
Dr. Reeba Korah
Professor & Dean - ASAE
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Reeba Korah holds a Ph. D. from Anna University, Chennai and is specialized in Signal Processing and VLSI Design. She has a vast experience of over 28 years in the field of engineering academics, administration and active research. Prof. Korah is an alumnus of Marathwada University, Maharashtra and Anna University, Chennai. Her technical expertise spans VLSI design, image and video processing and wireless sensor networks.
She has about 70 research publications to her credit in reputed international journals and conference proceedings. She has authored five books pertaining to electronics engineering. Dr. Korah serves as a doctoral level research supervisor in Anna University and Sathyabama University, Chennai. She has produced ten Ph. D. holders so far. She is also a doctoral committee member in these universities. She serves as a reviewer for the reputed Elsevier International Journal of Micro Electronics and Emerald Compel International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Dr. Korah is the recipient of the Karnataka Government’s research funding to establish a Centre of Excellence in Electronic device modelling and VLSI Chip design.
Research Papers Publications
- Reduction of Garbage Outputs and Constant Inputs in Design of Combinational Circuits Using Reversible Logic. IEEE, May 2021. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9419476
- ‘A Combined Approach for Stereoscopic 3D Reconstruction Model based on Improved Semi Global Matching’, in the International Arab Journal of Information Technology,2016, ISSN:2309-4524(Online) [IF:0.582] with Rajesh Kannan
- ‘Swarm Intelligence Integrated Graph-Cut for Liver Segmentation from 3D-CT Volumes’, in the Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, Article ID 823541, 12 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/823541. [IF:1.219] with Maya Eapen
- ‘Computerized Liver Segmentation from CT Images using Probabilistic Level Set Approach’, in Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1871-y, [IF:0.367] with Maya Eapen and G. Geetha
- ‘An Automatic Detection of Optic Disc in Low Quality Retinal Images by Modified Directional Matched Filter’, in the International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 3, 2015, pp. 7693-7713. [SCOPUS , IF: 0.13 ] with Murugan R and Kavitha T
- ‘Survey on Image Fusion Algorithm’, in the International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, Vol.4, Issue 1, 2015, pp.157-161, [IF:4.413] with S. Maheswari
- ‘A Novel Test Path Selection Based on Switching Activity and Its BIST Implementation’, in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 3 Issue 5, 2014, [I.F:2.793], P. Pattunnarajam
- ‘Circuit level, 32 nm, 1-bit MOSSI-ULP adder: power, PDP and area efficient base cell for unsigned multiplier’, in IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 11, no. 6, 2014, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1587/elex.11.20140109. [I.F:0.391] with Vijayakumar, S
- 'Design and implementation of microstrip antenna for wireless application in UWB region’, in the International Journal of Research Engineering Technology, vol. 3, Special Issue 7, 2014, pp. 262-264. [I.F:2.375] with Nivitha, D, and Vijayakumar, S
- ‘Computer-aided detection and identification of mine-like objects in IR Imagery using Digital Image Processing’, in Inderscience Journal, 2014, with G. Suganthi
- ‘Fuzzy Logic based Edge Detection for Infrared Landmine images’, in NJESS, April 2014 issue, Sathyabama University, [Google scholar indexed] with G. Suganthi
- ‘Discrimination of Mine-Like Objects in Infrared Images using Artificial Neural Network’, in the Indian Journal of Applied Research,Vol.4, Issue.12, ISSN-2249-555X, 2014, pp.39-41.[Impact Factor : 3.6241] with G.Suganthi
- ‘Fuzzy Segmentation and Feature Extraction for an efficient identification of mine-like objects’, in the International Review on Computers and Software(I.RE.CO.S),Vol.9,N.7, 2014, pp.1195-1200. [I.F:0.6] with G. Suganthi
- ‘Prediction and Optimization of Infrared Imaging used in Landmine Detection with a Suitable Numerical Modeling’, in the International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 3 Issue 7, 2014, pp.227-232. [Impact Factor: 1.76] with G.Suganthi , N. Seetharaman and G. Kannan
- ‘Integration of Improved Region Growing(iRG) and Level Set Method for Automated Medical Image Segmentation’, in the International Review on Computers and Software(I.RE.CO.S),Vol.9,N.2, 2014, pp.278-284.[I.F:0.6] with Maya Eapen
- ‘Medical Image Segmentation for Anatomical Knowledge Extraction’, in Journal of Computer Science Vol.10, N.7, 2014, pp.1253-1258. [IF: 0.69] with Maya Eapen
- ‘Improved Stereo Matching Algorithm using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization’, in the International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S), Vol.8, N.7, 2013, pp.1549-1555.[I.F:0.6] with S.Rajesh Kannan
- ‘Microaneurysms detection methods in retinal images using mathematical morphology’, in the International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2013, pp.120-128. [I.F:2.716] with Murugan R, Nasreen Fathima S and Venkata Haritha T
- ‘Area and Power Efficient Hybrid PTCSL MUX Design’, in European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.83 No.1, 2012, pp.39-52, with S.Vijayakumar
- ‘An automatic screening method to detect optic disc in the retina’, in the International Journal of Advanced Information Technology (IJAIT) Vol. 2, No.4, August 2012,pp 23-31, with R. Murugan
- ‘An efficient approach to detect Optic Disc in digital colour images of the human retina’, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol.3, No.12, 2011, with Murugan R
- ‘FPGA Implementation of Integer Transform and Quantizer for H-264 Encoder’, in Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, Vol. 53, No.3,2008, pp. 261-269., with Raja Paul Perinbam J.
