
Dr. Mohammad Arif
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr Mohammad Arif received his B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering from CCS University, Meerut, India. He received his M. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India and Ph. D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Integral University, Lucknow, India. He has nearly 24 years of teaching experience from different engineering colleges and Universities. He has published 45+ peer-reviewed papers in SCI, Scopus, & other international journals, and IEEE & other international and national conferences. He authored 2 books and 3 book chapters, got 3 International and 2 Indian patents granted, and 5 Indian patents published. His research interests include Networking, Vehicular Networks, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Security, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.
Publication in International Journal:
- Mohammad Arif, Anjali Goswami, CH. M. H. Saibaba, K. Sharada, Tushar Kumar Pandey, Ankita Nigam. “Cybersecurity Approaches for Securing Digital Marketing Data”. Published in Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. Volume 13, Issue 3, PP: 199-206, 15 June 2024. Indexed by SCOPUS, DOI: 10.54216/JCIM.130216
- Md Ezaz Ahmed, Mohammad Arif, Mohammad Khalid Imam Rahmani, Md Tabrez Nafis “Smart Parking: An Efficient System for Parking and Payment”. Published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) - Volume 15 No 6. PP 1285-1295. 30June 2024 Indexed by SCI and Scopus DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2024.01506130
- Samah Alhazmi, Mohammad Khalid Imam Rahmani, Mohammad Arif, Md Tabrez Nafis “Developing Intelligent and Immutable Vaccine Supply and Operation Platform Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technologies”. Published in IEEE Access. Pp 88189-88201, Vol 12, (dt.: 06-06-2024), ISSN: 2169-3536. Indexed by SCI and Scopus. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3407711
- Wasim Khan; Mohammad Ishrat; Ahmad Neyaz Khan; Mohammad Arif; Anwar Ahamed Shaikh; Mousa Mohammed Khubrani; Shadab Alam; Mohammed Shuaib; Rajan John “Detecting Anomalies in Attributed Networks through Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis combined with Random Masking and Padding”; Published in IEEE Access. Pp 65555-65569.Vol: 12, (dt.: 10-05-2024), ISSN: 2169-3536. Indexed by SCI and Scopus DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3398555
- Mohammad Arif, Leena Sharm, Varsha D. Jadhav, K G Revathi, Jyothi A P, Prateek Srivastava; “Improving Routing Performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Artificial Neural Networks for Mobility Prediction using Deep Learning”, Published in Journal of Electrical Systems; pp: 942-949; Vol:20, No:2s (2024); ISSN: 1112-5209. Indexed by SCI and Scopus. DOI: 10.52783/jes.1691
- Mohammad Arif, K Bhargavi, K Swaroopa, Padmavathy P, Karuturi S R V Satish, A.M. Balamurugan; “Machine Learning-Based Energy Efficient and Enhancing Communication Reliability for MANETs of Balanced Less Loss Routing Protocol”; Published in Journal of Electrical Systems; pp: 777-783; vol: 20 No: 2s (2024); ISSN: 1112-5209. Indexed by SCI and Scopus. DOI:10.52783/jes.1670
- Arulkumar V, Vinod D, Devipriya A, Chemmalar Selvi G, Surendran S and Mohammad Arif, “Monitoring and Recognition of Heart Health using Heartbeat Classification with Deep Learning and IoT”, Journal of Machine and Computing, Vol. no.3, pp. 326-339, 05-07-2023. ISSN (Online) : 2788-7669. Indexed by Scopus. DOI: 10.53759/7669/jmc202303028
- Mohammad Khalid Imam Rahmani, Mohammad Arif, Sultan Ahmad, D. B. Ojha, Abdulbasid S. Banga, Meshal Alharbi, and Jabeen Nazeer “Security in Optical Wireless Communication-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using Signature and Certificate Revocation”. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics Vol. 19, pp. 112–119, 01-01-2024. Indexed by SCI DOI:10.1166/jno.2023.3544
- Wasim Khan, Shafiqul Abidin, Mohammad Arif, Mohammad Ishrat, Mohd Haleem, Anwar Ahamed Shaikh, Nafees Akhtar Farooqui, Syed Mohd Faisal. "Anomalous node detection in attributed social networks using dual variational autoencoder with generative adversarial networks". Published in Data Science and Management Journal, Vol. no. 2, issue 2, pp. 89-98, 2-11-2023. ISSN (Online): 2666-7649. Indexed by Scopus DOI: 10.1016/j.dsm.2023.10.005
- Ankita Yadav, Mohammad Arif, “An Approach to Smart Parking Algorithm using ant Colony Optimization and Decision Tree Algorithm”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) pages 1-8, October 2021, ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol. 12, Issue. 10. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7607.10101221
- Varisha Ahsan, Mohammad Arif, “Classification of Large Biometric Data in Database System”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) pages 1-8, August 2021 ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol. 10, Issue. 10. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D8592.08101021
- Varisha Ahsan, Mohammad Arif, “Ordering of Huge Biometric Information in Database System”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED Journal of Informatics Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JIEEE) pages 1-19, June 2021 ISSN: 2582-7006, Vol. 02, Issue. 02.
