
Dr. Kavitha R Gowda
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Kavitha has a diverse professional background, having worked as a Technical Associate and Project Assistant for Environmental-related projects after completing her Engineering degree. She then transitioned to the role of Finance Executive and Assistant Manager after completing her MBA, before embarking on her teaching career in 2003. Notably, she also held the position of Director - Admissions in a reputable institution, during which she demonstrated outstanding performance.
Dr. Kavitha has made significant contributions in various assignments throughout her career. She has actively participated in areas such as Admissions, Marketing Club, Corporate Interface Events, and Cultural Events in the institutions she has worked at. In terms of her teaching and research interests, Dr. Kavitha specializes in areas such as Services Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Rural Marketing, and Green Marketing. Her expertise in these subjects enables her to provide valuable insights and knowledge to her students.
Has been reviewer for ABDC Journal titled Acta, Cogent Business and Management-Taylor and Francis Group ,is an External Doctoral Committee Member at Garden City University and Presidency University, has been in BoS: Dayanand Sagar University, Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies, and KSOU. She has been Keynote speaker during International Faculty exchange programme organized by Business Studies Department at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences - Shinas, Sultanate of Oman for in May 2022 and 2023, chaired technical sessions in International Conferences, Dr. Kavitha has been rated high as a trainer for a consultancy project of Maruthsakha Aerospace and Aviation in association with GMR for Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University , Raebareli on a project related to CRM.
BOOKS Authored/ Publication:
- Published Book titled Training and Development using AI, Prof.Chitra Shashidhar, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda and Dr.Chidanand Prasad, December 2019, ISBN 978-620-0-48649-3, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (2019-12-18)
- Published book titled Efficient Video Streaming Management, Prof.Chitra Shashidhar, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda and Dr.Geetha Nagaraju, December 2019, ISBN 978-620-0-49674-4, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, pg 1-65
- Rural Buying Behavior:A Study with special reference to mobile phones, Kavitha R Gowda, Dr.R.Satish Kumar and Dr.Gopalakrishna K.S.
( https://www.morebooks.shop/bookprice_offer_02ab6debd5e4afcffba58caa34d398d677c68c43?locale=gb¤cy=EUR) - Behavioural influence of SST in Managing Interface in Aviation Industry, Anavil Kalla and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Lulu Publication, August 2021, ISBN : 9781312537101, https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/dr-kavitha-r-gowda-christ-deemed-to-be-university-bangalore-india-and-anavil-kalla/behavioural-influence-of-self-service-technology-in-managing-interface-in-the-aviatio
- The Influence of Cause Marketing on Consumer Pride, Purchase Intention and Brand, Kavya Sahadevan , Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, and Dr.R.Satish Kumar, September 2022, ISBN: 978-1-63278-920-4, Pages: 44, Publisher: Shineeks Publishers, https://shineeks.com/product/the-influence-of-cause-marketing-on-consumer-pride-purchase-intention-and-brand-evangelism-a-focus-on-the-apparel-industry/
- International Journal of Management, FOCUS, Oct 2014-March 2015, Vol:10.No.2, ISSN:0973-9165, Paper Titled A study on rural youth’s shopping preferences towards mobile phones and personal computers, Kavitha R Gowda and Dr.Soney Mathews, page 76-83, EBSCO Indexed.
- Published paper titled Empirical study to understand buying behavior of rural consumers towards mobile phones, in UGC recognized Group 2 category Journal Adalya , 2020, ISSN 1301-2746
- Linda Adens and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda,May 2020, Awareness and Perception of Consumers towards Green , UGC-CARE Group1, Alochana Chakra, Vol IX, Issue V, ISSN: 2231 – 3990. Pg 8825 - 8837
- Chitra Shashidhar, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Dr.Avinash Pareek, Dr.Nidhi Arora, Dr.Priti Verma, May 2020, An Exploratory Study In Understanding Ethical Practices With Reference to Hotel Industry ISSN:2231 – 3990, Vol IX, Issue V, pg 8838 – 8854, Alochana Chakra
- Chitra Shashidhar, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Dr.Avinash Pareek, Dr.Nidhi Arora, Dr.Priti Verma, May 2020, Survey on Agriculture Marketing, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, May 2020, Vol XII, Issue V, pg 1497 – 1504, ISSN:0022-1945
- Kavitha R Gowda, and Dr.Chitra Shashidhar, A Study on Consumer’s Awareness Towards Green Products , Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, May 2020, Vol XII, Issue V, ISSN:0022-1945, pg 1505 – 1513.
