
Dr. Nagaraj S
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Nagaraj S, working as an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering teaches various computer science courses like, Computer Networks, Operating System (Linux), Software Engineering, C & System Programming, Data Mining & Warehousing, along with specializations like Cloud Technology, Information Storage Management & Azure. He has completed and awarded his Ph.D. in Computer & Information Science in the year 2020 from Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka. Prior to that he completed his Master’s degree in Computer Applications from the same university. He has 12 years of teaching experience with good academic feedback, outstanding results, work performances, and subject excellence. He is passionate and accomplished educator, facilitator, researcher and author with a profound impact in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Technology & Network Security. He also serves as an editorial board member for prestigious international journals and diligently reviews submissions of research papers. He has published numerous research papers in reputed journals including national and international conferences.
- Published research paper titled “Fake News & Image Prediction System Using Machine Learning & ANN” in the proceedings of ICRDSTEM-2023, Issue JETIR ISSN-2349-5162, Organized by Jain University, March-2023.
- Published research paper titled “A Survey on Techniques Implementing Battery Management System & Crash Detection System in Electric Vehicles in India” in the proceedings of ICRDSTEM-2023, Issue JETIR ISSN-2349-5162, Organized by Jain University, March-2023.
- Published research paper titled “Manageable E-Governance Architecture in Health Care System Using Cloud Storage”, Neuroquantology, DOI- 10.4704/nq.2022.20.14.NQ880153. Issue 14, Vol-20, Oct-2022.
- Published a research paper titled-“An Approach to sense CO by MQ-7 sensors and to Increase lifetime of WSN using MMBS protocol”, International Journal of Recent Technology & Engineering (IJRTE), 2019.
- Published a research paper titled- “A Literature review on Effective Monitoring of NOx Pollutants using Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET-UAE),
- Published a research paper titled- “Optimization of MQ-7 Gas Sensors in determining the Concentration of CO air Pollutant in different Environmental Conditions of Bangalore City”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS),2018.
- Presented & published a research paper titled- “Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Real-Time Ambient Air Pollution Monitoring and Air Quality in Metropolitan Cities- A Survey”, in the proceedings of IEEE SmartTechCon-2017 @ Reva University Bengaluru -2017.
- Presented & published a research paper titled- “A Comparative study on WSN in the field of Industries, Bio-medical and Military Applications” in the journal of IJIRCCE-2017 hosted @ Basavakalyana Engineering College, Basavakalyana, Bidar (Dt.) May
- Presented & published a research paper titled “A Comparative Study on AODV, DSR & DSDV Routing Protocols for Intelligent Transportation System in Metro Cities for Road Traffic Safety Using VANETS”, in the proceedings of IEEE ICAECCT-2016
- “Effective Cost Reduction Usage of Infrastructure in Small Scale Sectors using Cloud Storage and Internet of Things”, ICMC 2024, Publication through Springer (International Conference on Mathematics and Computing) (Yet to Publish).
Book Chapters
- Dr. Nagaraj. S, Chapter Contribution & Editor for the Text Book of “Ethical Hacking”, Published by RK-Publications on March-2023. ISBN: 978-81-19140-03-9.
- Guest Lecture on Research Paper Writing Skills at Symbiosis Institute of Computer Science and Research (SICSR) Symbiosis International University, Pune (2022).
- Participated in 5 Days FDP (Online) on “Microsoft AZURE-AI” organized by ICT Academy during 10th July to 14th July 2023.
- Completed a Course on “SEEK: Self-directed Emotional Learning for Empathy and Kindness”, organized by UNESCO MGIEP in June 2023.
- Completed a short-term course on “Algorithmic foundations of wireless sensor networks with applications” held on Dec 10th – 14th 2017, at NITK Surathkal (Karnataka), under GIAN scheme of MHRD Government of India.
- Have consistency in the feedback & result performance in every semester of the academics, especially in the core papers & Best Teacher.
- Achieved 2nd prize in Zonal level science exhibition conducted by dept. of Science &Technology, Govt of Karnataka.
- Participated in State level science exhibition for Nanotechnology in Bangalore.
- Attended boot camp programs like Adobe flex, Infosys FDP and Tivoli (TDS) from IBM.
- Presented & published a research paper titled- “Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Real-Time Ambient Air Pollution Monitoring and Air Quality in Metropolitan Cities- A Survey”, in the proceedings of IEEE SmartTechCon-2017 @ Reva University Bengaluru -2017.
- Presented & published a research paper titled- “A Comparative study on WSN in the field of Industries, Bio-medical and Military Applications” in the journal of IJIRCCE-2017 hosted @ Basavakalyana Engineering College, Basavakalyana, Bidar (Dt.) May
- Presented & published a research paper titled “A Comparative Study on AODV, DSR & DSDV Routing Protocols for Intelligent Transportation System in Metro Cities for Road Traffic Safety Using VANETS”, in the proceedings of IEEE ICAECCT-2016
- Published research paper titled “Fake News & Image Prediction System Using Machine Learning & ANN” in the proceedings of ICRDSTEM-2023, Issue JETIR ISSN-2349-5162, Organized by Jain University, March-2023.
- Published research paper titled “A Survey on Techniques Implementing Battery Management System & Crash Detection System in Electric Vehicles in India” in the proceedings of ICRDSTEM-2023, Issue JETIR ISSN-2349-5162, Organized by Jain University, March-2023.