- Akanksha Gaur, Mohammad Arif, “Ant Colony Optimization based Minimization of Software Test Suite”. Published in the PEER-REVIEWED indexed Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) pages 271-277, April 2020 ISSN: 2349-5162, Volume-7, Issue-4.
- Akanksha Gaur, Mohammad Arif, “Software Test Suite Minimization using Ant Colony Optimization”. Published in the PEER-REVIEWED and SCOPUS indexed International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), A UGC Approved Journal. pages 948-952, July 2019 ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9. Scopus Indexed DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1154.0789S19
- Mohammad Arif, Shish Ahmad, “A Survey on VANET Unicast Routing Protocols”. Published in the PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR). Pages: 89-94. Feb 2016, ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962. Vol: 6, Issue: 1. Impact factor: 4.865
- Rahul Ranjan, Mohammad Arif, Mohammad Suaib, “Routing Protocol for Intermittent Connected VANET by real time traffic information system”. Published in the PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS). Pages: 131-135. July 2015, ISSN No.: 2278-6856. Vol: 4, Issue 4.
- Atrikesh Pandey, Mohammad Arif, Shahid Husain. “Agent-Oriented Leadership Selection: A Review”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER). Pages: 273-278. February-2015, ISSN No.: 2349-9745. Vol: 2, Issue: 3
- Atrikesh Pandey, Mohammad Arif, BD Mazumdar. “Mining Integrated Software Maintenance Task Allocation” Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER). Pages: 307-319. February-2015, ISSN No.: 2349-8161. Vol: 2, Issue: 2
- Atrikesh Pandey, Mohammad Arif, BD Mazumdar. “Multi-Agent Paradigm For Leadership Selection:A Review”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER). Pages: 159-168 January-2015, ISSN No.: 2349-8161. Vol: 2, Issue: 1.
- Ashwani Singh, Mohd. Haroon, Mohd. Arif. “Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Network”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR). Pages: 31-36. October 2014, Volume-4, Issue-5, October-2014, ISSN No.: 2250-0758.
- Chandrajeet Yadav, Mohammad Arif. “Analysis and Performance Comparison of SCTP and TCP”. Published in International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering. Pages: 10-22. March 2014, Volume 2, Issue 5. ISSN: 2320-7396 [Online].
- Chandrajeet Yadav, Mohammad Arif. “SCTP Multi-Homing with Cross-Layer Interface in DSR”. Published in International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering. Pages: 19-26. March 2014, Volume 2, Issue 3. ISSN: 2320-7396 [Online].
- Mohammad Arif, Tara Rani. “ACO-based Routing for MANETs”. Published in PEER-REVIEWED International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN). April 2012, Volume 4. Number 2. ISSN: 0975 - 3834[Online]; 0975 - 4679 [Print]. Pages: 163-174.
Publication in International Conference
- Ankita Yadav, Mohammad Arif, “An Approach to Smart Parking Algorithm Using GPS Mapping and Genetic Ant Colony Algorithm” Published in the proceeding of International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (ICEECS - 2020), Uma Nath Singh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur. 10-11 January 2020
- Alfia Mahmood, Mohammad Arif. “G-SLAM: Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Clouds”. Published in the proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology ACEIT 18 in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, e-ISSN: 0976-5697, 6-7 April 2018.
