
Dr. Saswati Debnath
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Saswati Debnath is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. She earned her doctorate degree from National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam in the department of Computer Science and Engineering. Her Ph.D. thesis title is “audio-visual automatic speech recognition and its application on multimodal authentication”. Dr. Saswati received her M.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam and B.Tech. degree from Government Women Engineering College, Ajmer, Rajasthan.
Dr. Saswati has published many SCI/SCOPUS indexed international journals and has attended many international conferences. She has also been a reviewer of many international journals.
Dr. Saswati’s research interests include audio-visual speech recognition, speech recognition, multimodal authentication, speaker recognition, speech to text processing and machine learning and deep learning.
International Journal:
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy,“Appearance and shape based hybrid visual feature: Towards audio-visual automatic speech recognition”,Signal, Imageand Video Processing, Springer.(Indexed-SCI) DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-020-01717-0
- Saswati Debnath and Pinki Roy , 2018 , “Audio-Visual Speech Recognition based on Machine Learning approach" International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP). Inderscience , (Indexed- SCOPUS+ESCI) (In press).
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy, “Study of speech enabled healthcare technology” International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics. Inderscience Publishers, ISSN online: 1755-0661. (Indexed-SCOPUS) DOI: 10.1504/IJMEI.2019.096893
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy, “Speech and Facial feature based user authentication system based on audio visual data” international journal of image and graphics, World Scientific , (Indexed-SCOPUS+ESCI). DOI: 10.1142/S0219467820500229
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy,“Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition using PZM, MFCC and Statistical analysis”, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI).(Indexed-SCI).
- Badal Soni, Saswati Debnath, Pradip K. Das “Text Dependent Speaker Verification using Classical LBG, Adaptive LBG and FCM Vector Quantization” International Journal of Speech Technology (IJST) , Springer, September 2016, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp 525–536, DOI 10.1007/s10772-016-9346-4 (Indexed-SCOPUS).
International Conference:
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy,“Multi-modal authentication system based on audio-visual data”, IEEE TENCON 2019, Kerala, India, DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929592.
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy “Speaker Independent Isolated Word Recognition based on ANOVA and IFS” 10th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Sydney, Australia. International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6339-6), (ISI Web of Science). doi>10.1145/3177457.3191708
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy, “Isolated Word Recognition based on Different Statistical Analysis and Feature Selection Technique” International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Soft Computing (CISC-2017), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC Series Springer). pp 463-473, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0617-4_46.
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy,” Automatic Speech Recognition based on Clustering technique”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC Series Springer), The first International Conference on Emerging Technology in Modeling and Graphics (IEMGraph’18), Kolkata, India. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7403-6_59.
- Saswati Debnath, Pinki Roy,“ Study of different feature extraction method for visual speech recognition”, ICCCI’21, Coimbatore, India.
- Saswati Debnath, Badal Soni, Ujwala Baruah, “Text-Dependent Speaker Verification System: A Review” IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 9th and 10th Jan.2015. DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2015.7282386
- Saswati Debnath, Badal Soni, Pradip Kr. Das, “Text-constrained Speaker Verification using Fuzzy C Means Vector Quantization”. 4th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing-ICCSP'15. DOI: 10.1109/ICCSP.2015.7322767
- Shradha Naik, Saswati Debnath and Vijin Justin, “A Review of Arrhythmia Classification with Artificial Intelligence Techniques: Deep vs Machine Learning”, INCET 2021, Bengaluru, India.
OTHER ACTIVITIES: International Conference, workshops attended and organized:
- IEEE International conference TENCON 2019, 17th to 20th October 2019, Kochi, Kerala, India.
- The International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Soft Computing (CISC-2017), 2017, Hyderabad, India.
- IEEE Sponsored International conference on Intelligent System and Control (ISCO-2015), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
- International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS’2018), Sydney, Australia.
- The first International Conference on Emerging Technology in Modeling and Graphics (IEMGraph’18), 6th to 7th September, 2018, Kolkata, India.
- International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2021, Coimbatore, India.
- One week workshop on “High Performance Computing”, April, 2014.
- One week workshop on “Advanced Fuzzy logic”, February, 2016.
- One week workshop on “Speech Technology solutions for North Eastern states of India”, February, 2017.
- One week Workshop on “Advances in Image Processing and Soft Computing Techniques”, February, 2017.
- One week workshop on “Application of Machine Learning”, March, 2017.
- One week workshop on “Cloud computing and network”, March, 2017.
- Five days’ workshop on “Recent Research Trends and Future Perspective of Machine Learning in Academics & Industry”, October, 2018.
- Five days’ Workshop on “Deep Learning Techniques & Tools: An Academic and Industrial Approach”, April, 2019.
- Organized workshop on Signal and System, April 2021 at Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, India.