
Dr. Showkat Ahmad Wani
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Dr Showkat Ahmad Wani is a Senior Scale Assistant Professor at, the School of Law, Alliance University Bengaluru, (India). Earlier, Dr. Wani was associated with the School of Law, Lovely Professional University (India). Dr. Wani has so far written 30 research papers in various reputed journals. Also Dr. Wani has published 15 Book Chapters. He has also presented over 40 research papers at various National and International Conferences. His key research areas are Constitutional law and Human rights. Dr Wani has also contributed to valuable legal assistance to the Under-Trail Prisoners in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Science (India) to the venerable classes.
Dr. Wani has supervised eight students in the LLM dissertation. In addition, three Ph.D. Scholars have completed their Thesis under his supervision. Dr. Wani is a chief editor of one book, Legal Metamorphosis in Contemporary India. Dr. Wani is very keen on Research and Human Rights & a strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace.
- Published a paper on “crime against women: A socio-legal perspective”, in International Journal of Society and Humanities; Vol-No 8, No.1 (ISSN-2319-2070).
- Published a paper on “Ambedkar and his Social Philosophy and Social Justice for Untouchables (Dalits) In India” in Legal Journal Quest for Justice Vol. VII, No.1 Academic Year: 2015-2016 (ISSN 2347-775X) Aligarh Muslim University, Department of Law.
- Published a paper on “Socio-Legal Aspects and Human Rights Violations of Pellet Victims in Kashmir” International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer Applications ISSN: 2319-7471, Volume 7 Issue 3, March-2018, Impact Factor: 3.578.
- Published a paper on “Rights of Women in Live-in Relationship and its Hurdles: A Critical Analysis” AMU Law Society Review, 2017-18, ISBN: 978-93-84876-16-6.
- Paper published on the topic “Constitutional Validity of the Armed Forced Special Power Act: A Critical Analysis in AMU Journal, Department of Law. Vol. XXV ALJ, Academic year 2017-18, ISSN 0568-9996.
- Paper published on the topic entitled “Armed Forced Special Power Act, (1990): A Draconian and Undemocratic Law: An Overview” Human Rights International Research Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1 (2018) ISSN 2320-6942, SE Impact Factor 2.40 (IMRF Journals).
- Paper published on the topic entitled “Triple Talak: Misconception or Reality” Vidyasthali Law Journal, Vol. XIII, 2016, ISSN 0975-4210.
- Published a paper on the topic entitled “Implementation of International Humanitarian Law: An Analysis”, in International Journal of Society and Humanities; Vol-No 9/2016 No.1 (ISSN-2319-2070).
- Published a paper on the topic entitled “Public Safety Act and Juvenile Justice Act, 1997: Critical Analysis of The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir”, in History Research Journal; Vol-5-Issue-5-September-October-2019 (ISSN-2319-2070). https://thematicsjournals.org/index.php/hrj/article/view/13445
- Published a paper on the topic entitled “Mental Privacy as a Fundamental Right: An Analysis”, in our heritage Journal; Vol-67-Issue-2-July-December-2019 (ISSN-: 0474-9030).
- Published a paper on the topic entitled “Environmental Laws in India: Efficacy and Enforceability”, in our heritage Journal; Vol-67-Issue-2-July-December-2019 (ISSN-: 0474-9030).
- Scopus Paper published on the topic “Human rights of prisoners with special reference to public safety act after the abrogation of Article 370” in Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; Vol 20 (Issue 5): pp. 7203-7213 http://ilkogretim-online.org doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.05.812
- Paper Published on the topic “ROLE OF MEDIA AND ITS EFFECT ON CRIMINAL JUSTCIE SYSTEM: A CRITICAL STUDY” JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
- Paper Published on the topic “Witness protection laws in India: An Analysis” JETIR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
- Paper Published on the topic “WOMEN OF CONFLICT: HUMAN RIGHTS AND KASHMIR” JETIR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
- Paper Published on the topic “THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION AND THE ROLE OF INDIAN JUDICIARY: A TORCHBEARER IN THE ROAD OF DEVELOPMENT” JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
- Paper sent for publication on “Changing Dimensions of Principles of Judicial Activism in India”
- Paper published on the topic “International Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflict: Efficacy and Enforceability” in Panjab University Law Review (ISSN 0971-5541 Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journal Vol. 59 Part 1 & 2).
