
Dr. Sheeja Krishnakumar
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Sheeja Krishnakumar holds double post-graduation in management (MBA) and Medical Microbiology. She has 23 years of experience in teaching and industry put together. Over a span of three years, she worked as a quality analyst/microbiologist in a pharmaceutical company. She has completed her Doctorate of Philosophy from Visvesvaraya Technological University and MPhil from Madurai Kamaraj University in management. She serves as a reviewer for several Sage journals and a resource person on topics related to management, health, and research. She teaches general management courses, applied research methods, HRM and OB.
- Krishnakumar, S (2024). Integrating Health-Life balance, Job Satisfaction, & FWI among Housemaids: Insights through Social Exchange Theory, International Social Science Journal, https://doi.org/1111/issj.12510. Scopus Q2.
- Gita, P.C., & Krishnakumar, S (2024). The ripple effect of Organizational Inclusiveness on Perception of Ethical Climate – An empirical Investigation, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 18 (1). https://doi.org/1504/IJBGE.2022.10051609. Indexed in Scopus Q3.
- Krishnakumar, S (2024). Acceptance of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices: Discernment through Theory of Planned Behaviour. International Journal of Applied Management Science. Indexed in Scopus Q3 & ESCI.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2023). Optimistic Glimmer Towards Transgender Discrimination: An Overview, Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, Sage, l 9 (1). https://doi.org/10.1177/239448112311720.
- Krishnakumar, S (2022). Jobs in Gig Economy – The nature of Appealing & Repulsiveness, Journal BHU Management Review, 10(2), UGC Care indexed, ISSN: 2231-0142.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2021). Working Rural Women - Acknowledgement on Various Roles, SDMIMD Journal of Management, 12 (2), September 2021. UGC Care indexed. ISSN: 0976-0652, https://doi.org/18311/sdmimd/2021/28621.
- Krishnakumar, S & Gita, P.C. (2020). Women In Military: Discernment on The Competencies and Inabilities, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10, ISSN - 2229 – 3620, UGC Indexed UPBIL/2015/62096.
- Krishnakumar, S & Choudhury, J (2019). Analysis on Satisfaction using Interference as Mediator, SDMIMD Journal of Management, 10(1), ISSN: 09760652. e-ISSN: 23207906, UGC Indexed.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2018). Potted Sprout Model of Teaching – Learning towards Excellence, Journal of All India Association for Educational Research, 30(1), ISSN 0970-9827, UGC Indexed.
- Krihnakumar, S (2018). Evaluating job satisfaction using family domain variables among women employees, FOCUS International Journal of Management, 13(2), p. 28-35, ISSN: 0973-9165, UGC listed.
- Krishnakumar, S (2017). Organization Culture on Innovation: Understanding the influence using its variables, FIIB Business Review, 6(3), p.61, ISSN 2319-7145, UGC listed.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2016). Interferences & Moderation of Job & family life, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 13(3), p.100, 0973-3167.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2015). Significance of Job Satisfaction Among Academicians, SDMIMD Journal of Management, 6 (1), 0976-0652(print), UGC listed, 2015.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2015). Designing a Framework of Performance Management System to an Educational Institution: A Diagnostic Approach, FOCUS – The International Journal of Management, 11(1), p 52, 0973-9165
- Krishnakumar, S., & Anupama (2014). Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management: Importance of Integration, FIIB Business Review, 3(1), p3, 2319-7145.
Book Chapters:
- Krishnakumar, S. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on Economy, Business, Education and Social Life. Volume 2, Social-Life and The Pandemic-COVID-19, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/HQD4W, ISBN (India): 978-81-947458-1-5, 29. https://www.thenativetribe.org/book/impact-of-covid-19/c19-vol-2.
- Geethu, A., Krishnakumar, S., & Roshan. (2022). Training & Development, Red’shine Publication, ISBN: 978-93-95456-63-0, Doi: 10.25215/9395456639.2022.
