
Dr. Sandeep Dhariwal
Professor & Director (In Charge) - Centre of Excellence (Indigenous Processor Development)
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Sandeep Dhariwal received his doctoral degree in Electronics Engineering from Banasthali University, and and M.Tech in VLSI Design & Embedded Systems from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar. He received his B.E. from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak.
He has about nine years of experience in research, teaching, and industry in the field of electronics and communication engineering. His technical expertise includes VLSI design, low power digital VLSI design, advanced digital system design and nano-materials.
Dr. Sandeep Dhariwal has published many research papers in different reputed journals and conferences. He has reviewed various research papers from reputed journals including Organic Electronics (Elsevier), Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology and Journal of Engineering Science and Technology.
Research Papers in Journals (National/International)
- S. Dhariwal, Sushma, V.Gupta, R. vijay, V. K. Lamba, “A Comparative Study Performance Analysis of SRAM Cells with Symmetric Asymmetric Configuration,” Journal of Communication and Computer, USA, Volume 8, No.4, Serial no.(77), ISSN 1548-7709 (Print), ISSN 1930-1553 (online), pp. 313-317, April (2011).
- Sandeep Dhariwal, Vijay K. Lamba, Ritu Vijay, “CNT–A Solution for Interconnects,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2, Issue-1, Pages 255-262, October (2012).
- Sandeep Dhariwal, Vijay K. Lamba, Ritu Vijay, “Analyzing The Transport Properties of Metallic SWCNT Interconnects Between Gold Electrodes,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976 – 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6472(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 451-460, July- September (2012).
- Manpreet Kaur, Sandeep Dhariwal, “Parameters Affecting Electrothermal Actuation Based Microtweezers”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, No.3, ISSN 2277 – 4106, pages 305-309, Sept. (2012).
- SK Kaushik, K Chahal, S Singh, S Dhariwal, “Performance evaluation of mobile Ad hoc networks with reactive and proactive routing protocols and mobility models”, International Journal of Computer Applications 54 (17)10, Pages 28-35, 2012
- Sandeep Dhariwal, Vijay K. Lamba, Ritu Vijay, “Modeling Transport Properties of single-wall carbon nanotube between metal and graphene electrodes,” Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, SAGE publications UK, ISSN: 1740-3499, eISSN: 2041-3092, Volume 227, Issue 4, December 18, (2013). DOI: 10.1177/1740349913515203. Pages 74-84.
- Pardeep Bansal, Sandeep Dhariwal, Pawan Kumar, “Common NBLV SRAM Assist Circuits in Nano-CMOS Technology,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISSN: 2277 128X, Volume 3, Issue 8, August (2013). Pages 1087-1092.
- Ankita Mehta, Sandeep Dhariwal, “Design Implementation of Features based Fingerprint Image Matching System”, Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, ISSN:2321-3124, volume 2, pp:1183-1190, Nov/Dec 2014.
- Sandeep Dhariwal, V.K. Lamba, A. Kumar, “Simulation and performance analysis of carbon nano-materials based patch antennas”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (4),2, 2016
- Sajotra Deepak, Sandeep Dhariwal, Ravi Shankar Mishra, “Comparative analysis of Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using CMOS”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (14), 1, 2016
- Pratik Ghosh, Sandeep Dhariwal, Ravi Shankar Mishra, “A Study on Active Inductor based VCO to Implement PLL Frequency Synthesizer for Zigbee Standard”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (44),2016.
- Amandeep Singh, Sandeep Dhariwal, Sanjeev Sharma, “Power optimization in test pattern generator techniques for BIST applications”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, volume 9 (41), 89-94, Dec 2016
- Akhlaquer Rahman, Ravi Shankar Mishra, Sandeep Dhariwal, “Comparative Analysis of 4-Bit and 8-Bit Galois Encoder in 90 nm Technology”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9 (41), 13-21, Dec 2016.
- Sakshi, Sandeep Dhariwal, Ravi Shankar Mishra, “Analyzing the Effect of Voltage Variation in a Thin-Film Transistor with Silicon”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9 (41), 23-27, Dec 2016.
- Jaideep Singh, Sandeep Dhariwal, Rajeev Kumar, “A Detailed Survey of ARP Poisoning Detection and Mitigation Techniques”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9 (41), 131-137, Dec 2016.
- P.A. Irfan Khan, Ravi Shankar Mishra, S Dhariwal, “Comparative Analysis of Different Types of Full Adders using 180nm and 90nm Technology” IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on Advances in Emerging, ISSN: 0975 – 8887,pp: 13-16, 2016.
- V K Lambaa, D Engles, Sandeep Dhariwal Ajay Kumar, “Study on the effect of bending on CNT’s flexible antennas”, Indian Journal of Pure Applied Physics, Vol.55, July 2017.
Research Papers in Conferences (National/International)
- Sandeep dhariwal, Deepak kedia, “An Overview of Various Power Reduction Techniques in SRAM for Embedded application”, National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering and Technology, Govt. Engg. College, Ajmer, 26th april 2008.
- Kapil bhardwaj, sandeep dhariwal, sandeep kumar, “Optical fiber Network Management and its Future Network,” International Conference on Network Management & the Future of Fiber Optic Networks, Indo Global College of Engg., SAS Nagar, Mohali (Punjab), 11 sept. 2009.
