
Dr. Mounica Vallabhaneni
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Mounica is a passionate educator specializing in General Management. She holds a Ph.D. from Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, with her research focusing on the "Emotional Intelligence of Generation X and Generation Y Employees" (2016). She also holds a Master’s degree in Commerce from Acharya Nagarjuna University (2006), along with a Master’s in Business Administration (2007) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (2008) from Pondicherry Central University.
With over a decade of experience in academics, research, and administration, she has taught both postgraduate and undergraduate programs, creating an engaging learning environment. With academic and teaching expertise in Finance, HR, and Marketing, she integrates interdisciplinary insights to enrich her teaching. Dr Mounica is deeply committed to creating an inclusive, student-centric learning environment where every learner is empowered to grow and succeed.
Publications in Journals:
- Satish, Monica, & Vallabhaneni, M. (2024). "An Empirical Study on Regulatory Challenges And Opportunities For Fintech In Enhancing Financial Inclusion Of MSMES". African Journal of Biological Sciences. 6. 10.48047/AFJBS.6.14.2024.8021-8041.
- Vallabhaneni, M & Satish, M & S, Rajshree. (2023). Women's Struggle in the Workplace: A Review on Understanding and Addressing the Challenges. The Empirical Economics Letters. 22. 126. 10.5281/zenodo.8347394.
- Satish, Monica & Vallabhaneni, M. (2023). P2P Lending as a Catalyst for Financial Inclusion: Opportunities and Risks. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition). 42. 175. 10.17605/OSF.IO/AUTJH.
- Ramesh, Nithyashree & Vallabhaneni, M. (2023). A Study on the Role of Financial Services in the Financial Inclusion of Farmers. Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies. 10.36348/sjbms. 2023. v08i06.002.
- Ramesh, Nithyashree & Vallabhaneni, M. (2023). A STUDY ON IMPACT OF PMJDY AND PMFBY ON FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF FARMERS IN INDIA. 53. 106-111.
- Lakshmi, M. R., & Vallabhaneni, M. (2023). A study on analysis of the progress of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana to the farmers in Karnataka State. European Chemical Bulletin, 12(S3), 3880-3887. https://doi.org/10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.454
- Lakshmi, M. R., & Vallabhaneni, M. (2023). Assessment of the performance of Kisan Credit Card scheme among the farmers: An exploratory study in the region of Bangalore Rural District. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 14(77), 54143-54154
- Lakshmi, M. R., & Vallabhaneni, M. (2022). Sustainability of farming: Revisiting resource dependency theory in analysing challenges with special reference to Bangalore Rural District. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 28(4), 1697-1705. https://doi.org/10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.135
- Vallabhaneni, M., & Yamini, M. (2019) Gender Difference in Emotional Intelligence among Software Employees at Bangalore. Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research, 5(2)
Book Publications:
- “Indian Financial System”- IK Publications ISBN: 978-93-81141-53-3. 2012
- “Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring”- Kalyani Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-272-1259-4. 2011
- Consistently rated 4.5+ out of 5 in student feedback for teaching effectiveness over multiple academic years.
- “Teaching Excellence Award” from Rotary Club
- Dale Carnegie High Impact Teaching Skills Certificate
- Mission 10X Learning Approach Certificate from Wipro
- R. Lokesh, K. S. Harish, V. S. Sangu, S. Prabakar, V. Santhosh Kumar and M. Vallabhaneni, "AI and the Future of Work: Preparing the Workforce for Technological Shifts and Skill Evolution," 2024 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKECS), Chikkaballapur, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICKECS61492.2024.10616486.
- Vallabhaneni M, “A Review on Employee Engagement in the Remote Work Era: Best Practices and Strategies”, 2023 National Conference on Sustainable Development: Challenges and Strategies for Indian Economy and Business at Malleswaram Ladies Association, 28th July, 2023.
- Vallabhaneni M, “Transition from IQ to EI” 2023 International Conference on Towards a Sustainable future: Innovations and Strategies for responsible Business Practices held on 7 th & 8th July 2023 at Presidency University, Bengaluru.