
Mr. Rahul Shaw
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Prof. Rahul Shaw is pursuing his PhD in Law from the Department of Law at Aliah University, Kolkata and is UGC-NET qualified. His research areas include competition laws, blockchain technology, digital platform regulation, and the nexus of law and technology. He completed his LL.M. from Aliah University (2019) and his B.A.LL.B. from the University of Calcutta (2016). He may be reached at https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaw-rahul/, and his works may be accessed at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0615-7327.
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. (2023). Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enforcing Competition in the Digital Economy, From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Ideas: The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 557, pp. 403-410, available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17746-0_33 (Scopus).
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. (2022). Augmenting Blockchain With Competition Law for a Sustainable Economic Evolution, Frontiers in Blockchain, 5, available at https://doi.org/10.3389/fbloc.2022.931246 (Web of Science).
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. (2022). Decentralising the Digital Economy: The Blockchain and Competition Remedy, Explore Business, Technology Opportunities and Challenges after the Covid-19 Pandemic, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 495, pp. 1265-1274, available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08954-1_109 (Scopus).
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. (2021). Competition Between Cryptocurrency and Fiat Currency: Control Over the Future of Global Economy, Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 423, pp. 449-458, available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93464-4_44 (Scopus).
- Shaw, R. (2021). The Progress of E-commerce and Competition Law in India, International Journal of Law, Management and Humanities, 4(2), pp. 212-220, available at http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.26045 (peer-reviewed).
Book chapters
- Ahmed, Z., Ghosh, S., & Shaw, R. (2024). Analysing the Potential of Computational Approaches in Indian Competition Law in Applications of Computational Intelligence in Law and Criminology edited by Dr. Kaushik Banerjee et al., pp. 213-221, Taurean Publications, 1st edn. India, (ISBN:978-93-95202-80-0).
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. (2023). The Evolving Jurisprudence of Intellectual Property Rights in Issues Relating to Intellectual Property Laws in India, edited by Dr. Zubair Ahmed, pp. 116-131, Asian Press Books, Kolkata, India, (ISBN:978-93-5788-048-0), available at https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0CBQ8S3N4.
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. (2023). Safeguarding Sustainable Development of AI through Legal Frameworks in Sustainable Development: Progress, Challenges, and the Way Forward, edited by Dr. Labani Dey, pp. 1-20, Adhyayan Books, Delhi, India, (ISBN:978-81-965020-0-3), available at https://www.amazon.in/dp/8196502001.
- Chaudhuri, S.R. & Shaw, R. (2023). Juvenile Delinquency in India: Unveiling the Dual Role of Juveniles as Perpetrators and Victims of Cybercrimes in The Lost Generation: Exploring Juvenile Delinquency in India, edited by Prof. Jyotirmoy Banerjee and Prof. Ishan Atrey, pp. 254-261, Lex Assisto Media & Publications, Kolkata, India, (ISBN:9-788196-498801), available at https://lamp.lexassisto.com/books/the-lost-generation-exploring-juvenile-delinquency-in-india/.
- Chaudhuri, S.R. & Shaw, R. (2023). Justice in Flux: Reimagining India’s Criminal Justice System and Prison Reforms for an Equitable Future in The Perspectives of Contemporary Criminal Law: A Futuristic Outset, edited by Dr. Shipra Mishra and Mr. Akshaya Kishor Srivastava, pp. 207-220, Walnut Publication, USA, (ISBN:979-8-89171-011-5), available at https://www.walnutpublication.com/book/9798891710115/.
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. (2023). The Competitive Advantage of Integrating Blockchain Technology in Academia in Broad Spectrum of Education, edited by Dr. Minara Yeasmin, pp. 167-177, Edwin Group of Publication, India, (ISBN:978-93-92446-37-5).
- Shaw, R. (2022). We Need to Talk: Avoiding Defining Live-in Relationships in India in Live-In Relationships: Socio-Legal Aspects, edited by Dr. Somlata Sharma & Dr. Komal, pp. 1-8, Kripa Drishti Publications, India, (ISBN:978-93-94570-44-3), available at https://books.kdpublications.in/index.php/kdp/catalog/book/152.
