
Ms. Ritika Behl
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Prof. Ritika Behl comes with a decade long experience of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate law students. She teaches subjects such as public international law, international human rights law, international environmental law, international humanitarian and refugee law and women and criminal law. She is currently pursuing Ph.D. and her doctoral research is related to reproductive mental health and women rights. She has successfully completed certification course ‘Not Just the Blues: Perinatal Depression and Anxiety’ from University of British Columbia, Canada.
Prof. Ritika has worked as a Research Assistant with Prof. Tamara Relis (Ph.D. from Columbia University & London School of Economics) from the year 2006-2008; and undertook quality empirical research work for her book “Perceptions in Litigation and Mediation: Lawyers, Defendants, Plaintiffs and Gendered Parties”.
- Book Chapter titled ‘Existing Reproductive Rights and Health Framework for Indian Women: Disharmony due to Perinatal Depression and its Exacerbation due to Covid-19’ to be published in May, 2021 in an edited book titled ‘Gendered Experience of COVID-19 in India’ which is being published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishing House, London.
- Book Chapter titled ‘Perinatal Depression: An Overshadowed Component of Reproductive Health and Human Rights in India’ to be published in an edited book related to health laws in India to be published by Thomson Reuters, India.
- Book Chapter titled ‘Reproductive Mental Health and Indian Criminal Legal System: An Unexplored Dimension’ for book titled ‘Handbook on New Dimensions of Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment’ published by IGI Global Publishers, Pennsylvania, United States, Edited by Dr. Moly Kuruvilla, 2020; DOI: 4018/978-1-7998-2819-8.ch021. (https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/reproductive-mental-health-and-the-indian-criminal-legal-system/255624).
- Working paper titled ‘Reproductive Mental Disorders and Reproductive Justice Framework in India: Gaps Left Behind by the National Mental Health Policy, 2014 and Mental Healthcare Act, 2017’ has also been published on SSRN: Elsevier Website which has been distributed to various online journals of theirs including Psychiatry ejournal (Vol.2, Issue 44, Nov. 25, 2020), Obstetrics and Gynecology eJournal (Vol. 2, Issue. 42, Nov. 25, 2020) & Nursing Care eJournal (Vol. 1, Issue. 40, Nov. 24, 2020).
- Research Article titled ‘Emotional Abuse of Children by Working Mothers’, ISSN 2229:4872, Mindshare Int. J. Res. Dev. Vol. II, No.2, pp 13-21, 2012.
- Book Chapter titled ‘Economic Power of a Mother: The Truth Behind the Wheel’ in the book titled ‘Parenting Style and Patriarchal Abuse of Educated Women: A study of victimization of mothers in India’, ISBN: 978-81-906687-5-0, pp 134-140, 2013.
- Book Chapter titled ‘Education: The Silver Lining Against Emotional Abuse of Children’ in the book titled ‘Current Issues in Modern Education’, ISBN: 978-93-83311-97-1, 2013.
- ‘Stop Emotional Abuse of Children’, The Global Times, Monday, 23rd March 2015
- ‘Should Judge Be A Hermit?’ (2008), legalservicesindia.com
- “The Man behind the innovation at Amity Law School, Noida”, Lawyer’s Update, October 2012
Work as a reviewer: -
- Working as a reviewer for the journal ‘Archives of Women’s Mental Health’ (SCOPUS Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.56, Publisher: Springer Vienna, Print ISSN: 1434-1816, Online ISSN: 1435-1102). I have reviewed five manuscripts for the Journal till date.
- Reviewed chapters for the upcoming book by Symbiosis Law School on the theme ‘Exploring the Contemporary Women Rights: Issues and Challenges’.
- Reviewed chapters for the book titled ‘New Dimensions of Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment.’ published by IGI Global Publishers, Pennsylvania, United States, Edited by Dr. Moly Kuruvilla and Ms. Irene George.
- Reviewed chapters for the book titled ‘Gendered Experience of COVID-19 in India’ which is being published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishing House, London.
Invited international and national presentations: -
- Presented a research paper at an online international conference organized by Bombay Teachers’ Training College, Department of Women’s Studies, University of Calicut and Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg held from 2nd - 3rd February 2021.
- Presented a research paper at the prestigious 2nd Police Science Congress at Kerala Police Academy held online on 22nd- 23rd October 2020.
- Presented a research paper at the international conference on Health Laws with Special Reference to Women’s Health Issues held from 14th-15th February 2019.
- Presented a research paper at the international seminar on Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges held on 12th January 2019 at the Indian Law Institute, Delhi.
- Presented a research paper at the International Congress on Human Rights and Duties held on 10th December 2016 in New Delhi.
- Presented a research paper at the international conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy, held from 8th -9th November 2016 in Singapore.
- Presented a research paper at the international conference on Women Empowerment in Vijaywada, Hyderabad from 7th-8th March 2014.
- Presented a research paper at the UGC sponsored national conference on Right to Education: Challenges and Opportunities from 31st August-1st September 2012 at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
- Presented a research paper at the international conference on Children and their Rights held in Lucknow, India on 22nd September 2012.
- Presented a research paper at the UGC sponsored national seminar held at NLIU, Bhopal, India from 3rd-4th March 2012.
Training programs, workshops and seminars attended: -
- Successfully completed the two-week refresher course on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis’ organized under the aegis of Ministry of Education sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT).
- Successfully completed the one-month orientation programme organized under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource and Development by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, Delhi University, from 26th June – 24th July 2020 with Grade A+.
- Attended National Workshop on Qualitative Empirical Methods in Legal Research organized at National Law University, Delhi from 12th -14th December 2019.
- Attended International Workshop on “Ethics in Legal Education” organized at Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi from 13-14th September 2019.
- Attended ‘Capacity Building Programme for Law Teachers’ from 14th- 25th January 2019 organized at National Law Institute University, Bhopal.
- Attended Professional Development Workshop for Law Teachers and Advocated on “Family Court Practice and Justice to Women and Children” organized by IBA-CLE Chair on Continuing Legal Education, NLSIU, Bangalore and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training, Trivandrum and ILS College, Pune held from 17th -21st September 2014 in Pune, India.
- Attended National Consultation on Domestic Violence Act, 2005 organized by Centre for Social Research on 22nd December 2015 in New Delhi.
- Attended international seminar on “Community Lawyering” organized by City University of New York School of Law and Symbiosis Law School, Pune held on 17th November 2008.
- Attended international seminar on “Anti-Corruption Laws” organized by Sheffield Hallam University and Symbiosis Law School, Pune held on 7th March 2009.