Local Journals
- Krishnakumar, S. (2021). The Impact of organizational culture on Talent Management, IASMS Journal of Business Spectrum, 14(1). ISSN: 0974-8016.
- Krishnakumar, S., Edward, A., & Mathew, S.B. (2021). Elucidation on stress among migrant workers, International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 11, September 2021, https://doi.org/10.37118/ijdr.22608.09.2021
- Krishnakumar, S., & Ajith (2020). Chatbot in Automobile Website - An Investigation on to Make it Customer Friendly, Wesleyan Journal of Research, Vol.13 No4(II), October – December 2020, ISSN: 0975 1386.
- Krishnakumar, S & Krishnan, R. (2021). Perspectives on the enhanced Cold Storage facilities, Amber, 12(1), ISSN: 0976-3341.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2019). Automation in Recruitment Process: An Examination, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, 6(2), UGC Indexed: 63571, e-ISSN: 2394.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2018). An Empirical Enquiry on Spiritual Interest of Adolescents, International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, ISSN 22498672, Impact Factor 5.76, UGC Indexed: 49166.
- Krishnakumar, S. (2018). Intelligent Campus Environment: A Requisite to be Competent, Nitte Management Review, 11(1), ISSN 2231-6043.
- Kishnakumar, S. (2017). Conflict of interest among women employees as a threat to business ecosystem, AMBER, April - September, 8(2), 27-33, ISSN: 0976 – 3341.
- Kishnakumar, S. (2014). Quotient at Work: Work Life Balance, TATVA, 11(1), ISSN 0973-0974, 2014
- Kishnakumar, S., & Choudhury, J. (2014). Understanding Nuances of Work-life Balance, Review of HRM, 3(1), 81, ISSN 2249-4650
- Kishnakumar, S., & Choudhury, J. (2013). Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Self-efficacy, Review of HRM, 2(1), 87, ISSN 2249-4650.
- Kishnakumar, S. (2013). An Industrial Outlook: Changes in Management Studies, M.S.R Journal of Management. 1(2), 141, ISSN 2321-7383.
- Kishnakumar, S. (2013). Destructive Conflict – Bullying at Work place, NIPM Journal, 20(2).
- Kishnakumar, S. (2012). Cultural Intelligence: Need to Socialize, National Journal of Jyoti Research Academy, 6(1), 39. ISSN 0975-461X.
- Kishnakumar, S. (2010). Ethical Management: Need for NGOs, AMBER, 1(2), 37. ISSN: 0976-3341.
Awards won
- Lilavati award of AICTE 2022 – Runner up for the sub theme Environment, Sanitation and Hygiene.
- Best paper award for the paper titled, “Changing Manifestation: Incorporating Health to Balance Life, International Conference Paradigm shift in business and management: emerging trends and competitive strategies, at IPEM Gaziabad on 26 February 2022.
- Best paper award for the paper titled, Inclusiveness of trans-genders for the growth of Business at International Conference on Inclusiveness & Sustainability for Business Growth at IASMS, 2015.
- Invitation to present paper in Asian Development Bank Institute on 11 October 2023.
Other Achievements
- Resource person on the topic ‘Regression Analysis’ as part of Marketing Analytics FDP on 27 February 2024, online.
- Resource person on the topic ‘Holistic Wellness Management and Gender Sensitization’ at Harsha Institute of Management Studies on 18 October 2023.
- Resource Person on Personal Wellness for MCA & MSc Computer Students on 19 September 2023.
- Session Chair for International Conference on Islamic Finance and Banking (ICIFB'2023) held on September 10-11, 2023 in Doha – Qatar.
- Conference session chair, at the International Conference on Business and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey (ICBT 2023), on 28 May 2023.
- Resource person on the topic ‘Research Design’ at Indian Academy Degree College on 17 January 2023.
- Resource person on the topic ‘Correlation & Regression’ in Research as part of FDP on 29 April 2023 for the external participants (online).