- Paper published on the topic Cyber Security Issues and Increasing Crimes: A Critical Analysis by Dr. Showkat Ahmad Wani IJRAR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
- Paper published on the topic Collective Consciousness- A new substitute doctrine for rarest of the rare cases: A sentencing policy of Indian Judicial era Kashmir University Law Review (KULR) Vol. XXV 2018, ISSN: 0975-6639
- Scopus Paper published on the topic entitled “Adultery and Its Decriminalization: An Overall Overview” in Webology Journal (Volume 19, No. 2, 2022)
- UGC Care list Paper published on the topic entitled “Female Foeticide and Infanticide in India with Special Reference to Women Rights and Gender Biasness” in journal of Education Rabindra Bharati University (Vol.: XXV, No. :3(IV), 2022 ISSN: 0972-7175)
- Scopus Paper published on the topic entitled “Social Security of Women in the form Maternity Benefits: A Human Rights Perspective” in Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022 (Vol.6, No.4, 1888-1896)
- Scopus Paper has been published on the topic entitled “Are Hate Crimes Posing a Threat to Fundamental Values Enshrined in The Indian Constitution?” (River Publications- e-ISBN: 9788770040075).
- Paper published on the topic “Education and Parliamentary Representation: A Critical Analysis” in UGC Care list namely Rostrum’s Law Review [ISSN: 2321 – 3787].
- Paper published on the topic “Judicial Accountability and Constitutional Obligations of Judges in India: An Analysis” in UGC Care list namely Purana (ISSN: 055-860 | 7th July, 2022 Vol. LXV Issue: 7 No. 7 | Pages: 13398-13406).
- Paper published on the topic “Environmental Justice in India- An Analysis of Role of National green Tribunal” in Journal of university institute of Legal Studies (ISSN: 2229-3906) Volume XVI, Issue I & II, 2022 Refereed and Peer Reviewed | Pages: 131-148).
- Paper Published on the topic “Constitutional Morality and Indian Judiciary: Percolating Constitutionalism through Judicial Interpretation” in Indian Journal of Public Administration (SAGE Publication). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00195561231178579
- Paper has been accepted for the publication on the topic “Judicial Appointments In India – Suitability V/S Eligibility: Critical Analysis Of Recent Appointment Of Victoria Gowri” in (International Law-Review Journal, Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida).
- Paper has been accepted for the publication on the topic “Legal Recognition of LGBTQIA+: A tussle between Popular Morality and Constitutional Morality” in Siddhartha Law college- Ambedkar Journal.
- Book Chapter Published on the Topic “Armed Forces Special Power Act, 1990 and Criminal Justice System in India: A Critical Analysis” (Laxmi Publications) ISBN-9789352746538
- Book Chapter Published on the Topic “History of Article 370 and Constitutional parameters: A Critical Analysis” (Laxmi Publications) ISBN-9789352746613
- Environmental Justice in India: An analysis (sent for publication)
- The Doctrine of Reasonable Classification under Indian Constitution: An Overview (sent for publication)
- Book Chapter Published on the Topic “Conundrum around Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022- Heading Towards A Surveillance State?” (Iterative International Publishers) ISBN: 978-81-960478-1-8.
- Book Chapter Published on the Topic “Constitutional Obligation and Responsibilities of the Judges in a Contemporary Era: A Critical Study” ISBN NO- 978-981-99-4460-6 (Springer Nature). https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-99-4460-6
- Book Chapter Published on the Topic “Questioning The Legitimacy Of Basic Structure Doctrine: A Tussle Between Judiciary & Parliament” (Central University Punjab).
- Book Chapter has been accepted on the Topic “LGBTQIA++ Inequalities: Where Does India Stand”? (Accepted for Publication Cambridge Scholars Publishing).
- Book Chapter has been accepted on the Topic “Developing Critical Thinking Skills: Encouraging Analytical and Creative Thinking," for the upcoming book, "Transforming Education for Personalized Learning.” (IGI Global Publishers, Scopus Index).
- Book Chapter has been accepted on the Topic “Fundamentally Toxic Relation Between Media, Politics, And Propaganda: An Analysis”. (Iterative International Publishers).
- Book Chapter has been accepted on the Topic “Analysing Competence of Jurisdiction in Currency Manipulation”. Book Name- Trade remedies under WTO Director, Centre for Studies in International Trade and Investment Laws, DNLU, Jabalpur, M. P., India (Government Press, Ministry of Commerce and Industry).
- Book Chapter has been accepted on the Topic “Analysing Competence of Jurisdiction in Currency Manipulation”. Book Name- Trade remedies under WTO Director, Centre for Studies in International Trade and Investment Laws, DNLU, Jabalpur, M. P., India (Government Press, Ministry of Commerce and Industry).
