
Dr. Sasmita Bal
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Sasmita Bal teaches core mechanical subjects such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines, heat transfer etc. She has a strong practical background in the areas of heat and mass transfer and CFD using Ansys 16 (workbench) software, LAB View and has guided BE & M.Tech. projects at different levels in the aforesaid areas. She completed her B.Tech. degree from VSSUT, Burla, Odisha in 2004, and has an M.Tech. degree from N.I.T, Rourkela, Odisha (2010) in thermal specialization. She obtained her doctorate from KIIT, a deemed to be university, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha in 2018. Her research areas are microfluidics and spray impingement cooling. She has published papers in international journals and also presented several papers in national and international conferences. Currently she is holding membership of The Institution of Engineers (India), and Indian Science Congress. She has more than 13 years of experience in various universities. She has prepared an experimental set-up of microchannel cooling by jet and spray impingement in KIIT. She has applied for a patent on “system and method for microchannel cooling with air-water spray” in November 2017.
Publications in Journals
- Bal Sasmita, Mishra P. C. Satapathy A. K., “Micro-Electro Discharge Machining of Holes and Grooves: An Assessment of Process Parameters” Int. J. of Engineering and Technology, DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i2/170902051, 9 (2), 2017, pp.710-19. [SCOPUS/ICI, UGC (145)]
- Bal Sasmita, Mishra P. C. Satapathy A. K., “Numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow through silicon-based microchannel with different surface roughness elements”, Int. J. of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, Inderscience, DOI:10.1504/IJESMS.2017.10008437, 9(4), 2017, pp.188-199.[SCOPUS/ICI, UGC (16782)].
- Bal Sasmita, Mishra P. C. Satapathy A. K., “Optimization of spray parameters for effective microchannel cooling using surface response methodology”, Int. J. of heat and technology.[in press]
Publications in Conference Proceedings
- Purna C. Mishra, Santosh K. Nayak, Durga P. Ghosh, Rajeswari Chaini, Sasmita Bal ,“Heat Transfer Augmentation in Steel Quenching by Spray Impingement Cooling Method(SICM)- An Experimental Investigation” International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference December 28-31, 2013, IIT Kharagpur, India. Paper ID- HMTC1300526.
- Bal Sasmita, Mishra P. C. and Satapathy A. K., “Two-Phase Spray Impingement Density Determination in Microchannel Cooling: Measurement And Optimization Results” 1st International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME - 2018) October 3rd – 5th , 2018, Amity university, Nodia, India.Paper-ID-89.(Accepted)