- Rural consumer preference for mobile phone with reference to villages of Kolar District, Karnataka, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Dr. R Satish Kumar and Dr.K.S. Gopalkrishna , International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528, open access and UGC.
- Accessibility and effectiveness of government health care schemes, Shruti and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Anvesak, UGC Care Group 1 , 51, No.1(VI) January – June 2021 , ISSN : 0378 – 4568, bi-annual journal.
- The Role of Business Development Management Consultants in Construction Industry in India, Dr.Kiran G, Dr L V .Appasab and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Scopus indexed, International Journal of Management and Research, Vol 9, Issue 2, 27 August 2019, https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100448240
- Comaprative Analysis of Rural Consumer’s Purchase Beahavior Towards Mobile Phone in Karnataka, International Journal of advanced Science and Technology, Vol.28, Issue 16, 21 November 2019, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda and Dr.Kiran G, http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/2084
- Ira Agarwal and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Paper Title : THE EFFECT OF AIRLINE SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY IN INDIA, Materials Today, Elseivier , 2214 – 7853, Vol 37, Part 2, 2021, pages 1341 – 1348, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.06.557
- Viknesh R, Kavitha R Gowda and Jayanta Banerjee, A Study on Decision Paralysis in Customers with Special Reference to Placing Order in Restaurant, Transnational Marketing Journal, Vol 9, Issue 2. Scopus Indexed, 31 August 2021
- Karthik S, Kavitha R Gowda and Jayanta Banerjee, Click Collect Retailing: A Study on Its Influence on the Purchase Intention of Customers, Transnational Marketing Journal, Vol 9, Issue 2, Scopus Indexed, 31 August 2021.
- Analysis of online buying pattern of women consumers with reference to apparels in India, Kavitha R Gowda, Karishma Chaudhary, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol22, Issue 2, 2018, Hindex:10, Scopus indexed, ABDC-C , Scopus Indexed
- Servant leadership and diversity: A focus on ethnic and cultural diversity Jaiwant, S.V., Gowda, K.R., Kureethara, J.V. Cases on Servant Leadership and Equity, 2022, pp. 177–191
- Ethical conflicts among the leading medical and healthcare leaders, Bindu Roy, Anuj Kumar, Dr. Arya Kumar, Dr. Kavitha R Gowda, Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(1):i1491. doi: 10.24083/apjhm.v17i1.1491, UGC CARE II, ABDC, B Category
- Book Chapter titled Cases on Servant Leadership and Equity, Chapter number 11, titled Servant Leadership and Diversity: A Focus on Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, Sunanda Vincent Jaiwant, Kavitha R. Gowda, Joseph Varghese Kureethara, IGI Publisher of Timely Knowledge , https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/servant-leadership-and-diversity/315183
- Paper titled Business Responses Towards Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals During Covid-19 Pandemic, Geetika Madaan, Maninder Kaur, Kavitha R Gowda, Rashmi Gujrati, Hayri Uygun, doi: https://doi.org/10.37497/sdgs.v11i1.309, https://ojs.journalsdg.org/jlss/article/view/309, Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 26/05/2023, 11 No. 1 (2023)
- Aruna Dev Roy, Uma Gulati, Srilalitha Girija Kumar Sagi, and Kavitha R Gowda, SUSTAINABILITY FOR BUSINESSES: MARKETING AND FINANCE PERSEPECTIVE, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Volume 26, Special Issue 1, 2022, 1528-2678-26-S1-028. ABDC, B Category.
