
Dr. Vivek Pachauri
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Vivek Pachauri is an esteemed educator specializing in Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Emotional Intelligence, Talent Management, Corporate Training & Development, and Performance Management. With nearly 18 years of combined experience in academia and the corporate sector, Dr. Pachauri has made significant contributions to both domains. His passion for academics has led him to be associated with renowned management institutes and universities.
Dr. Pachauri obtained his Master of Business Administration degree with a specialization in HR from Jiwaji University, a prestigious government state university in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, in 2003. Additionally, he earned a Ph.D. in Emotional Intelligence from the same university. His research interests lie in understanding psychology and improving interpersonal behavior and skills within organizational systems. He actively engages in research on topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Commitment, and Trust.
Research and Publications
ABDC/Scopus/ UGC Listed/International Journals
- Vivek Pachauri and Yachna Malhotra (2022) “Service Quality and Employer Branding: A Case of Food Zone India Pvt. Ltd.” Empirical Economics Letters, indexed in Econlit and included in cabell’s dictionary, included in ABDC journal quality list ISSN 1681-8997, Volume 21, Special Issue III.
- Vivek Pachauri, Nitin Saxena and Anusha Agarwal(2022) “ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT” (Redefining Financial Health and Greening Post COVID – 19)” Stochastic Modeling & Applications, UGC CARE Group - I Listed Journals, Special Issue on Innovative Research in Management, Applied Science and Engineering, ISSN: 0972-3641.
- Vivek Pachauri and Krati Kulshrestha (2021) " EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT AS THE PREDICTOR OF CUSTOMER ORIENTATION: A STUDY OF SERVICE SECTOR” International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 8, Issue 2 ISSN 2394 – 7780
- Vivek Pachauri and Ms. Anita Ramrakhyani (2021) “RECALIBRATING HR FOR NEW NORMAL (WITH REFERENCE TO COVID 19)” International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 8, Issue 2 ISSN 2394 – 778
- Ritu Saxena and Vivek Pachauri (2020)”Innovation on HR Practices: Heading towards Green HRM" Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, (SCOPUS INDEXED) ISSN NO 1006- 7930, Vol XII ,Issue IV.
- Vivek Pachauri and Ritu Saxena (2020) "Does Supervisory Behavior and Support leads to Teacher's affective commitment” Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC CARE LISTED JOURNAL), ISSN NO 2394-3114, Vol 40, Issue 68.
- Vivek Pachauri and Ritu Saxena (2020)”Workplace Spirituality for Educators: Way to exhibit Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Evidence from Indian Education Industry)” Dogo Rangsang Research journal , Listed in UGC care Group I Journal Volume 10, Issue VII, with impact factor 7.12
- Vivek Pachauri and Yachna Malhotra “Role of Training on employee performance: A Case Study” (2019) International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, ISSN 2394 - 7780, Volume 6, Issue 2 (IV).
- Vivek Pachauri (2018) "Job satisfaction is the mediator of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Commitment” UNNAYAN: International Bulletin of Management and Economics UGC Care Listed Volume - IX July 2018.
- Shweta Rajput and Vivek Pachauri (2018) “A study of employees’ perception towards green HRM initiatives" International Journal of Academic Research and Development ISSN: 2455-4197 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22 www.academicsjournal.com Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 807-810.
- Vivek Pachauri and Vandana Bharti (2018)"Behavioral advertising: Challenges and opportunities for online advertisers." in International Journal of Academic Research and Development, ISSN: 2455-4197, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22.
- Vivek Pachauri and Shweta Rajput “Intrinsic Motivation as a mediator of Quality of work life and Job Satisfaction” (2015) Asian Journal of Management, 2015, Vol : 6, Issue 3 , A & V publications, Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
- Vivek Pachauri and Priyanka Kushwaha “Green Marketing Mix- an invaluable tool for growth in Hotel Industry” (Awarded as best paper) Excel Book Publication. ISBN 978-81-7446-833-8.
National Journals
- Vivek Pachauri and Garima Mathur “Handling Emotions at Workplace - Way to Organizational Commitment in association with Selected Demographic Variables” (2019) Synergy- I.T.S Journal of IT & Management (ISSN: 0972-7361) Vol 16 no.2.
- Vivek Pachauri (2015) “Emotional Intelligence and its impact on Job satisfaction” JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT VALUE & ETHICS, April-June 2015, Volume5,No.2 ISSN 2249-9512 .
