSIR – CGCRI, Kolkata organized by Indian Association for Producibility, Quality & Reliability (IAPQR)
- International Conference on Discrete and Applied Mathematics (ICDAM 2020) organized by the Centre for Studies in Discrete Mathematics (CSDM), Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, India, in association with Kerala Mathematical Association (KMA) during 18 - 19 September 2020
- International Conference in Algebraic Graph theory and Applications” organised by Dept. of Mathematics, Presidency University, Kolkata during 21st and 22nd Nov 2020
- International Conference on Graph Labeling and Applications ICGLA-2020 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Goa University, Goa-India, During September 17 - 19, 2020
- Alliance Management Studies International Conference (AMSICON) 2019 organized by Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore
- MTTS Silver Jubilee Programme during May 19 - 20, 2017 at RIE Mysore
- Pan IIT Digital Empowerment Program on 22 July 2017 at National Science Symposium Complex, Sir CV Raman Avenue, IISc, Bangalore