- Analysing the Attitude of Social Media Users towards Ephemeral Marketing as a Digital Marketing Tool , Atharva Dange, Kavitha R Gowda, V R Srinidhi, D. Halaswamy, Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Vol 24, No 3 (2021), DOI 10.32725/acta.2021.013, ISSN 2336-4297 (online), ABDC, C
- Online grocery shopping: A study of consumer behaviour on staying and switching between Amazon, Big basket and Grofers , Richa Pandey, Kavitha R Gowda, Gautam S. Bapat, Satish Kumar, Chitra Shashidhar, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Volume 27, Special Issue 2, 2023 , ABDC-B, PROQUEST, GOOGLE SCHOLAR.
- Analysis of online buying pattern of women consumers with reference to apparels in India, Kavitha R Gowda, Karishma Chaudhary, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol22, Issue 2, 2018, Hindex:10, Scopus indexed, ABDC-C, Scopus Indexed
- Ethical conflicts among the leading medical and healthcare leaders, Bindu Roy, Anuj Kumar, Dr. Arya Kumar, Dr. Kavitha R Gowda, Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(1):i1491. doi: 10.24083/apjhm.v17i1.1491, UGC CARE II, ABDC, B Category
- Analysis of online buying pattern of women consumers with reference to apparels in India, Kavitha R Gowda, Karishma Chaudhary, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol22, Issue 2, 2018, Hindex:10, Scopus indexed, ABDC-C , Scopus Indexed
- Ethical conflicts among the leading medical and healthcare leaders, Bindu Roy, Anuj Kumar, Dr. Arya Kumar, Dr. Kavitha R Gowda, Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(1):i1491. doi: 10.24083/apjhm.v17i1.1491, UGC CARE II, ABDC, B Category
Magazine :
- Article on Relationship between Green Value Chain, Green Products and Green Advertising for brand building is published in Advertising Express magazine, IUP Publication, April 2011, edition.
- Article on College Marketing is published in Advertising Express magazine, IUP Publication, August 2011, edition.
International Refereed Publication:
- Refereed Publication of the society of Management and Behavioural Science with ISBN: 978-81-89547-96-7 titled, Paradigm shift in Consumer Preference towards Organised Retailing from Unorganised Retailing.
- Purchase decision making in rural youth with the context of mobile phones, Gowda Kavitha, Mathews Soney, 2014, Purchase decion-making in rural youth with the context of mobile phones, International Journal OF Management and Computing Sciences (IJMCS), January-March, Vol 4, Number 1.
- Paper titled Purchase behavior of rural consumer’s while choosing a shopping good with reference to mobile phone, Gowda Kavitha, Kumar Satish, and Gopalakrishna, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review (IJMDRR), Impact factor:4.164, refrereed Journal, E-ISSN-2395-1885/ISSN-2395-1877
Peer Reviewed Journal:
- Rural Consumer Purchase Behaviour Towards Mobile Phone with Special Reference to Mandya District, Karnataka, The Rural and Industrial Development Journal , Vol 6 Issue 1 , April 2018, ISSN Number: 2321-1873. Indexed: Proquest, i-scholar database, EBSCO.
Conference Proceedings as Book :
- Innovations & Business Management-Issues & Challenges, The rationale of purchase behavior of rural youth towards shopping goods,ISBN:978-93-85000-29-4, 2015, pg208-218, Kavitha R Gowda and Dr.Soney Mathews.
- Book titled Innovation and Sustainable Development in Business Management, ISBN:978-81-933172-5-9, 2016.Role of KOL and advertisement during purchase decision for mobile phones by rural consumers. Page 179-183.