- Vivek Pachauri (2015) “Emotional intelligence and its impact on Organizational Commitment” in Naveen Samajik Shodh, ISSN 0875-443
Chapters in Edited Books
- Yachna Malhotra and Vivek Pachauri (2022), Chapter titled “Employee Engagement in ESG Practices: A Way to Sustainability,” “Digital Disruption and Environmental, Social & Governance”, Bazooka Publication, New Delhi, Edition November, 2022 ISBN. 978-93-91363-12-3.
- Vivek Pachauri and Shikha Arora (2021). Chapter titled "Covid 19: Challenges for Industries and The Road Ahead” “Business & Trade Practices During and after Corona Pandemic”,Swaraj Prakashan, New Delhi,Edition 2021 ISBN. 978-93-88891-95-0
- Anita Notani and Vivek Pachauri “Banking in 21st century :No Emulation but Competition between Private and Public sector banks in designing promotional tools” (2019) KAAV Publications (The International Publisher) ISBN (978-93-86789-83-9).
- Seema Virmani and Vivek Pachauri “Indian banking industries and its importance to build the economic growth” (2019) Cengage Publications ISBN (978-81-928555-5-4)
- Vivek Pachauri and Satyendra Pratap Singh (2016) Case Study Publication titled “Sailing through troubled Water” Elixir book, ISBN 978-93-8577-89-9
Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars
- Presented Paper on “Does Supervisory Behavior and Support Lead to Teacher’s Affective Commiittment?” in a National Seminar in Jan 2020 ,Organised at ITM University Gwalior M.P
- Presented Paper on “Heading towards Green HRM : Practicing Inclusive HR Practicesin a National Seminar in Jan 2020 Organised at ITM University Gwalior M.P
- Presented Paper (Case study) on “Role of Training on employee performance” in the area of HR in an International conference organized in April 2019 at Institute of Technology & Science , Ghaziabad
- Presented Paper (Case study) on the topic “Sailing through troubled Water” in the area of Industrial relations in an International case Conclave organized in 2016 at GD Goenka University, Gurgaon
- Presented Paper on “Green Marketing Mix- an invaluable tool for growth in Hotel Industry” (Awarded as best paper) in a National Conference at prestige institute of management Gwalior, M.P.
- Presented Paper on “Exploring Employees’ perception of Green” in an International Conference organized by ITM University Gwalior in Jan 2012
- Presented Paper on “Behavioral Advertising- Challenges and opportunities for Online Advertisers.” in an International Conference at Jaipur organized by Research Development Association Jaipur & Chamber of Commerce & Industry Rajasthan
- Presented Paper on “HRM System in Indian Call Centre” at a National Conference Suspire 2010 organized by Department of Management Studies ITM Universe Gwalior.
- Presented a research Paper on the topic “Employee’s Perception Towards Environment: A study of Gwalior Enterprises” at a International Conference 2010 organized by ITM Universe Gwalior M.P
Major FDPs/Workshops Attended
- Participated in one week FDP “Workshop on Research methodology in Social sciences” in January 2017 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Chennai.
- Participated in three weeks FDP “Induction Training Program in Management for Young Teachers” sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi conducted at IIM(Indian institute of management Kozhikode ) Kerala
- Participated and successfully completed short term course in Research Methodology from Indian Institute of Travel & Tourism , (IITTM) Gwalior M.P.
- Participated in five days’ workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS” from June 20th to June 24, 2022, at I.T.S School of Management Ghaziabad in association with SPSS South Asia Private Limited.
- Participated in five days AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy Elementary FDP on “Advances in Management & Research” from Aug 09 t0 Aug 13, 2021, at Gautam Budhdha University Greater Noida.
- Participated in one-day online workshop on Role of Mediator in Theory Development: Testing Mediational Models Organized by Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Hyderabad 31 May 2020
- Participated in Eight days FDP on “Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics” organized by AKTU Lucknow from July 04, 2019- July 11, 2019.
Conference Chair and Co- Chair
- Chaired Technical Session in an International Conference on Current Trends in Multidisciplinary Research organized by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA) on 17th July 2022
- Chaired Technical Session (HR) in an International Conference on “Emerging Issues on Contemporary Business Practices in the Era of Intelligence (EICBI)” on 28th November 2020 organized at SRMS College of Engineering and Technology,
Bareilly - Co-Chaired HR Session in an National Conference Organized in January 2019 at BVM Institute of Management, Affiliated to Jiwaji University Gwalior M.P.