


Dr. Poulami Paul

Assistant Professor

Department of Language & Literature

Dr. Poulami teaches French language. Her area of specialization is travel writing. Her thesis focuses on the travelogues written by French travellers who came to India in the 19th century. She has a Ph.D. degree in French from The English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad (2022). She completed M.A. in French from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad (2014).

  • Paul Poulami L’Inde du 19em siècle revisitée sous la plume d’Édouard deWarren (19th-century India revisited by Édouard de Warren) (2017). July-December, Caraivéti, Langer International, Vol.1, Issue.1 (ISSN: 24569690)
  • Paul Poulami Les intelligence multiples et enseignement dela grammaire en FLE (Multiple intelligence and grammar teaching in FLE) (2018). January-June 2018 Caraivéti, Langer International, Vol.1,Issue.2,(ISSN: 2456-9690)

Certifications and Professional Trainings:

  • Attended Workshop on Comment utiliser l’image en class (How to use image as a tool of teaching languages) on 08/2014 organized by Institute
    Français en Inde in collaboration with the department of French of University of Calcutta.
  • Attended Workshop on Use of digital tools in class(11/2014) Organized by Institut françis en Inde in collaboration with Alliance française du Bengale, Kolkata.
  • Attended Workshop on Exploiter le document authetique pour developer l’oral en classe de langue (Use of authentic documents to develop oral competence) on 01/2020 at Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bangalore.
  • Led a team of students during a Cultural Immersion Programat Cavilam Alliance Française Vichy in 2022.
  • Attended a workshop on Théâtre en classe de FLE (Theatre in Foreign Language Class) on 06/2023 - 07/2023 Organized by Christ University Bangalore in collaboration with French Embassy Institut française en Inde.
  • Attended a 10-day Faculty Refreshment Program FDP from 11 to 22 September 2023, organized by IOT, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
  • Certificate course on Fundamentals of International Politics from Jain University, Bangalore

  • Paul Poulami The Bengal and French Connection and the Preoccupation of French Scholar with at Indian Languages and National Integration in the Global Context (Vaishvik paridrshya mein bharatiya bhashyen aur r?shtriya ekta) Organised by the department of Hindi, Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bengaluru from 02/2023 to 02/2023
  • Paul Poulami L'image de l'Indecrééepar les érudits français du XIXe siècle (The image of India created by 19th-century French scholars) at International Conference organized by Benaras Hindu University from 10/2023 to 11/2023 Benaras Hindu University.