
Dr. G. Nandini
Assistant Professor
Alliance Ascent College
Prof Nandini holds M.Phil. and M.com in Commerce specialized in (Accounting and Taxation) from Christ University. She has completed her Ph.D. from Periyar University. She has completed her professional training in Finance and Human Resource management and certified with Advance Diploma in Human Resource Management & Accounts and Finance with Indian Payroll Management (Dual Course) with training in Excel value addition. She has also completed certified course on Tally 9.0 (Accounting Software) from NICT, Bangalore.
Her area of expertise is Accounting. She has presented papers in both International as well as National conferences. She has attended various Workshops on SPSS, IFRS, ACCA training by ISDC and FDP’s. She has Won the Best paper award with cash prize for paper titled “Impact Of IFRS On Joint Stock Companies- A Study Based On Financial Statements Of Wipro Ltd”.
Research papers publications in journals
- “Compliance of Ind AS-2 with reference to financial disclosures of selected automobile companies in India” published in Journal of management and entrepreneurship, (UGC care group 1 journal) special issue Oct 2023, ISSN 2229-5348, Pg No. 61-64
- “Ind AS impact on financial reporting of selected Indian pharmaceutical companies” published in Dogo Rangsang Research Journal (UGC care group 1 journal) vol no. 10 issue12, Dec2020, ISSN 2347-7180 with Dr. T.A.Tamilselvi
- “A comparative study on Ind AS with non-Ind AS accounting standards in selected Indian Agriculture companies” published in Sambodhi (UGC care group 1 journal) vol no. 43(4) issue 14, oct-dec 2020, ISSN 2249-6661 with Dr. T.A.Tamilselvi.
- “Ind AS in Indian companies: Effects on financial statements” published in JAC: A Journal Of Composition Theory, vol no. 8 issue 11, Nov 2020, ISSN 0731-6755 with Dr. T.A.Tamilselvi
- “Value relevance of accounting variables before and after Ind AS adoption with reference to energy sector companies in India” published in The International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis IJAEMA vol no. 7 issue 10, Oct 2020, ISSN 0886-9367 with Dr. T.A.Tamilselvi
- “The Effects of Corporate Governance on Firms’ Capital structure” published in The International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Vol no.11(9), sept 2019, ISSN 0886-9367 pg. no. 440-449.
- “A study on Capital Structure Determinants of Indian FMCG companies” published in The International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, IJAEMA Vol no.11(8), Aug 2019, ISSN 0886-9367 pg. no. 51-59
- "Evaluating Earnings Manipulation of Selected Sectors in India Using Beniesh’s M Score Model.” published in Management Today Journal, Vol no.9(1), Jan- Mar2019, ISSN 2230-9764 with Sivasankari. S and Hameed, Abdul
- “An Analysis of other comprehensive income under Ind AS in financial statements” published in RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary ISSN No:2455-3085, October 3rd,2018 pp. 155-157, with T.A. Tamilselvi
- “Fair Value Measurement as per IND AS- An Evaluation of Critical Balance Sheet Items” published in RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary ISSN No:2455-3085, October 3rd,2018 pp.188-191, with with Hameed, Abdul and Narasimhan, Lakshmi.
- “Valuation of Biological Assets under IND AS 41 Agriculture - A Comparative Study” published in International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, ISSN No: 2279-543X, September 12th 2018, pp. 63-69 with T.A. Tamilselvi
- “Study On differences in Presentation Of Financial Statements Under Ind AS and IGAAP” published in INDO GLOBAL JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS, Vol 5(1), ISSN No: 2393-9796, pp. 141-143, April 11, 2018 with T.A. Tamilselvi
FDP/ workshop/ training/ orientation programs attended
- 5 day online workshop on SPSS in Research organized by Star International Foundation for Research and Education (SIFRE) from 26-12-2023 to 30-12-2023.
- Changing Laws and Academic Implications-FDP, organized by Jain University on 03/09/2015.
- Research Initiative cell and FDP organized by School of Commerce & Management studies-Jain University Institutional 2014-2015 (NOVEMBER)
- Train the Trainer Workshop for ACCA – Three Day training conducted by ISDC, organized by School of commerce &management studies-Jain University Institutional, 15/5/2015-17/5/2015.
