
Dr. Sulaiman Syed Mohamed
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Sulaiman Syed Mohamed is an experienced educator in the field of Computers & Information Technology, having taught for approximately 26 years to students hailing from various parts of India and abroad. He has adeptly managed students from diverse cultural backgrounds and with varying language differences. He possesses a keen interest in addressing challenges that have a positive impact on humanity.
Previously, he made a significant contribution through his thesis, addressing a concern of community relevance: the depletion of the IPv4 address space, which spurred the development of the next-generation protocol, IPv6. His thesis meticulously analyzed and compared various implementations of IPv6 available during that period, spanning different operating systems like Redhat, FreeBSD, and Windows Server.
He displays a remarkable ability to swiftly adapt to evolving needs and learning preferences. He demonstrates confidence in working within a diverse environment, engaging both young learners and adults. His ongoing research pursuits encompass data analytics, machine learning, and PEV scheduling, showcasing his dedication to exploring emerging areas of knowledge and innovation.
- Sheik, Femin Titus, Sudhakar B, Sulaiman S. M., Sanchari Deb, and Nallapaneni M. Kumar, "Charge Scheduling Optimization of Plug-In Electric Vehicle in a PV Powered Grid-Connected Charging Station Based on Day-Ahead Solar Energy Forecasting in Australia", Sustainability, vol. 14, issue 6, 3498.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy, D. Devaraj, and K. V. Shihabudheen, “A novel hybrid short-term electricity forecasting technique for residential loads using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Extreme Learning Machines”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, vol. 98, Mar 2022, 107663.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy and D. Devaraj, “Smart Meter Data Analysis using Big Data Tools”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 16, pp. 1-8, 2019.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy, D. Devaraj, S. S. Mohammed and K. V. Shihabudheen, “Smart Meter Data Analytics for Load Prediction using Extreme Learning Machines and Arti?cial Neural Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Control Energy and Sustainability (INCES 19), Chennai, India, 19-20 December 2019.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy and D. Devaraj, “Smart Meter Data Analysis Issues: A Data Analytics Perspective”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS 19), Tamilnadu, India, 2019, pp. 1-5.
- Gananathan Ramaiyan, S.M. Sulaiman and R Irene Hepzibah,” A Combinatorial Approach to Decide Initial Root Value For The Solution of Non-Linear System of Equations”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1228 (1), 2019.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy and D. Devaraj, “Support Vector Regression for Residential Load Forecasting in Smart Grid System”, proceedings of the International Conference on Research Development in Engineering Science and Technology (ICRDEST 18), Chennai, India, 19-20 February 2018.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy and D. Devaraj, “Big Data Analytics of Smart Meter Data using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)”, IEEE Conference proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends (ICETT 2016), Kollam, India, 21-22 October 2016.
- M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy and D. Devaraj, “Artificial Neural Network based Day Ahead Load Forecasting using Smart Meter Data”, IEEE Conference proceedings of the Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE 2016), Bangalore, India, 21-23 January 2016.
- Jacob, Sulaiman and Manikandan, “Power Conservation in Ad-Hoc Networks Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm & Idle Nodes”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST),Vol.4, Issue 4, April 2012, pp. 1645-1650.
- Sulaiman, Buhari and Akbar, “Impact of Redhat IPv6 Router on Heterogeneous Host Connections”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley Inter Science 20, Issue 4, April 2007, pp.411-426.
- Sulaiman, Buhari and Saleem, “Performance Comparison of Packet Transmission over IPv6 Network on Different Platforms”, Journal of IEE Proceedings in Communication vol.153, Issue 3, June 2006, pp.425-433.
- Sulaiman, Asaad and David, “Evaluation of IPv6 and Comparative Study with Different Operating Systems”, IEEE Conference proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 2005), Sydney, Australia, 04–07 July 2005, vol.2, pp.665-670.
- Sulaiman, Asaad and David, “Performance Evaluation of IPv6 Implementations On Different Platforms”, MMU International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies 2004 (M2USIC2004), Multimedia University, Malaysia, October 7-8 2004.
Funded Project
“Evaluation of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) on different Platforms and Comparative performance analysis” funded by Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.