- Book Chapter has been accepted on the Topic “Problems of Research Methods and Ethics in Social Science," for the upcoming book, “Methodologies and Ethics for Social Sciences Research.” (IGI Global Publishers, Scopus Index).
- Socio-Legal Aid to Undertrial prisoners of Aligarh District Jail Orgaized by “Internship Programme of Welfare Actions for Incarcerated” (WAFI). A Field Action Project of Department of Sociology, Aligarh Muslim University in Association with Centre for Criminology and Justice, School of Social Work, TATA Institute of social science (TISS), Mumbai (2017).
- Legal Metamorphosis in Contemporary India (Laxmi Publications) ISBN-9789352746613
- Supervised 3 Ph.D. Scholars
- Guided 8 LLM Students for their Dissertation.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Some Views on Need and Importance of the involvement of the Educated Indian Women in Developing the Society of Everyone’s pleasure irrespective of religion, caste and creed in the Electronic Era of Technology and Globilization”, in National Seminar on Maintaining Peace and Communal Harmony: Role and Mutual Responsibility organized by Dr. Zakir Hussian Foundation , Aligarh, 24th January, 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Poverty Alleviation Program’s in India: A Critical Analysis”, in two-day National Seminar on Decentralization and Poverty Reduction in India: Initiative and Achievements organized by Department of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, November, 7-8, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Live-in- Relationship: A Socio-Legal Perspective”, in National Seminar on Personal Laws in India: Conflicts and Resolutions organized by Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, May, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Rights of Women in Live-in-Relationship & its Hurdles: A critical Analysis”, in a two-day National Seminar Rights of Women in the Contemporary Era, organized by the Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in collaboration with the National Commission for Women, November 21-22, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Environmental Laws in India: Efficacy and Enforceability” in a one-day National Seminar "Environmental Pollution" organized by Center of Research for development and department of Environment Science at University of Kashmir.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Education and Parliamentary Representation: A critical Analysis” in one day National Seminar on Electoral Reforms in India, organized by the Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 25th January 2017.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Triple Talak: Misconception or Reality” in one day National Seminar on Triple Talak: Law, Justice and Social Change, organized by the Vidyasthali Law College, Jaipur Rajasthan, 11th February, 2017.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Use of Public Safety Act in Contravention with Juvenile Justice Act 1997: A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir” in a two-day National Seminar on Restorative Justice, organized by the Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia in collaboration with Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, New Delhi, February
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Education and Parliamentary Representation: A critical Analysis” in one day National Seminar on Electoral Reforms, organized by the Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, 28th January 2017.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Social discrimination and Psychological torture of Acid Victims: An Overview” in one day National Seminar on Combating Acid Attacks in India: Socio- Legal Aspects, Organized by Department of law, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi in Collaboration with National Commission for Women, (NCW) India on 24th January, 2018.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Procedural Law on Rape: Adding more misery and Psychological Trauma to the Victim” in International Conference on Mental Health for Sustainable Human Development Organized by the Department of Psychology, A.M.U., Aligarh (24-25, 2018).
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Biodiversity and Climate Change related Issues: An Indian Perspective”, in a National Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development organized by Department of Geography (DRS-III), Aligarh Muslim University (March 21-22, 2016).
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Environmental Laws in India: Efficacy and Enforceability” in National Seminar on Environmental Pollution: Join the Race to Make the World a Better Place on the Eve of Observance of World Environment Day Organized by Department of Environmental Science and Centre of Research for Development University of Kashmir, June 4-6, 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Social, Economic and Political Deprivation of Muslim Women in India: A Critical Analysis” in two-day National Seminar on Role of Higher Education for the Empowerment of Muslim Women: Problems and Prospects on 19-20, March 2016 Organized by Al- Barkaat Institute of Education sponsored by ICSSR.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Crime Against Women in India: A Socio-Legal Concept” in two-day International Conference Sponsored by ICSSR (Ministry of HRD), Govt. of India on Violence Against Girl Child and Women: Issues and Concern Organized by Faculty of Law (Sardar Patel Subharti Institute of Law) Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 12-13, March 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Armed Forced Special Power Act, (1990): A Draconian and Undemocratic Law: An Overview” Organized by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF), Group of Educational Institutions approved by Ministry of Home Affairs, Mysore, Karnataka in International Conference on Legal Studies, Journalism, Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology and Social Work January 19-20, 2018.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Triple Talaq and the Fundamental Rights: A Judicial Overview” in three-day National Conference on Paradigmatic Shifts in Law and Justice in 21st Century: Challenges & Opportunities Organized by Himachal Pradesh National Law university on 8-10, December 2017.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Education and Parliamentary Representation-A Critical Analysis”, Department of Law, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Use of Public Safety Act in contravention with Juvenile Justice Act, 1997: A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir” Department of Law, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Socio-Legal Aspects and Human Rights Violations of Pellet Victims in Kashmir” in 1st International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Humanities & Management-2018, Amar Singh College, Cluster University Kashmir (20-21, March 2018).
