
Dr. Usha Arcot
Professor & Program Director - Ph.D.
Alliance School of Applied Mathematics
Dr. Usha Arcot has been teaching for more than 16 years. Her research interest is Graph Theory and she has published many research papers in national and international journals. She has attended and presented papers at national and international conferences till date. She completed an M.Phil. Degree from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
Dr. Arcot obtained her doctoral degree in Mathematics from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, for the dissertation entitled “An Omnibus of Graph Operators on Topological Indices”.
- Relation between Phenylene and Hexagonal Squeeze using Harmonic index, International Journal of Graph Theory, Vol.1, (2013), pp. 116-121, [e-ISSN: 2320-6543].
- An Investigation of Topological indices using an Operator on Simple Graphs, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics and their Applications, Tumkur University, Tumkur, India, (2014), pp. 89-92, [ISBN 978-93-82694-19-9].
- Harmonic index, Redefined Zagreb indices of Dragon Graph with Complete Graph, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, Vol.9(2), (2016), pp. 161-166, [ISSN: 2395-4205].
- Topological indices on Model Graph Structure of Alveoli in Human Lungs, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society(SCOPUS, KCI Journal), Vol.18(4), (2015), pp. 434-453, [ISSN 1598-7264].
- Harmonic index of Cubic Polyhedral Graphs using Bridge Graphs, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.9(85), (2015), pp. 4245-4253, [ISSN 1312-885X].
- Trees, Unicyclic Graphs Extremal with respect to Kekule index, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.24(3), (2014), pp. 301-308, [ISSN 1229-3067].
Poster Presentations:
- An Investigation of Topological indices using Graph Operator on Alveoli in Human Lungs, Veerashaiva College, Ballari, KSTA Conference for Science and Society, 16-17, January 2015.
- A Study of Adriatic index and Weiner index for a Path attached to a Cycle, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, International Conference of Discrete Mathematics-2016}, 9-11, June 2016.
National Conferences:
- Computing Topological indices of Phenylene and Hexagonal Squeeze and usage of Subdivision Operator, National Conference on Analysis and Applications of Mathematics, Reva College, Bangalore, 22-23, February 2013.
- Trees, Unicyclic Graphs Extremal with respect to Kekule index, 26th International Conference of Jangjeon Mathematical Society, South Korea, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore, 01-04, August 2013.
- An Investigation of Topological indices using an Operator on Simple Graphs, National Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics and their Applications, Tumkur University, Tumkur, India, October 2014.
- An Investigation of Topological indices using Graph Operator on Alveoli in Human Lungs, ISTAM, Alliance University, Bangalore, India, December 2014.
- Harmonic index, Redefined Zagreb indices of Complete Graph with a Single Rooted Vertex, National Conference on Recent Trends in Graph Theory and its Applications (NCRTGTA-2015) at Mangalore University, Mangalore, 01-02, February, 2015.
- Topological indices of Dragon Graph with Complete Graph, UGC Sponsored Two Day National Conference on Energy of Graphs at B.N.Bahadur College of Management Sciences, Mysuru, 11-12, March, 2016.
International Conferences:
- Zagreb Co-indices and Augmented Zagreb index and their Polynomials of Phenylene and Hexagonal Squeeze, International Congress in Honour of Dr. Ravi. P. Agarwal, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, June 2014.