
Dr. Rajeev Kumar P
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr Rajeev Kumar P is an academician with more than 21 years of post-PhD experience in teaching, research, administration, and consultancy works in the broad area of Civil/Geotechnical Engineering. He obtained his Ph D from IIT Bombay (2002); MTech from NITK Surathkal (1998) and BTech from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala (1995). He is a recipient of postdoctoral fellowships in Geoenvironmental Engineering from NCTU Taiwan and Yonsei University, Seoul, Soth Korea (2005-07). Dr Rajeev has research interest in the area of geotechnical engineering, centrifuge modelling, sustainable geotechnics, environmental geotechnics, ground improvement techniques, and green energy systems. He is empaneled as a subject expert in civil engineering by UPSC, New Delhi.
- Kumar, PR and Singh DN (2012), “Geotechnical centrifuge modeling of chloride diffusion through soils”, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(3), pp: 327–332.
- M, Anuar KK and Kumar PR (2010), “Effect of lime on mine waste from Sabah”, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 22.
- Kumar, PR (2007), “Scaling Laws and Experimental Modelling of Contaminant Transport through Soils in a Geotechnical Centrifuge”, Geotechnical & Geological Engineering International Journal. Springer, USA. 25: pp: 581-590.
- Kumar, PR (2006), “An Experimental Methodology for Detecting Contaminant Transport through Geotechnical Centrifuge Models”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment International Journal, Springer, USA, Vol 117 (1-3), pp: 215-233.
- Kumar, PR and DN Singh (2005), “A Novel Technique for Monitoring Contaminant Transport through Soils” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment International Journal, Springer, USA, Vol. 109 (1-3), pp: 147-160.
- Rajeev KP and DN Singh (2004), “Instrumentation and Testing Methodology for Detecting Chloride Contaminants in Soils” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM International), USA. Vol. 32(2), pp: 81-87
Book/Book Chapter
- Rajeev KP, John A, Kevin C and Abhijith V (2023), “Slope Stability Analysis of Western Ghat area in Kerala”, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2022 Kochi. Accepted in Springer Nature, USA, Scopus indexed Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Book Chapter11.
- Rajeev KP and Singh DN (2014), “Centrifuge modeling of contaminant transport through soils” (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH, Germany)
Other peer-reviewed journals
- Thomas SM, and Rajeev KP (2021), “A review of landslide susceptibility assessment models”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 08 Issue: 03, pp. 117-120.
- John A and Rajeev KP (2021), “Applications of Geotechnical Centrifuge in Research”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume: 08 Issue: 01, pp: 1880-1884.
- Thasnem F, Jincy KJ, Aparna EN, Renjana RS, and Rajeev KP, (2020), “Structural Analysis and Redesign of a Cable-Stayed Suspension Bridge across Achankovil River in Kerala”, International Journal of Engineering research and technology, Volume 09, Issue 06 (June 2020), pp: 1-5.
- Rajeev KP, Sreeleshmi KS, Anjana S, Harikrishnan S, Santhanu GN, and Leena VP (2020), “Role of Agricultural Wastes in Construction Industry”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 9 Issue 03, pp: 66-69.
- Ashwini MS, Devika J S, Panchami P S, Muhammad SN, Rajeev KP (2020) “Structural Analysis and Design of an Auditorium using Extended-3D Analysis of Building System”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 9 Issue 06, pp. 22-24.
- Anjali A & Rajeev KP. (2015). “Predicting Availability and Scarcity of Water Using Visual MODFLOW”. Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISSN: 2321 – 2462) Vol.3, Issue 04, pp 480-484
- Anjali A & P.R Kumar. (2015). “Role of Groundwater Flow Modelling in Construction Industry.” IFRSA International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 1, March 2015
- Sreerekha and P R Kumar*. (2015), “Advanced site-specific safety planting techniques”. International journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol II, special issue X, ISSN 2394-3777. PP. 228-232.
- Aarya V., Jayamohan J. & PR Kumar (2015), “Effect of underground void on the behaviour of strip footing”. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, March issue, ISSN 09745704.
- Sreerekha & PR Kumar (2014), “Properties and applications of EPS beads as a lightweight fill material for embankment construction”. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, issue 5, pp.428-438. Best paper presented
International Conferences
- Rajeev KP, John A, Kevin C and Abhijith V (2023), “Slope Stability Analysis of Western Ghat area in Kerala”, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2022 Kochi, India.
- Jayaraj J., Anjali A, & Kumar P Rajeev (2016), “Behaviour of strip footing resting on prestressed reinforced foundation beds”, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2016, IIT Madras, India.
- Jayaraj, J, Anjali. A, Rajeev KP (2016), “Modelling of Strip Footings Resting on Pre-Stressed Reinforced Foundation Beds”, ICRACE-2016 (International conference), CUSAT, India.