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Tribal Women and Constitutional safeguards- An Appraisal” in two National Seminar Organized by Libra College of Law, Dehradun on Status of Tribal Women in 21st Century: Law & their Implementations on 23-24, March 2018, sponsored by National Commission for Women (NCW), New Delhi.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic entitled “Effective Laws and Good Governance for Risk Management in India: An Overview” in a three-day National Conference on Role of Geospatial Technologies for Good-Governance and Sustainable Development, organized by Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Applications, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 17-19 February 2018.
- Participated and presented a paper in an International Conference on the topic entitled “Cross-broder and Multicultural Perspectives in Professional Development of Teachers” Organized by Pratap College of Education, Ludhiana in collaboration with Kazam Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
- Participated in a Webinar series from 21 June 2020 to 30 June 2020 on the topic entitled “Cybercrime in the context of covid 19” Organized by KLE College of Law Mumbai (Maharashtra)
- Participated in a Webinar series from 02 July 2020 to 09 July 2020 on the topic entitled ““Finding Purpose & Meaning of life: Living for what Matters Most”” Organized by KLE College of Law Mumbai (Maharashtra)
- Participated in a Webinar series from 02 July 2020 to 09 July 2020 on the topic entitled “Jammu and Kashmir- Pre and Post Article 370”” Organized by KLE College of Law Mumbai (Maharashtra)
- Participated in a Webinar series on the topic entitled “Scope of ADR- Post Covid 19” Organized by KLE College of Law Mumbai (Maharashtra)
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Gender inequalities in India: Issues and Possibilities” Organized by Shri S.R. Kanti Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mudhol (Karnataka)
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Equality and its relevance in the era of Globalization: Ambedkar’s Perspective” Organized by Dr. Ambedkar Chair of Legal Studies and Research, Aligarh Muslim University (Uttar Pradesh)
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Education on Criminal Justice and Crime Prevention: interventions and Experiences” Organized jointly by Nirma University and United Nations office on Drugs and Crime (Uttar Pradesh)
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Basic Author Workshop Research Article Writing & Reference Management Using Mendeley” on Monday, 22nd June 2020.” Organized by Annmalia University
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Globalization of Justice Through ADR” Organized jointly by Law Society, Aligarh Muslim University (Uttar Pradesh) and Indian Institute on Arbitration and Mediation (13 July 2020)
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Importance of Police Investigation” Organized by Bharatiya Nyaya Shastram
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled “Environmental Jurisprudence in Contemporary Era on 01 July, 2020.” Organized by Vasundhara, The Green Society, Law College Dehradun faculty of Uttaranchal University.
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled "Prison Administration in India" on 03/07/2020 organised by Amity Law School, Amity University Maharashtra, Mumbai.
- Participated in a one-day National level Webinar on the topic entitled "Prison Administration in India" on 03/07/2020 organized by Amity Law School, Amity University Maharashtra, Mumbai.
- Showkat Ahmad Wani has participated in the “Constitutional Law Lecture Series” on Constitutional Day organized by Manipal Law School (MLS), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bengaluru Campus on 26th November 2022.
- Participated and presented a paper in a National Conference on the topic entitled “A CRITICAL STUDY ON THE ROLE OF GOVERNOR IN A CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY” Organized by Two Day National Seminar conducted by IQAC, Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. (13, 14 December 2022)
- Participated and presented a paper in a one day National Seminar (Law, Justice and Social Change in a Globalized World) on the topic entitled "Covid-19 and the Plight of Migrant workers in India: A human rights issue" Organized by Department of Law, University of Kashmir. (17th November, 2022)
- Showkat Ahmad Wani has participated in the “One Day NAAC sponsored National Seminar on “Revised AQAR format on Legal Education for the Colleges” MMSCLC, Pune (Dec 15, 2022)
- Showkat Ahmad Wani has participated in the one day workshop on the “CYBER SECURITY & CYBER INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES” organized by Manipal Law School (MLS), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bengaluru Campus on 9th December 2022.
- Participated in the “Workshop on Cyber Law and Cyber Crime Investigation” on Human Rights Day organized by Manipal Law School (MLS), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bengaluru Campus on 10th December 2022.