- Peace Education Programme, organized by School of Commerce & Management studies-Jain University Institutional, Feb-Mar 2015, (10 sessions)
- ‘Marketing Is Dead! Long Live Marketing’, organized by School of Commerce & Management studies-Jain University Institutional, 21stJanuary 2015
- ONE DAY Faculty Development Programme, ‘Teaching Accounting Way’ organized by School of Commerce & Management studies-Jain University Institutional, 3rd September 2014
- Information sources for social sciences in a Digital Library Environment: obstacles and opportunities, organized by School of Commerce & Management studies-Jain University Institutional, 20/9/2013
- One day workshop on “Voluntary filing Of income tax returns”, organized by School of Commerce & Management studies-Jain University Institutional, 4/9/2013
- Data management with Excel, Department of commerce, Christ University, Institutional, 20/3/2013
- How to write for and get published in scientific journals and publish manuscripts, organized by Springer and Edanz along with Christ University, 28/01/2013.
- IFRS- workshop, Department of commerce, Christ University, 24/1/2013
- FDP, Christ University-kengeri campus 1/6/2012
- Course material for B.com Jain University - written for 2 books Advanced Financial Accounting (part- 1 and 2)
- Awarded 2nd Place (with a cash price of Rs.5000) for paper presented in the conference
Paper presentations/ published in conference proceedings
- “Compliance of Ind AS-2 with reference to financial disclosures of selected automobile companies in India” presented at national conference on finance in the post covid: Metamorphosis on 11th and 12th April,2022.
- “Effect of implementation of Ind AS on financial statement of metal company” presented at national level virtual conference on trends in commerce, management and economics on 4th June 2021 published with ISBN:978-81-953620-1-1 Pg no. 82-84.
- “Ind AS And Its Impact On Financial Performance Of Selected Pharmaceutical Companies”. Presented at virtual international conference on covid-19 post corona virus recent trends research, technologies & global future opportunities. On 22nd- 23rd 2021 published with ISBN:978-81-952035-9-8
- “An Analysis of other comprehensive income under Ind AS in financial statements” presented at International Conference on Innovation in Management Practices, September 26th, 2018
- “Fair Value Measurement as per IND AS- An Evaluation of Critical Balance Sheet Items” presented at International Conference on Innovation in Management Practices, September 26th, 2018
- “Valuation of Biological Assets under IND AS 41 Agriculture - A Comparative Study” presented at International Conference on Sustaining a competitive advantage in the changing business scenario, September 9th, 2018.
- “Du Pont Model under Ind AS with Reference to Goodricke Group ltd”, presented at International Conference On Research Ethics and Innovations in Management, July 30th, 2018 with T.A. Tamilselvi
- “Study On differences in Presentation Of Financial Statements Under Ind AS and IGAAP” presented in 7th International conference “Asian International conference on advances: strategic Innovations and Emerging perspectives for global business in Engineering and Social Science, February 9th 2018,
- A study on Asset reconstruction companies in India. presented and published at 5th International Conference On Emerging trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking, August 19-20,2016, ISBN:978-93-83302-16-1, SDMIMD, Mysore.
- “Consumer’s Behavior on Unethical Practices in Advertising”, presented and published at National Conference On Consumer Behaviour, October 30, 2015, ISBN 978-93-83302-13-0, SDMIMD, Mysore.
- ‘Challenges Faced By Employees In Organizations to Manage Diversified Workforce In Today’s Scenario.’, Presented at National Conference On Winning With VUCA- Innovations And Strategies, March 2-3, 2015, Jain University, Bangalore
- ‘Challenges Faced By employees to manage themselves In Diversified Workforce In Educational Institutions in Bangalore ‘, presented at the 3rd International Conference On “Managing Human Resources at Work Place” December 5-6, 2014, ISBN: 978-93-83302-01-7, SDMIMD, Mysore
- ‘Awareness Of Forensic Accounting As A Profession In India’, presented at the 7th International Conference On Managing Uncertainty and Complexity (ICMUC), April 4th, 2014, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
- ‘Employees Career Planning And Management- An Insight Into Key Career Drivers’, presented at the 7th International Conference On Managing Uncertainty And Complexity (ICMUC), April 4th, 2014, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
- ‘Employee Turnover Among Academicians – An Empirical Study’ presented at the 2nd International Conference On “Managing Human Resources at Work Place”, December 13-14, 2013, ISBN:978-81-922146-5-8, SDMIMD, Mysore
- “Impact Of IFRS On Joint Stock Companies- A Study Based On Financial Statements Of Wipro Ltd” presented at Samshodhan, February 24th ,2012, Christ University, Bangalore