- Resource person on the topic, ‘Holistic Wellness Management’ as part of FDP on 11 October to 18 October 2022 for the external participants. Seven different aspects of wellness were spoken on each day.
- Resource person for student workshop on the topic ‘Writing Project Report’ on 17 January 2023 at Indian Academy Degree College.
- Conference session chair, at the International Conference on Business and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey (ICBT 2022), on 13 November 2022.
- Guest Lecture delivered at Indian Academy School of Management on the topic ‘Wellness and Immunity Boosting in the Covid-era on13 November 2020.
- Guest lecture delivered at Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology, on the topic, ‘Immunity and its Relevance’ on 13 July 2020.
- Chairperson and Judge for paper presentations at New Horizon College of Engineering in National Conference on Management, Technology and Innovation in VUCA world on 23 March 2019.
- Guest lecture delivered at Jyothi Nivas College on the topic, ‘Competency and Career Development’ on 12 January 2012.
- Guest lecture delivered on the topic ‘Career Guidance’ at Institute of Technology, Mayyil, Kerala on 1 August 2011.
- Acceptance of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices: Insights through Theory of Planned Behaviour, Asian Development Bank Institute Virtual Conference: Climate-Smart Agriculture: Adoption, Impacts, and Implications for Sustainable Development on 10-11 October 2023.
- Perceptiveness on Employee Advocacy and related factors: Role in the age of automation International Conference on The Future of Work: Redefining Business Management in The Age of Automation & Artificial Intelligence, Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology on 6 October 2023.
- Innovative work behaviour: Role in shaping futuristic work design, Krupacon 2023 – International Conference on Creating Futuristic Work Design: Defying the Business Downturn, Krupanidhi School of Management, Bangalore, 22 July 2023.
- Ensuring quality Teaching-Learning: Overview in Higher Education. 15th National KJC lQAC Conference (|-Con) on Revisiting Quality in Higher Education, 16 & 17 March 2023.
- Envisaging the Role of different aspects of Mental Vigour in Digital Era, International Conference on Business, IT and Enterprise Architecture (ICBIT), Management Development Institute, Murshidabad on 17 December 2022.
- Comprehending purpose in life, purpose anxiety and spirituality: accomplish life satisfaction and wellbeing, National Conference, Management & entrepreneurial challenges in dynamic business environment - post covid era - MEC 2022, Acharya Institute of Technology, March 4 & 5 2022.
- Changing Manifestation: Incorporating Health to Balance Life, International Conference Paradigm shift in business and management: emerging trends and competitive strategies, 26 February 2022. Received best paper award.
- Impact of Situational factors on the Outcomes during Covid -19 among ITES employees PAN IIM World Management Conference, December 16-18, 2021, ISBN: 9842|ISBN|2021|A.
- Reservation as a hinderance in bridging the Gender Inequality, School of Business and International Partners Research Conference, 2021, University of Dundee School of Business, November/December 2021.
- Jobs in Gig Economy: Is the Future Bright for the Gig Workers, National Conference, Christ University, 7-9 April 2021.
- Counterproductive Work Behaviour: Consequences of Job Burnout, International Conference, Dayananda Sagar University, 17-18 February 2021, ISBN: 9788192179728
- Changing perception towards varying roles of working women in Indian rural society, International Conference, SDMIMD, 3-4, December 2020.
- Automation in Recruitment Process: An Examination, 12th International conference, KRISYM, 15-16, February 2019.
- Comprehending purpose in life for sustainable living, 9th International Conference, Acharya Bangalore B School, 3 October 2019.
- Pre-Placement Training and Improved Aptitude Scores, M. P. Birla Institute of Management, National Conference on Contemporary Trends in Management Research, 30 August 2019.
- Talent as a Service a (TAAS) New Age Concept to Manage Talent, National Seminar on Genetics and Limitations – Implications on Commerce, Science and Management Studies, 21 March 2019.