- Participated in a special lecture on “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG): Emerging Trends and Road Map for the future” organized by Manipal Law School (MLS), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bengaluru Campus on 14th December 2022.
- Participated and presented a paper in a National Conference on the topic entitled “CONSTITUTIONAL Obligation and responsibilities of the Judges in a Contemporary Era: A Critical Study” at the 4th International Conference on Comparative Law Organized by Amity Law School, Noida, Amity University and Edith Cowan University, Western Australia on 10th-11th February 2023.
- Participated and presented a paper in a one-day National Seminar on “Revisiting the theory of Basic Structure on completing 50 years” Organized by the Department of Law (Panjab University, Chandigarh) in collaboration with BAR Council of Punjab & Haryana under the topic “Questioning The Legitimacy Of Basic Structure Doctrine: A Tussle Between Judiciary & Parliament”.
- Participated and presented a paper in a one-day National Seminar on “New Labour Law Codes” Organized by the Sardar Patel Subharti Institute of Law, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, in collaboration with District Legal Service Authority, Meerut U.P. on 13th May, 2023 under the topic “Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination: A Social and Human Rights Perspective”.
- Participated and presented a paper in a one-day National Conference on “Rights of Transgender People” Organized by the Himachal Pradesh national Law University (HPNLU) Shimla 23rd May, 2023 under the topic “Legal Recognition of LGBTQIA+: A tussle between Popular Morality and Constitutional Morality”.
- Participated and presented a paper in a Two-Day National Conference on the topic “The Interplay of Environment and Armed Conflicts: An Emerging Existential Challenge” Organized by the Centre for Environment and Disaster Management (CEDM) Himachal Pradesh national Law University (HPNLU) Shimla 3rd & 4th June 2023.
- Participated and presented a paper in a One Day National Conference on Criminal Justice System in India at Crossroad Organized by the Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) 18th July 2023 on the topic entitled “The Enigma of Criminal Procedure (Identity) Act, 2022: Apprehension of Fostering A Surveillance State”.
- Participated and presented a paper in International Conference on Environmental Laws and Constitutional Rights: A Global Perspective Organized by Institute of Legal Studies, Chandigarh University on 29th July 2023 on the topic entitled “RUSSIA UKRAINE WAR: THE UNENDING TOLL ON ENVIRONMENT & ITS RAVAGING CONSEQUENCES”.
- Participated and presented a paper in a One Day National Seminar on NEW DIMENSIONS AND CHALLENGES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Organized by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab In Collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) North Western Regional Centre, Panjab University, Chandigarh 11th August 2023 on the topic entitled “State’s Apathy towards Human Rights Violation: The Suffering of Manipur”.
- Participated and presented a paper at the One Day International Conference on “Emerging Global Dimensions of Human Rights in the Contemporary Era” Organized by School of Law, SVKM’s NMIMS Bengaluru In Association with Boston University School of Law On 21st July, 2023. On the topic entitled “Unequal Pay- Gender Discrimination at Workplace: A Critical Analysis”.
- Rights of Migrant Labourer: Issues and Challenges organized by Faculty of Law, Jagannath University on June 5, 2020
- Rights of Migrant Labourer: Issues and Challenges organized by Social Curie (NGO)
- Right to vote: Organized by Lovely Professional University
- Chaired a technical session of International Conference on Revitalizing Social Institutions for Peace, Justice, and Environmental Protection on April 16th, 2022.
- Invited as a Speaker in “Regional Conclave on Justice Education in Asia Building Networks for Social Justice Funded by Regional Committee, Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE)” 7th - 8th February 2023. Organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), India New Law College, Pune.
- Appointed as a Judge in Sir Syed & Surana National Criminal Law Moot Court Competition Organized by Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University on 23-25 February 2018.
- Appointed as a Judge in “8th Moot Court Competition” Organized by IMS UNISON University, Dehradun on 28-30 October 2021.
- Appointed as a Judge in “Moot Court Competition” Organized by Army Institute of Law, Mohali Punjab on 24th November 2021.
- Appointed as a Judge in “Moot Court Competition” Organized by Integral University, Department of Law, Lucknow (UP) on 21st April 2022.
- Appointed as a Judge in 3rd GD Goenka International Virtual Client Counselling Competition, 2022 Organized by School of Law, GD Goenka University Noida (India) on 21st April 2022.
- Session Chair during the National (Virtual) Conference on Criminal Law & Policy, 2023 during the 4th and 5th of March, 2023 Organized by School of Law, NMIMS Hyderabad (India) on 21st February 2023.