- Sandeep Dhariwal, Rishi Pal, Vipin Gupta, “Study of Transport Properties of SW and MW Carbon Nanotube Bundles,” National Conference on Revolutionary Advancements in Communication and Electronics (RACE-10), Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Alwar (Rajasthan), 12-13 Nov., 2010.
- V. K. Lamba, S. Dhariwal, D. Kaler, D. Engles, “Calculation of carrier density & effective mass in CNT for modeling its electronic properties,” 6th International Conference, IIT Kanpur, INCCOM, December 15-17, (2010).
- S. Dhariwal, Sushma, V.Gupta, R. vijay, V. K. Lamba, “Modeling of Carbon-Nanotube Interconnects for VLSI Circuit Simulations and a Comparison with Cu Interconnects,” 6th International Conference, IIT Kanpur, INCCOM, December 15-17, (2010).
- S. Dhariwal, V.K.Lamba, R. vijay, Sushma Dhariwal, “Analysis of SWCNT over Ground Plane & Application as VLSI Interconnects,” International Conference organized by IIT Kanpur, IWPSD, December 15-17, (2011).
- V. K. Lamba, A. Kumar, M. Verma, S. Dhariwal, K. Sharma, S. Anand, D. Engles, “Design & Fabrication of Carbon Nano-structured Flexible Antenna,” 16th International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices, IIT Kanpur-2011 (edited by Y. N. Mohapatra, B. Mazhari, M. Katiyar), Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8549, SPIE (2012), DOI: 10.1117/12.924267.
- Sandeep Dhariwal, Vijay K. Lamba, Ritu Vijay, Sushma, “Analyzing the Potential of CNTs in Sensor Applications,” International Conference organized by IIT Bombay, NMC, June 6-8, (2012).
- Vijay K. Lamba, Parul C., Suman, Sandeep Dhariwal, “Detection of Molecules Using CNT & Graphene,” International Conference organized by IIT Bombay, NMC, June 6-8, (2012).
- Kaushik, S.K. ; Chahal, K. ; Dhariwal, S. ; Kumar, A. ; Raj, P., “Analysis of TCP Performance over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Varying Speed”, Computing Sciences (ICCS), 14-15 Sept. 2012 International Conference-Phagwara, IEEE , ISBN: 978-1-4673-2647-6, pages 193 – 200, (2012).
- Vijay K. Lamba, Sandeep Dhariwal, “Modeling and Simulation of Nanosystems & Futuristic Applications,” International Conference on Frontiers in nanoscience, nanotechnology and their applications, NanoSciTech – 2012, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, 16-18 Feb., 2012.
- Sandeep Dhariwal, Vijay K. Lamba, Ritu Vijay, Krishan, “Analyzing Electron Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotube between Copper Electrodes,” Presented the Paper in 2nd National Conference on Machine Intelligence and Research Advancement (NCMIRA-2015) 19-20 March, 2015 organized by Deptt. of ECE, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat).
- Sakshi, Sandeep Dhariwal, Amandeep Singh, “Analyzing the effect of gate dielectric on the leakage currents”, MATEC Web of Conferences 57, DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20165701028, 2016.
- Ravi Trivedi, Sandeep Dhariwal, and Abhishek Kumar, “Implementation of low power BIST using BS-CFSR”, International conference RAACE, 2017 in CCIS Series of Springer (Scopus Indexed) (Accepted and expected to be published by April, 2018).
- Ravi Trivedi, Sandeep Dhariwal, and Abhishek Kumar, “Comparison of various ATPG techniques to determine optimal BIST”, 2nd International conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, ICICS 2018 in IEEE CPS conference (to be published).
- Pratik Ghosh, Sandeep Dhariwal, Ravi Trivedi and Vijay Kumar Lamba, “Efficient PLL design for frequency Synthesizers used in Zigbee standard applications”, 2nd International conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, ICICS 2018 in IEEE CPS conference (to be published).
- Deepak Sajotra, Sandeep Dhariwal, Ravi Shankar Mishra,Raghav Gupta and Vijay Kumar Lamba, “Design and Simulation of Low Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator for biomedical applications”, 2nd International conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, ICICS 2018 in IEEE CPS conference (to be published).
- Irfan Pindoo, Dr. Sandeep Dhariwal, Rahul Sharma and Dr. Suman Lata Tripathi, “Speed Enhancement in the Performance of Two Phase Clocked Adiabatic Static CMOS Logic Circuits”, 2nd International conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, ICICS 2018 in IEEE CPS conference (to be published).
- Mahendra Swain,Sandeep DhariwalandGaurav Kumar, “A Python (Open CV) based automatic tool for parasitemia calcuation in peripheral blood smear”, 2nd International conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, ICICS 2018 in IEEE CPS conference (to be published).
- Rajkumar Sarma, Sandeep Dhariwal and Shruti Jain, “Design & Analysis of a novel 8X8 bit signed/unsigned synchronous MAC architecture using clock gating scheme for fixed-point arithmetic”, 2nd International conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, ICICS 2018 in IEEE CPS conference (to be published).