
Dr. Momina Bushra
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Momina Bushra holds an MBA degree (with a specialization in Finance) from Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. After completing her MBA degree, she joined Dr. M. C. Saxena College of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow and worked as a lecturer for four years. Meanwhile, she qualified NET (for Lectureship) and JRF conducted by the UGC.
After which she joined Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management and Development Studies, Lucknow, as an Assistant Professor. Subsequently, she got study leave from the institute to pursue a full-time doctoral degree from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (a Central University), Lucknow. Meanwhile, her fellowship of UGC-JRF was upgraded to UGC-SRF. After obtaining her doctoral degree she joined Alliance University’s School of Business, Bangalore, where she now works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance. Her academic/research areas are financial management, financial accounting, security analysis, financial market and corporate governance. She has published research papers in national and international journals in her areas of specialization and also in the areas relating to rural markets. Her papers have also got citations. She has also attended various workshops/FDPs and seminars. She holds membership of various national management associations.
Research Paper Publications:
- 'CEO-duality in India: Private Sector Companies vs Public Sector Undertakings' published in Review of Research Journal, Volume V, Issue VII, April 2016.
- 'Does Size Matter? Board Size Trend in Indian Companies' published in Review of Research Journal, Volume V, Issue VI, March 2016.
- 'Invasive Corporate Frauds: An Alarming Call for India Inc.' published in Indian Streams Research Journal, Volume VI, Issue II, March 2016.
- 'Impact of Gender Diversity on Financial Performance of Indian Companies' published in International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR), Volume V, Issue III, March 2016.
- 'ISO 26000 and Indian Companies' published in Golden Research Thoughts, Volume 5, Issue IX, March/2016.
- 'MFIs in India: Role of Independent Directors in Ensuring the Trade-Off between Social and Financial Goals' published in Golden Research Thoughts, Volume V, Issue II, August 2015.
- 'Efficacy of Altman's Z Score to predict Financial unassailability: A Multiple Discriminant Analysis of Select Automobile companies in India' published in Golden Research Thoughts, Volume IV, Issue VII, January 2015.
- 'Rural Development: A Road to Economic Growth' published in Golden Research Thoughts, Volume IV, Issue V, November 2014.
- 'Role of Entrepreneurship in Transiting India from an Emerging Economy to a Developed Economy', published in Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM & SSR), Volume III, Issue XI, November 2014.
- Pricing Strategies in Indian Rural Market: Less (Price) Means More (Revenue)' published in International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, Volume II, Issue X, October 2014.
- 'Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on Firm's capital Structure Decisions' published in The International Journal of Business & Management, Volume II, Issue X, October, 2014.
- MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Segmentation in India: Towards Need Based Financing' published in International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR), Volume III, Issue XI, November 2014.
- 'Basel III Implementation in Indian Banks: Challenges and Opportunities' published in Business Vision, Volume IX, Issue I&II, January-December, 2013.
Research Papers Presented in Conferences:
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Corporate Governance Paradigm: An Integral Component of Sustainability & Development’ in Two Days International Conference on “Changing Paradigm of Management Practices for Sustainable Development” organized by School for Management Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow on 5th- 6th March, 2016.