- Shaw, R. (2022). The Curious Case of Bitcoin Implementation in El Salvador in BLACC International Yearbook on Business Law & Dispute Resolution, 2021, edited by Rosy Shrestha, Nirwan Jung Karki & Pratap Adhikari, pp. 41-54, Kathmandu School of Law & Centre for Business Law Academics Counsel & Chambers, Nepal, (ISBN:978-9937-9553-1-7), available at https://ksl.edu.np/resource/home/resource_detail/51.
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. (2022). Immanuel Kant’s Moral and Categorical Thought: Need of a Constitutional Democracy in Essays on Kant’s Philosophy, edited by Prof. (Dr.) S. Surya Prakash & Dr. Nandini C.P., pp. 125-135, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, India, (ISBN:978-81-954254-2-6).
- Shaw, R. (2021). Islamic Banking: Relevancy in the Indian Economy in Islam and Contemporary Legal Issues in India, edited by Dr. Zubair Ahmed & Dr. Faizanur Rahman, pp. 163-171, Ababil Books, Kolkata, India, (ISBN:978-81-950122-7-5), available at https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0915FP9R2/.
- Editorial Review Board Member 2023 & 2024 for Virtual Economics (Scopus, E-ISSN: 2657-4047).
- Participated in the International Summer School on Understanding Competition Law: Perspectives from Asian Countries, organised by the School of Legal Studies, CUSAT, Kerala, India, 2021.
- Columnist for Oxford Business Review (August 2021).
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. ‘Decentralised Digital Platforms for Harmonising Competition Laws and Intellectual Property Rights’, at the National Conference on Fostering Synergy between Competition Law and Intellectual Property Laws in the Transformative Digital Space, organised by Ideal Institute of Management and Technology, in association with the Competition Commission of India, New Delhi, 2023.
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. ‘Digital Platform Regulation and Human Rights: Striking a Balance in the Era of Global Connectivity’, at the International Conference on Human Rights and Social Justice: Key Issues and Challenges, organised by the Department of Law, University of Rajshahi, in association with the Faculty of Law, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2023.
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. ‘The Competitive Advantage of Blockchain-based Intellectual Properties’, at the One Day National Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Intellectual Property Rights, organised by the Department of Law, Aliah University, in collaboration with the Institution’s Innovation Council, Aliah University, Kolkata, India, 2023.
- Ahmed, Z. & Shaw, R. ‘The Utilities of Integrating Blockchain Technology in Education’, at the Two Day National Seminar on Inclusive Society for a Sustainable Future, organised by the Department of Education, Aliah University, sponsored by ICSSR, Kolkata, India, 2023.
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. ‘Role of Women Judges in Indian Higher Judiciary: Achievements & Challenges’, at the One Day International Seminar on Peace, Dignity and Equity for Healthy World, organised by the Department of Education, Aliah University, Kolkata, India, 2022.
- Yawar, S.M. & Shaw, R. ‘Electoral Bonds: Inconducive Instrument for the Economy’, at the National Webinar on Law and Economics, organised by Legal Entrepreneurship and Incubation Cell, University School of Law and Legal Studies, GGSIPU, 2022.
- Shaw, R. ‘Regulating Cryptocurrencies: A Fathomable Cipher or an Insurmountable Quandary?’, at the National e-Conference on Regulation of Cryptocurrency in India, organised by RGNCLC, National Law Institute University, Bhopal, 2021.
- Shaw, R. ‘The Competition Regime in India: Envisaging a Globally Relevant Digital Market for the Future’, at the Conferenza Internazionale Business Law, Consumer Protection and Antitrust Rules, organised by Giurisprudenza Economia Scienze Umane, Universita degli Studi Mediterranea do Reggio Calabria, Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research, Italy, 2021.
- Shaw, R. ‘Environmental Jurisprudence for Sustainable Development’, at the International Conference on Climate Change: Impact, Management, Law and Policy Formulation, organised by CRSGPP, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, 2020.
- Shaw, R. ‘Islamic Banking: Relevancy in India’, at the National Seminar on Impact of Islamic Law in the Contemporary Indian Legal System, organised by the Department of Law, Aliah University, in collaboration with the Council for Study and Research (CSR) & Council on Legal Studies, Kolkata, 2020.