
Dr. Shivaraj S.M.
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Shivaraj S. M. completed his Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology at TERI School of Advanced Studies in New Delhi. After finishing his Ph.D., he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Laval University, Quebec, Canada.
His research expertise encompasses several aspects of plant molecular biology and biotechnology including plant development, silicon transport, plant-pathogen interactions, and molecular markers. Dr. Shivaraj has authored many papers in international peer-reviewed journals focusing on plant biotechnology. He received prestigious fellowships such as the National Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Science Engineering Recruitment Board (SERB) and the CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship from the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
Dr. Shivaraj's primary research interest lies in improving biotic stress tolerance in crop plants by enhancing silicon accumulation or editing key plant genes that facilitate pathogen establishment. Additionally, he aims to investigate spray-induced silencing of pathogenesis-related genes using double-stranded RNAs to develop environment-friendly solutions for controlling plant diseases.
- Vats S, Shivaraj SM, Sonah H, Patil G, Roy J, Sharma TR, Deshmukh R. (2023) Efficient regeneration and agrobacterium-mediated transformation method for cultivated and wild tomato. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 41, 405–416 (IF: 1.8)
- Dash PK, Rai R, Pradhan SK, Shivaraj SM, Deshmukh R, Sreevathsa R, Singh NK. (2023). Drought and oxidative stress in flax (Linum usitatissimum) entails harnessing non-canonical reference gene for precise quantification of qRT-PCR gene expression. Antioxidants. 12(4):950 (IF: 7.6)
- Yadav S, Raazi Z, Shivaraj SM, Somani D, Prashant R, Kulkarni A, Kumar R, Biradar S, Desai S, Kadoo N. (2022). Whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics of indian isolates of wheat spot blotch pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana reveals expansion of pathogenicity gene clusters. Pathogens 12(1):1 (IF: 4.5)
- Shivaraj SM, Mandlik R, Bhat JA, Raturi G, Elbaum R, Alexander L, Tripathi DK, Deshmukh R, Sonah H (2022). Outstanding questions on the beneficial role of silicon in crop plants. Plant Cell and Physiology 63: 4-18 (IF: 4.9)
- Islam MA, Shivaraj SM, Kumar V, Phad DS, Sonah H, Bhushan S, Tripathi RK. (2021). Development of chloroplast microsatellite markers in Capsicum: Insight into evolution of “Bhut Jolokia” a clad of ghost chilli landraces. Indian J. Genet. 81:1. (IF: 0.55)
- Coskun D, Deshmukh R, Shivaraj SM, Isenring P, Bélanger RR (2021). Lsi2: A black box in plant silicon transport. Plant and Soil 466: 1-20 (IF: 4.1)
- Kumar V, Vats S, Kumawat S, Bisht A, Bhatt V, Shivaraj SM, Padalkar G, Goyal V, Zargar S, et al. (2021) Omics advances and integrative approaches for the simultaneous improvement of seed oil and protein content in soybean (Glycine max). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences:1-24 (IF: 6.2)
- Devanna BN, Mandlik R, Raturi G, Sudhakaran SS, Sharma Y, Sharma S, Rana N, Bansal R, Barvkar V, Tripathi DK, Shivaraj SM. Deshmukh R (2021) Versatile role of silicon in cereals: health benefits, uptake mechanism, and evolution. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 165: 173-186. (IF: 4.2)
- Sathe AP, Kumar A, Mandlik R, Raturi G, Yadav H, Kumar N, Shivaraj SM, Jaswal R, Kapoor R, Gupta SK, Sharma TR, Humira S (2021). Role of silicon in elevating resistance against sheath blight and blast diseases in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 166: 128-139 (IF: 4.2)
- Kumawat S, Aggarwal B, Rana N, Mandlik R, Mehra A, Shivaraj SM, Sonah H, Deshmukh R. (2021). Identification of aquaporins and deciphering their role under salinity stress in pomegranate (Punica granatum). Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 30(4):930-42 (IF: 1.5)