- ‘Fully pipelined parallel Architecture for Candidate Block and Pixel-Sub-sampling based Motion Estimation’, in Journal of VLSI Design, USA, Vol. 2008, Article ID 890410, pp. 1-8., with Raja Paul Perinbam J
- ‘A Novel Coarse-to-fine Search Motion Estimator’, in the Information Technology Journal, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2006, pp. 1073-1077., with Raja Paul Perinbam J
- ‘Sub-block Subsampling based Block Matching Motion Estimation’, in WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 3, Issue 6, 2004, pp. 2006-2010. with Raja Paul Perinbam J
Research Papers Presented/Published in the Conference Proceedings
- 13T Low Power PTL based Arithmetic Leaf Cell for Signal Processing’, presented and published in the proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunication and Network TEL-NET 2013, pp 457-464., with S.Vijayakumar
- ‘Critical path delay and leakage power reduction during test in deep submicron IC’s’ presented and published in the proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (INCOSET), 2012, IEEE Explorer Digital library. pp. 312 – 316., with P.Pattunnarajam
- ‘Segmentation algorithms for automatic detection of retinal images using CVIP tools’, presented and published in the proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), 2012, IEEE Explorer Digital library, pp.229 – 233, with R.Murugan
- ‘FPGA implementation for speed monitoring and speed control of a DC motor using fuzzy logic’, presented and published in the proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering and Energy Management (ICETEEEM), 2012, IEEE Explorer Digital library, pp. 222 – 228., with Hepzibah E.J
- ‘An efficient approach to detect Optic Disc in digital colour images of the human retina’, presented and published in the proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, May 27-28, 2011, Page No. 185-188., with Murugan R
- ‘Locating Optic Disc centre in retinal images using directional matched filter’, presented and published in the proceedings of National conference on signal processing, communications & VLSI design” on May 6-7, 2011,Page No 62-67, 6 pages, organised by Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore, India, with Murugan R
- ‘Adaptive Fuzzy PI Controller for a separately excited DC Motor’, presented and published in the proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Engineering Technology’, Shanghai, China, October 28-30,2011, with E. Julie Hepzibah
- ‘Three Step Diamond Search Algorithm for Block-Matching Motion Estimation’, presented and published in the proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2007, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology, Nandyal, with Gracelin Sheela P. and Raja Paul Perinbam J
- ‘Modified Hexagon-Based Search Pattern for Fast Block Motion Estimation’ presented and published in the proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Trends and Developments in VLSI and Embedded System, 2007, ISTE Chapter, Adhiyamman College of Engineering, with Devika M.M and Raja Paul Perinbam J
- ‘An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Global Motion Estimation’, presented and published in the proceedings of IEEE sponsored National Level Seminar, 2006, pp. 305-308., with Agatha R.
- ‘A Novel Coarse-to-fine Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation’, presented and published in the proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2006, pp. 1121-1126, IIT, Mumbai, with Raja Paul Perinbam J
- ‘Motion Estimation with Candidate Block and Pixel Subsampling Algorithm’, presented and published in the proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2005, pp. 130-133, Canada, with Raja Paul Perinbam J
- ‘Sub-block sub sampling based Block Matching Motion Estimation’, presented and published in the proceedings of International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, 2004, pp. 473-267: 1-5., with Raja Paul Perinbam J
Books Published
- ‘Electronic Devices’, Vijay Nicole, 2013 with Aby.K.Thomas
- ‘Electric Circuits and Electron Devices’, Mc Graw Hill, 2012, with Aby.K.Thomas
- ‘Microprocessors and Microcontrollers’, Mc Graw Hill, in Press
- ‘Microprocessors and Interfacing Devices’, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2002, with R. Avudaiammal
- ‘Advanced Microprocessors’, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2003, with R. Avudaiammal