- Arti Singh, Mohammad Arif. “Analysis of DDOS attack Detection and Prevention in Cloud Environment: A Review”. Published in the proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology ACEIT 18 in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, e-ISSN: 0976-5697, 6-7 April 2018.
- Mohammad Arif, Shish Ahmad. “Security Issues in Vehicular Adhoc Network: A critical Survey”. Published in the Proceeding of Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices 2017 (ICCD 2017). Published by SPRINGER on 27-29 March 2017. ISBN: 978-981-10-5903-2 Pages: 527-536. Scopus Indexed, Web of Science Indexed
- Rudrendra Bahudar Singh, Mohammad Arif, Manish Madhav Tripathi. “Software Elicitation Technique”. Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology [ACEIT 2016], Integral University, Lucknow, India March 12, 2016. ISBN 0975-9646. Pp: 266-269
- Salma Taranum, Mohammad Arif, Shish Ahmad “Software Effort Estimation using Fuzzy Approach”. Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology [ACEIT 2016], Integral University, Lucknow, India March 12, 2016. ISBN 0975-9646. Pp: 255-257.
- Satyendra Kr. Srivastav, Mohammad Arif, Bably Dolly “Key Management in Hierarchical MANET Using Kerberos”. Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Advancements in Computer Eng207ineering & Information Technology [ACEIT 2016], Integral University, Lucknow, UP, India March 12, 2016. ISBN 0975-9646. Pp: 207-211
- Mohita Dixit, Shish Ahmad, Mohammad Arif. “Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm in MANET Using Optimized Euler Digraph”. Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology [ACEIT 2016], Integral University, Lucknow, UP, India March 12, 2016. ISBN 0975-9646. Pp: 60-64
- Harendra Singh Kharkwal, Mohammad Arif, Abu Daud Mohd Fayak, Afsaruddin Khan. “A Survey on Object-Oriented Software Testing”. Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology [ACEIT 2016], Integral University, Lucknow, UP, India March 12, 2016. ISBN 0975-9646. Pp: 285-289
- Mohammad Arif, Sukirti Kapoor, Ayushi Kapoor, Niharika Sharma. “An Optimal Approach for Round Robin (OARR) Scheduling Algorithm Using Dynamic Time Quantum”. Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication & Computational Technologies [ICCICCT-2014], Tamilnadu, India, July 10-11, 2014. Conference ID : 33796.
- Mohammad Arif, Khalid Imam Rahmani “Adaptive ARA (AARA) for MANETs”. Published in IEEE Xplore in the Proceedings of 3rd Nirma University International Conference on Engineering [NUICONE 2012], Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, November 5, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4673-1720-7. Scopus Indexed, Web of Science Indexed
- Mohammad Arif, Tara Rani. “Enhanced Ant Colony based Routing in MANETs”. Published in the Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies [ICACCT-2011]. Pages: 48-54, Panipat, November 5, 2011. ISBN 81-87885-03-3.
- Shabana, Mohammad Arif, “Trust as a Standard for e-Commerce Infrastructure”. Published in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Network & Communications Security (NCS – 2010), by SPRINGER, pages: 464-471, Chennai, December 27 - 29, 2010. ISSN: 978-3-642-17878-8_47. Scopus Indexed, Web of Science Indexed
- Mohammad Arif, Kavita Satija, Sachin Chaudhary, “ERBR: Enhanced and Improved Delay for Requirement Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks”. Published in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Networks & Communications (NetCoM – 2010), by SPRINGER, pages: 223-232, Chennai, December 27 - 29, 2010. ISSN: 978-3-642-17878-8_23. Scopus Indexed, Web of Science Indexed
- Mohammad Arif, Abu Daud, “Adaptive Routing Techniques in Disruption Tolerant Networks”. Published in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoN – 2010), by SPRINGER pages: 336-348, Chennai, July 23 – 25, 2010. ISSN: 978-3-642-14493-6_35. Scopus Indexed, Web of Science Indexed
- Mohammad Arif, Rama Shankar Yadav. “Improved Algorithmic Routing for Disruption Tolerant Network”. Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Networks and Security (ICCNS – 2008), pages: 107-112, VIT, Pune, September 27 – 28, 2008. ISBN 978-81-906198-1-3.
