


Ms. Ashwini Naik

Assistant Professor & Senior Associate - DoSS

Alliance Ascent College

Prof. Ashwini Naik is an alumnus of Alliance University, Bengaluru. Her outstanding academic track record includes securing the gold medal while pursuing MBA in Human Resource Management and being a part of the student exchange program (with scholarship) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

In a career spanning over 10 years, Prof. Ashwini has donned several roles across multiple organizations, with ‘Organizational set-up and Development’ being her core areas of strength. She began her career as a Brand Manager at Alliance University, Bengaluru, where she worked towards improving the value proposition of the offerings of the University for prospective students. Post this, for about 4 years, she worked on a bootstrapped entrepreneurial venture of her own which included setting up a vision-care retail chain in North Karnataka and scaling it up to a multi-million revenue. After exiting the venture, she worked towards establishing the HR function for two upcoming start-ups in Bangalore.

The unique method of case-based and role-play-based teaching are very popular and have led to classes of Prof. Ashwini having a high recall value amongst students.