- Automation in Recruitment Process: An Examination, KRISYM, 12th International Conference on The Future of Business – Industrial Revolution, 15 & 16 February 2019.
- Analysis on Satisfaction using Interference as Mediator, 7th International Conference on Managing HR at the workplace at SDMIMD, 14 &15 December 2018.
- Potted Sprout Model of Teaching-Learning towards Excellence, Building Uniqueness for Enhancing Institutional Excellence, IQAC Conference 16 & 17 November 2018.
- An Empirical Enquiry on Spiritual Interest of Adolescents, 8th International Conference in Acharya Bangalore B School, 6, 7 &8 June 2018.
- Conflict of Interest among women employees as a threat to business ecosystem, International Conference at Acharya Bangalore B School, 8 & 9 September. 2017.
- Intelligent Campus: Competent Learning & Teaching, International Conference on Digital Business: New Frontiers in Management at IFIM, 2016.
- Women at Corporate: Cross domain relation of career and family, National conference on doctoral research, at Christ University, 2016.
- Work Culture and Work life Balance Issues across Countries, International Conference on 'Globalization and Changing Landscape of Business' at Kristu Jayanti College, 2015.
- Organization Culture and Innovation: Effect of its Variables, 6th International Conference on Managing Business Competitiveness at Acharya B School, 2015.
- Inclusiveness of trans-genders for the growth of Business, International Conference on Inclusiveness & Sustainability for Business Growth at IASMS, 2015, Best paper award.
- Interference into Work: A Model to Substantiate, International Conference on Sustainable business models in the emerging global economy at BMS College of Engineering, 2014.
- Work life balance and job satisfaction: a study among teachers, 3rd international conference on managing human resource at work place at SDMIMD, 2014.
- Cross Culture Issues, International Conference on Cross Cultural Management in Global Business, at Acharya B School, 2013.
- Balancing Work and life: Role of two ′C′s, 5th International Conference on Role of innovation in business at IFIM B school, 2013.
- Women Empowerment through Microfinance Intervention, National Conference on Financial Inclusion – Opportunities & Challenges at IASMS, 2013.
- Emotional intelligence as predictor of self-efficacy, 3rd National conference on HRM at Management development research foundation, New Delhi, 2013.
- An Industrial outlook: changes in management studies, National Conference on MBA at the Cross Roads at M S Ramaiah college of arts, science and commerce, 2013.
- Sustainability through Benchmarking performance in Health system of OECD countries & India, International Conference on Sustainability Success for Organizational Transformation at Kristu Jayanti, 2013.
- Competency of teachers: an essential prerequisite, International HR conference on Managing Human Resource at the Work place at SDMIMD, 2012.
- Inhouse Job Hunting: New HR Approach, International Conference on innovations in Management Practices at Kristu Jayanti, 2012.
- Lateral thinking: using system thinking Iceberg Model, National seminar on business strategies: National& global perspectives, 2011.
- Blue Ocean Strategy in HR Context, National Conference on Information on Computing & Managing Challenges in Contemporary Business at Jyothi Nivas, 2011.
- Creativity: Requisite for change, international Conference on changing global dynamics & business opportunities in India at Hotel Fortune (by ABBS), 2011.
- Innovative methods and mindset in teaching, National conference in teaching-learning, research and unique practices in higher education, at Kristu Jayanti College, 2011.
- Cultural intelligence: A requirement for work force, International Conference on Managerial challenges in contemporary business, at The Oxford College of Business Management, 2011.
- Challenges working mother face towards her child′s prospects, 3rd international conference on doing business in India, at IFIM B school, 2010.
- Mastery based teaching: the need for high performance, National seminar on quality management in higher education at IASMS, 2010.
- Corporate social responsibility: HR Approach, Seminar on Business & corporate social responsibility at CMR IT, 2007.
- Global logistics – Qualification to compete on a multinational basis, National seminar on emerging Indian panorama: issues & challenges, East Point College, 2006.