Papers in National Conference:
- Mohammad Arif, Rama Shankar Yadav, Karan Singh. “Survey on Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)”. Published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology (ETCSIT-08), pages: 171-182, Faridabad (Haryana). April 23, 2008.
- Mohammad Arif, Vinod Yadav. “Confidentiality Issues in Design of Multicast Networks”. Published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology (ETCSIT-08), pages: 82-88, Faridabad (Haryana). April 23, 2008.
- Mohammad Arif, Rama Shankar Yadav, Akhilesh Verma. “Algorithm Based Routing (ABR) for Disruption Tolerant Network”. Published in the Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics & Computer Technologies (ETEECT-08), Ghaziabad, sponsored by IEEE (UP Section), pages: 293-299, September 5-6, 2008 ISBN 81-907196-0-2.
- Mohammad Arif, Rupak Kumar. “A Review on General Packet Radio Services”. Published in the Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology (ETCSIT-09), Faridabad (Haryana). April 18, 2009.
- Mohammad Arif, Abu Daud, “Requirement Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networking”. Published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Technologies and Advancements in Computing" (NCETAC'10), on May 13, 2010 at Apeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon, Haryana.
- Mohammad Arif “A Hybrid-Erasure Coding (H-EC) Based Routing for Opportunistic Networks”. Published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Information Security Challenges (NCISC'14), on March 28, 2014 at BBAU, Lucknow, UP. Vol 1, Issue 1, ISBN 978-81-7678-220-3.
- Rahul Ranjan, Mohammad Arif, Mohammad Suaib, “Routing Protocol for Intermittent Connected Problem in VANET”. Published in the Proceeding of 3rd National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities for Technological Innovation in India (CTII-2015) on February 18, 2015 at Ambalika Institute of Management and Technology, Lucknow, UP, India
Sl. No. |
Patent Title |
Publisher |
1 |
Energy Efficient Security Mechanism for Battery Constrained Light Weighted Devices using Offline or Pre-Processing Approach |
Intellectual Property, India |
2 |
A Machine Learning-Based Hotspot Prediction System in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Applications |
Intellectual Property, India |
3 |
Design and Develop a Device that Predicts the Job Performance of Employees based on Emotional Intelligence |
Intellectual Property, India |
4 |
IoT-based smart classroom attendance system in E-learning application |
Intellectual Property, India |
5 |
AI-Enabled Internationalisation and Institutional Growth Monitoring |
Intellectual Property, India |
6 |
AI-Based Virtual Reality Headset |
Intellectual Property, Office, UK |
7 |
Network Security in a Hyper-Connected World |
Intellectual Property, Office, UK |
8 |
Automated Fake Currency Detector ML Device |
Intellectual Property, India |
9 |
AI Smartwatch for Health Diagnostic Advisor |
Intellectual Property, Office, UK |
10 |
Intelligent Sensor Networks for Real-time Data Analytics |
Canadian Intellectual Property Office |
Books Authored
S.No. |
Book Chapters |
Publisher with ISBN (pp) |
1 |
Bio-Inspired Routing and Real Time Traffic Management |
Aargon Press, New Delhi |
2 |
Concepts of Cloud Computing |
Walnut Publication, USA |
Book Chapters
S.No. |
Book Chapters |
Publisher with ISBN (pp) |
1 |
Ordering of Huge Biometric Information in Database System |
Aargon Press, New Delhi |
2 |
An Approach to Smart Parking Algorithm Using Ant Colony Optimization and Decision Tree Algorithm |
Aargon Press, New Delhi |
3 |
Convergence of Modern Technologies for Data Architectures |
CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Pages:19, eBook: ISBN: 9781003389231 |
Award / Recognition
S.No. |
Award Name |
Awarding Agency |
1. |
Best Academician Award |
Scientific International Publishing House, Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu, India |
Conference/FDP Organized:
- National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology (ETCSIT-08) at Al-Falah School of Engg and Technology, Faridabad.
- FDP on Curriculum Enhancement in the Design of Embedded Systems and its Application at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad.
- International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology (ACEIT-16) at Integral University, Lucknow
- International Conference on Advancements in Computer Engineering & Information Technology (ACEIT-18) at Integral University, Lucknow
- FDP on Xcel in Excel at Integral University, Lucknow.