- Sharma S, Kumar A, Dhakte P, Raturi G, Vishwakarma G, Barbadikar KM, Das BK, Shivaraj SM, Sonah H. (2022). Deshmukh R. Speed breeding opportunities and challenges for crop improvement. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 15:1-4 (IF: 4.6)
- Shivaraj SM, Vats S, Bhat JA, Dhakte P, Goyal V, Khatri P, Kumawat S, Singh A, Prasad M, Sonah H, Sharma TR. (2020). Nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide crosstalk during heavy metal stress in plants. Physiologia plantarum 168(2):437-55 (IF: 5.0)
- Bhat JA, Rajor N, Raturi G, Sharma S, Dhiman P, Sanand S, Shivaraj SM, Sonah H, Deshmukh R. (2021) Silicon Nanoparticles (SiNPs) in Sustainable Agriculture: Major Emphasis on the Practicality, Efficacy, and Concerns. Nanoscale Advances 3: 4019-4028 (IF: 4.5)
- Thakral V, Bhat JA, Kumar N, Myaka B, Sudhakaran S, Patil G, Sonah H, Shivaraj SM, Deshmukh R. (2021) Role of silicon under contrasting biotic and abiotic stress conditions provides benefits for climate smart cropping. Environmental and Experimental Botany 9:104545 (IF: 5.5)
- Shivaraj SM, Sharma Y, Chaudhary J, Rajora N, Sharma S, Thakral V, Ram H, Sonah H, Singla-Pareek SL, Sharma TR, Deshmukh R. (2020). Dynamic role of aquaporin transport system under drought stress in plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 184: 104367 (IF: 5.5)
- Kumawat S, Khatri P, Ahmed A, Vats S, Kumar V, Jaiswal R, Wang Y, Xu P, Mandlik R, Shivaraj SM, Deokar A. Sonaha H, Tilak Sharma TR, Deshmukh R. (2020) Understanding aquaporin transport system, silicon and other metalloids uptake and deposition in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria). Journal of Hazardous Materials 124598 (IF: 10.5)
- Singh S, Bhatt V, Kumar V, Kumawat S, Khatri P, Singla P, Shivaraj SM, Nadaf A, Deshmukh R, Sharma TR, Sonah H. (2020) Evolutionary understanding of aquaporin transport system in the basal eudicot model species Aquilegia coerulea Plants 9:799 (IF: 3.9)
- Rasoolizadeh A, Santhanam P, Labbe C, Shivaraj SM, Germain H, and Belanger R (2020) Silicon treatment influences the localization and expression of Phytophthora sojae effectors in interaction with soybean. Journal of Experimental Botany 71: 6844-6855 (IF: 6.99)
- Mir ZA, Ali S, Shivaraj SM, Bhat JA, Singh A, Yadav P, Rawat S, Paplao PK, Grover A (2020). Genome-wide identification and characterization of Chitinase gene family in Brassica juncea and Camelina sativa in response to Alternaria brassicae. Genomics 112:749-763. (IF: 5.7)
- Coskun D, Deshmukh R, Sonah H, Shivaraj SM, Frenette-Cotton R, Tremblay L, Isenring P, and Bélanger R (2019). Si permeability of a deficient Lsi1 aquaporin in tobacco can be enhanced through a conserved-residue substitution. Plant Direct 3: e00163 (IF 3.0)
- Shivaraj SM*, Bhat JA*, Singh P, Navadagi DB, Tripathi DK, Dash PK, Solanke AU, Sonah H, Deshmukh R (2019). Role of silicon in mitigation of heavy metal stresses in crop plants. Plants 8:71 (IF: 3.9)
- Shivaraj SM, Deshmukh RK, Sonah H, Belanger R (2019) Identification and characterization of aquaporin genes in Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaensis genomes, the diploid progenitors of peanut. BMC genomics 20: 222 (IF: 3.9)
- Chaudhary J, Alisha A, Bhatt V, Chandanshive S, Kumar N, Mir Z, Kumar A, Yadav SK, Shivaraj SM, Sonah H, Deshmukh R (2019). Mutation breeding in tomato: advances, applicability and challenges. Plants 8:128 (IF: 3.9)
- Tyagi S, Sri T, Singh A, Mayee P, Shivaraj SM, Sharma P, Singh A (2018) SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 influences flowering time, lateral branching, oil quality, and seed yield in Brassica juncea Varuna. Functional & Integrative Genomics 25:1-8 (IF: 3.4)
- Tyagi S, Mazumdar PA, Mayee P, Shivaraj SM, Anand S, Singh A, Madhurantakam C, Sharma P, Das S, Kumar A, Singh A (2018) Natural variation in Brassica FT homeologs influences multiple agronomic traits including flowering time, silique shape, oil profile, stomatal morphology and plant height in juncea. Plant Science 277:251-266 (IF: 4.7)
