
Dr. Soumodip Sinha
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Liberal Arts and Humanities
Dr. Soumodip Sinha successfully earned his doctoral degree in Sociology from the esteemed Department of Sociology at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. His doctoral thesis revolves around an in-depth examination of student politics within the realm of higher education. Additionally, he holds an M.Phil and an MA in Sociology, both of which he accomplished at the University of Hyderabad. His M.Phil dissertation was a comprehensive analysis of the pivotal discussions concerning the middle classes in India. Prior to these achievements, he attained his BA (Hons.) in Sociology from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.
Dr. Sinha is an active member of the Thematic Group 10 (TG 10) under the International Sociological Association (ISA). He also contributes as a member of the Academic Precarity Task Force, an initiative of the World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA). His areas of academic fascination encompass an array of subjects including the exploration of social movements, political sociology, sociology of law, and digital sociology. He boasts a substantial record of publications in various scholarly journals and has actively participated in numerous conferences and seminars within his field.
- 2023: ‘In Defence of Student Politics’, Mainstream Weekly, Vol. 61, No. 6, February 4, 2023. ISSN (Mainstream Online): 2582-7316
- 2022: ‘Curriculum and Its Discontents: Reflections on Student Political Activism from an Indian Public University’, Novos Debates: Fórum De Antropologia, Vol. 8, No 1. DOI: 10.48006/2358-0097/V8N1.E8105
- 2022: ‘Politicization of Universities in a Postcolonial Context: A Historical Sketch of Student Political Activism in India’, Esboços: Histórias Em Contextos Globais, Vol. 29, No. 51, Pp. 232-252. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7976.2022.e84909
- 2014: ‘A Study of/on India’s Middle Class’, Novos Debates: Fórum De Antropologia, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pp. 39-46
Awards and Fellowships
- Best Student Paper Award for the research paper titled, ‘Transnational Collective Action Via Digital Activism: Using Student Political Activism as a Frame of Reference to Facilitate South-South Interactions’ in Global South Graduate Student Conference organized by Global South Research Hub, George Mason University, Virginia, USA on 5th-6th May 2022 (Online).
- Qualified the UGC-NET examination held in June 2012 and the UGC-JRF examination held in June 2013.
Conferences and Workshops
- 2022: ‘Hashtag student activism: a digital ethnography of student mobilizations during the pandemic in Delhi University, India’ in Mid-term Conference of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 48 (RC 48) hosted by The University of Huddersfield (UK) on 21 – 22 July 2022 (Online)
- 2022: ‘From Digital Social Capital to Political Capital: Towards a Digital Sociology of Student Political Activism in Delhi, India’ in 1st WIP Virtual Workshop organized by International Sociological Association (ISA) Thematic Group 10 (TG 10) hosted by UAE University on 8th July 2022 (Online)
- 2022: ‘Transnational Collective Action via Digital Activism: Using Student Political Activism as a Frame of Reference’ in Political Studies Association (PSA, UK) Early Career Network conference titled The Time is Now held between 4th-8th July 2022 (Asynchronous)
- 2022: ‘Digital Ethnography as a Way of Knowing’ in Political Studies Association (PSA, UK) Early Career Network symposium titled The State of Things on 4th July 2022 (Online)
- 2022: ‘Protest as ‘capital’: a Digital Ethnography of Student Political Activism amid the Pandemic’ in Alternative Futures and Popular Protest Conference organized by University of Manchester, UK between 13th-15th June 2022 (Online)
- 2022: ‘Towards a ‘Digital Ethnography’ of Student Politics: Reflections from Delhi University amid the Global Pandemic’ in University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada CMF Graduate Student Conference titled Visions of Change held on 10th-11th May 2022 (Online)
- 2022: ‘Towards a ‘Digital Ethnography’ of Student Politics: Reflections from Delhi University amid the global pandemic’ in 5th Annual South Asia Conference organized by Ireland India Institute, Dublin City University between 26th-29th April 2022 (Online)
- 2022: ‘Of Twitterstorms and Facebook Live: Unpacking the Significance of Social Media for Student Politics amid the Pandemic in Delhi, India’ in the Chicago Ethnography Conference organized by University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA on 2nd April 2022 (Online)
- 2022: Participated in the Roundtable titled ‘Asian and Latin American student Movements: Past and Present Experiences’ in the framework of the Virtual Congress LASA/Asia 2022: ‘Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latin America organized by the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Pittsburgh, USA between 15th-19thFebruary 2022 (Online)
- 2021: ‘Social Movements, Social Media and Student Politics: Reflections from key Literature, Methodological Considerations and Empirical Observations’ in an International Conference on Sociology of Social Media at Department of Sociology, USTM, Meghalaya on 03rd April 2021 (Hybrid)
- 2019: ‘Curriculum and its Discontents: Ideologies, Identities and the Politics of Higher Education’ in an Annual International Conference organised by the Comparative Education Society of India (CESI) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi between 09th–11th December 2019
- 2014: Participated in a One-Day Faculty Development Programme organized by the School of Law, IMS Unison University, Dehradun on 6th September 2014
- 2014: ‘Mapping the interface between Globalization, Governance and Social Exclusions in India’ in a National Seminar on Globalisation and Governance: Challenges and Opportunities organized by the School of Law, IMS Unison University, Dehradun on 24th–25th May 2014