- Jayaraj J., Anjali. A, Rajeev KP (2016), “Effect of Geometric Parameters of Reinforced Granular Beds on the Behavior of Strip Footings”, KETCON-2K16, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam, India.
- Jayaraj, J, Anjali. A, Rajeev KP (2016), “Study of Strip Footings Resting on Foundation Bed overlying Weak Soil”, nCORTech-2K16, LBS College of Engineering, Kasargod, India. Published in an international journal-special edition. Best paper presented
- Jayamohan J., Rajeev Kumar P & Aarya V (2015), “Effect of underground void on the behavior of strip footing resting on reinforced foundation bed”, 50th Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Pune, India, December 2015
- Anjali A and Rajeev Kumar P. (2015). “Groundwater flow modelling using Visual MODFLOW.” In Conference Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Applied Sciences held on May 1 & 2 at Kottayam, India. Best paper presented
- Kumar PR (2011), “Effect of ground contamination on shear strength and permeability of silty soil”, 14 Asian Regional Conference, Hong Kong in CDROM
- Kumar PR & KK Anuar (2010), “Effect of industrial chemicals on settlement characteristics of clay”, GEOTROPIKA 2010, International conference, Sabah, Malaysia in CD-ROM.
- Kumar P. R. (2008), “Accelerated physical modeling of contaminant transport through soils”, Indian Geotechnical Conference held at IISc Bangalore in December 2008.
- Rajeev Kumar P. & DN Singh (2004), “Derivation of the Scaling Relationships of Centrifuge Modelling of Contaminant Transport.” International Conference on Geotextiles & Geoenvironmental Engineering, IIT Bombay, India in December 2004. Pp: 438-443.
- Kumar, P. R. & DN Singh (2004), “Modelling of contaminant transport through clayey soil using laboratory column tests”. Indian Geotechnical Conference 2004, NIT Warangal, India in December 2004. Pp: 262-264
- Kumar, P. R. & RK Yaji (2004), “Effect of Ground Contamination on the Engineering behavior of Silty soil”, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2004, NIT Warangal, India in December 2004. Pp: 97-99.
- Kumar PR & Anjali TG (2004), “Studies on fluidized bed reactor”, Int. conference on chemical engineering, UTM, Malaysia in CDROM.
- Kumar, P. R. & DN Singh (2001), “An Instrument for Detection of Contaminant Transport in Soils”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2001, Indore, India. Pp. 483-484.
Honorary contribution
- Faculty Advisor & established ASCE student chapter (2022-2024). Organizing committee member, Indian Geotechnical Conference, Kochi, India (2022)
- Successfully coordinated (2020, 2021, 2022) – Global Faculty Development Programs (FDP) on Recent Advances in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering and FDP on Sustainable practices & developments in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (2022)
- Peer Reviewer – ASCE, International Journal of Geomechanics 2013-2024, USA; Indian Geotechnical Conference (2022), Springer, New Delhi, India
- During the COVID-19 pandemic time, developed various ONLINE LECTURE videos on topics related to Geotechnical Engineering and Ground Improvement Technologies and created a YouTube channel (#drrajeevkumarp) exclusively for the student community globally (2020-24)
- Chaired a session in ICICES 2016, Kochi, Kerala, India on January 8-9, 2016; Technical committee member of international conference (GEOTROPIKA2010) Sabbah, Malaysia.
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Civil Engineering (2010-2011) – Member Corporate Communication & Internationalization Committee.
Invited Lectures
- Kumar PR (2019), “Modelling in Environmental Geotechnics”, CUSAT, Ernakulam, India in October 2019
- Kumar PR (2015), “Geoenvironmental engineering- an emerging research area”, Department of civil engineering, IIT Madras, India on 25 August.
- Kumar PR (2011), “Research collaboration opportunities in UTM”, IIT Bombay, India on 1st
- Kumar PR (2011), “Role of Geotechnical centrifuge in research”, IIT Madras, India on 23rd
- Kumar P.R. (2006), “Review of contaminant transport mechanisms through soil media”, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
- Kumar P.R. (2002), “Modelling in Geotechnology”, Geotechnical engineering division, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India.
Awards/ Scholarships
- Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) National Award for Innovative Research in Engineering & Technology, 2007 (Awarded to a young researcher below 35 years)
- Government of India – MHRD- IITB Research Fellowship, 1998-2002
- GATE Scholarship for Postgraduate studies, 1996-98
- Postdoctoral Fellowships, 2005-07.
Funded Research Projects
- Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia funded project on the research topic, “Effect of Industrial byproducts in the Engineering Properties of Soils in the Malaysian peninsula”. Funding Agency – RMC, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2009-12).
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, India sponsored project - “Instrumentation and Testing Methodology for Detecting Chloride Contaminants in Soils,”, under the scheme Competitive Grant Program (CGP) of the National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Inda (1998-2002).