- Shivaraj SM, Jain A, Singh A (2018) Highly preserved roles of Brassica MIR172 in polyploid Brassicas: ectopic expression of variants of Brassica MIR172 accelerates floral transition. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 293: 1121–1138 (IF:3.2)
- Shivaraj SM, Deshmukh RK, Bhat JA, Sonah H, Belanger R (2017) Understanding aquaporin transport system in eelgrass (Zostera marina), an aquatic plant species. Frontiers Plant Science 8: 1334 (IF: 5.7)
- Shivaraj SM, Deshmukh RK, Rai R, Belanger R, Agrawal P, Dash PK (2017) Genome- wide identification, characterization, and expression profile of aquaporin gene family in Flax (Linum usitatissimum). Nature Scientific Report 7: 46137 (IF: 4.3)
- Shivaraj SM, Singh A (2016) Sequence variation in Brassica AP2 and analysis of interaction of AP2-miR172 regulatory module. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 125: 191-206 (IF: 2.7)
- Shivaraj SM, Dhakate P, Mayee P, Negi MS, Singh A (2014) natural genetic variation in MIR172 isolated from brassicas. Biologia Plantarum 58: 627-640 (IF: 1.3)
- Dhakate P, Shivaraj SM, Singh A (2014) Design of artificial miRNA for redundant silencing of Brassica SHP1 and SHP2: transient assay-based validation of transcript cleavage from polyploid Brassicas. Acta Physilogiae Plantarum 36: 2125-2135 (IF: 2.3)
Book Edited
- Sonah H, Goyal V, Shivaraj SM, Rupesh Deshmukh (2020) Genotyping by Sequencing for Crop Improvement, Wiley (ISBN: 978-1-119-745686)
Book Chapters
- Kesawat MS, Shivaraj SM, Kim DK, Kumar M, Hahn BS, Deshmukh (2020) Metalloids and Their Role in the Biological System. In: Deshmukh R, Tripathi DK, Guerriero G (Eds) Metalloids in Plants: Advances and Future Prospects. Wiley pp 1-7. ISBN: 978-1-119-48720-3
- Yadav V, Arif N, Guerriero G, Singh VP, Dubey NK, Ramawat N, Sahi S, Deshmukh R, Shivaraj SM, Tripathi DK, Chauhan DK (2019). Roles of Micro RNAs in plant development and abiotic stress tole In: Durgesh Kumar Tripathi (Eds) Plant Life under Changing Environment. Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128182048.
- Shivaraj SM, Dhakate P, Sonah H, Deshmukh R (2018) Progress Toward Development of Climate-Smart Flax: A Perspective on Omics-Assisted Breedi In: Chittaranjan Kole (Eds) Genomic Designing of Climate-Smart Oilseed Crops. Springer international. pp. 239-274. ISBN: 9783319969312
- Shivaraj SM*, Chaudhary J*, Khatri P, Ye H, Zhou L, Klepadlo M, Dhakate P, Kumawat G, Patil G, Sonah H, Ratnaparkhe M, Deshmukh R, Nguyen HT (2018) Applicability and Challenges for Development of Climate Smart Soybean. In: Chittaranjan Kole (Eds) Genomic Designing of Climate-Smart Oilseed Springer international. pp. 1-74. ISBN: 9783319969312
- Bhat JA, Shivaraj SM, Ali S, Mir ZA, Islam A, Deshmukh R (2018) Genomic Resources and Omics-Assisted Breeding Approaches for Pulse Crop Improvement. In: Wani S, Jain M. (eds) Pulse Improvem Springer, Cham. pp. 13-55. ISBN: 9783030017422
- Atri A, Shivaraj SM, Singh A (2017) Isolation and characterization of MIR160:ARFs from Brassica crop: In National Symposium on Plant Biotechnology: Current Perspectives on medicinal and crop plants, CSIR-IICB, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Shivaraj SM, Dhakate P, Mayee P, Singh A (2014) Isolation and Characterization of MIR172 and its target AP2 from Brassicas presented at National Symposium on Advances in Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, IISER-Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Dhakate P, Shivaraj SM and Singh A (2014) Isolation and Functional Analysis of a FLO/LFY Ortholog BjuLFY, from juncea L.: In National Symposium on Advances in Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, IISER-Pune, Maharashtra. India (Received best poster award)
- Shivaraj SM, Dhakate P, Mayee P, Singh A (2010) Functional characterization of transcription factors, activators and miRNA genes regulating flowering time control in Brassicas: In Bangalore India Bio, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (Received best poster award)