
Mr. Ebin P.M.
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Prof. Ebin P.M. is currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Alliance School of Engineering and Design. He is pursuing Ph.D. degree and has a Master's degree (M.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from Hindustan University. His undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering was obtained from The Institution of Engineers of Kolkata.
Mr. EBIN P.M is a distinguished professional with various notable credentials. He is a Chartered Engineer and also a Member of The Institution of Engineers India. With a passion for academia and research, he has been recognized as a budding savant and a software application contriver, specifically focusing on Deep Learning applications, Transfer Learning, and Generative AI.
In addition to his expertise in AI and technology, Mr. EBIN P.M is also actively involved in exploring and implementing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) methodologies and fostering a student-centric teaching-learning process. His dedication to enhancing the learning experience reflects his commitment to excellence in education.
Conference Publications
- M. Ebin and B. K. Athira, "Identification of Pneumonia Symptoms in Covid19 patients using Transfer Learning Approach," 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICCCI56745.2023.10128630.
- M. Ebin and P. Ranjana, "A Variant Binary Classification Model for No-DR Mild-DR Detection using CLAHE Images With Transfer Learning," 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS), Kochi, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IC3SIS54991.2022.9885665.
- Raman Chadha, Puneet Kumar, Ebin P. M.; Examining vehicle detection and taxonomy for traffic analysis and reporting. AIP Conference Proceedings 21 October 2022; 2555 (1): 040011. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0108933
- M. Ebin and P. Ranjana, "An Approach Using Transfer Learning to Disclose Diabetic Retinopathy in Early Stage," 2020 International Conference on Futuristic Technologies in Control Systems & Renewable Energy (ICFCR), Malappuram, India, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICFCR50903.2020.9249988.
- M. Ebin, P. Akhil Dev, P. Mishab, C. Sreejith and U. K. Srudhil, "An Andriod Application for Smart Parking With Efficient Space Management," 2018 International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations In Engineering And Technological Research (ICETIETR), Ernakulam, India, 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICETIETR.2018.8529084.
Journal Publications
- “An Improved EM-CNN Deep Neural Network for Classifying Mild Diabetic Retinopathy from Normal Images” is published in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (Scopus), vol. 101, no. 11, pp. 4366–4376, June. 2023.
- “A Comparative Study for Mild DR Detection with CLAHE and Non-CLAHE Fundus Images using Minimal CNN Model” is published in the Journal CIMS vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 810–826, Dec. 2022. DOI: 10.24297/j.cims.2022.12.57
- “Automated Irrigation System Based on Machine Learning Concept” is published in International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Sciences (IJISCS), ISSN: 2319-7595, Volume 8 No.2, MARCH-APRIL 2019.
- “Knowledge Assimilation of Machines Using Various Approaches” is published in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume 8 Issue 6\ APRIL 2019.
- “Human Knowledge with Fuzzy Ideas” is published in Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering and Management(IJRTEM) , ISSN: 2455-3689 , Volume 2 Issue 10\ October 2018\ PP 66-67.
- “Privacy preserving suppression algorithm for anonymous databases” is published in IJSR Journal Volume2 Issue1, January 2013.
- “An approach to deal the untrusted malicious parties in anonymous database systems” is published in IJARCS Journal Volume4, No.2, Jan-Feb 2013.
Book Chapter Publications
- “Trending Teaching and Learning Mechanisms in 21st Century” in the book “Innovative Teaching and Learning Process during COVID 19” (IOR International Press) – ISBN 978-93-89631-66-1. ISBN(E-Book) 978-93-89631-67-8
- “Knowledge Transfer through Transfer Learning - A machine learning Approach for Image Classification” in the book “Emerging Research in Engineering and Technology” (Manglam Publications, Delhi) – ISBN 978-81-950722-9-3
- Published a patent titled “Plant Disease Identification System through Implementing Image Processing”, Application No.202211010476
Online Certification Courses
- Teaching and Learning in Engineering (NPTEL)
- Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching (NPTEL)
- Introduction to Research (NPTEL)
- Introduction to Operating Systems (NPTEL)
- Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice (NPTEL)
- Python for Data Science, AI & Development (Coursera)
Professional Activities
- Reviewer in the IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKECS-2022) organized by SJC Institute of Technology, Karnataka on December 28-29, 2022.
- Reviewer in the International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2022) organized by Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, India in hybrid mode during December 22-24, 2022.
- Reviewer in the Second Edition of IEEE Mysore Subsection Flagship International Conference “MysuruCon-2022” organized by IEEE Mysore Subsection in association with IEEE Bangalore Section which is co-organized and hosted at JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru (SJCE, Mysuru) during 16-17, October 2022.
- Reviewer in the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS-2022) organized by Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, India in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Mysore Subsection on 29th -30th July, 2022.
- Reviewer in the Journal of “The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B” ISSN 2250-2114, Springer Nature on 2022.
- Reviewer in the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE-2022) organized by Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, India in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Information Society on 23rd -24th April, 2022.
- Reviewer in the International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC-2021) organized by Sri Siddhartha Institute Of Technology, Tumkur in association with IEEE Bangalore during 03-04 December 2021.
Memberships In Professional Bodies
- The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) : Membership Number : AM142489-3
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG) : Membership Number : 125682