- Paper titled Factors influencing rural consumers while buying a mobile phone, Gowda Kavitha, Kumar Satish, Gopalakrishna, K J somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research.New age customer centric marketing-Conference proceedings published by ELK Asia Pacific Journals with ISBN:9789385537042
- Impact of architects influence in choosing the elevator brand, Dr. Halaswamy D, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda and Dr. Abhinandan N, Futuristic Trends in Management, ISBN: 978-93-95632-62-1, IIP Proceedings, Volume 2, Book 8, Part 1, Chapter, 1, Nov 2022. https://www.rsquarel.org/viewpaper.php?pid=1852&pt=impact-of-architects-influence-in-choosing-the-elevator-brand
Open Access:
- Chapterization of the book "Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications", Chapter Number 15 Open Access: A New Ecosystem of Research Publications, Sunanda Jaiwant, Kavitha Gowda, April 2022. Scopus Indexed, IGI Publication.
- Book Chapter titled Cases on Servant Leadership and Equity, Chapter number 11, titled Servant Leadership and Diversity: A Focus on Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, Sunanda Vincent Jaiwant, Kavitha R. Gowda, Joseph Varghese Kureethara, IGI Publisher of Timely Knowledge , https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/servant-leadership-and-diversity/315183
- “Relationship between Advertising and Brand Penetration across Rural Markets with Reference to Birla Sun Life Insurance”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol 19, Issue 9, Sep 2017, e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Impact Factor 3.52
She is the co-inventor of 4 Patents:
- Co-inventor of patents titled METHODS AND MODEL FOR WORKLIFE BALANCE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS, Filed on 11th September has been published on 9th October 2020, Application number 202011039249A, International Classification G06Q0010060000, Dr. Purvi Pareek,Dr. Chaya Bagrecha,Dr.Kavitha R Gowda,Dr. Nidhi Arora,Dr Priti Verma,Dr. Chidanand Prasad R and Dr.Geetha Nagaraju ,Dr.Rashmi Ram Hunnur and Dr.Piyush Kumar Pareek.
- Co-inventor of patents titled A NOVEL METHOD FOR EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT THROUGH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY & METHODS THEREOF , Application Number 202111004196A, India, Date of filing of application:31 Jan 2021(43), Publication date:12th Feb 2021,International classification G06Q0010060000. Dr Priti Verma, NIDHI ARORA, MANISH ARORA, Dr. Chaya Bagrecha, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, Dr.Chethana Sridhar, Dr. Sumati Ramakrishna Gowda, and Veeranna Kotagi.
- Co-inventor of patents titled A NOVEL METHOD FOR CROWD DETECTION AND ALERTING SOCIAL DISTANCE USING IOT AND METHODS THEREOF, Application number 202111019009, India, Date of filing: 25th April 2021, Publication Date: 4th June 2021, international classification G06Q0010060000. DR. PURVI PAREEK ,DR.SANTOSH B. KUMBALAVATI DR.KIRANKUMAR Y BENDIGERI,JAGADEESH B N,Dr.Kavitha R Gowda ,MRS. MADHAVI RAJENDRA REPE ,MRS.BHARATI RATHOD ,NEETHA S.S ,LAVANYA BALAJI and DR.CHETHANA SRIDHAR.
DE202022106319U1, publication date: 7 Dec 2022, application date : 7/11/22, Espacenet – search results,
Awards and Recognition:
- Presented a paper titled ‘the role of value chain and it’s impact on green management’ in the national conference on Exploring green management initiatives organized by NHCE, Bangalore on 24th April 2009 and was honored with 2nd Best paper award, Kavitha R Gowda and Soney Mathews.
- Presented a paper titled ‘green’ manufacturing as an opportunity to the manufacturers or marketers” organized by New Horizon College of Engineering on 23rd April 2010. Honored with BEST PAPER AWARD
- Presented paper titled Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction with low-cost carriers in India: A study based on recent purchase behaviour at 7th International Conference on Embracing Transformation: Innovation & Creation Hybrid organized by Kodolanyi Janos University Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform, UK, CT University Ludhiana, India on May 26-28,2022. Athul Kumar A, Dr.V R. Srinidhi and Kavitha R Gowda. Best Paper Award
- INSO International Research Award titled as Excellence Service Award, 14 & 15 May 2022.
- Moderator in International Conference at Christ University, 21 & 22 Jan 2022.
- Chaired Marketing Track in International Conference conducted at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore on Feb 18th and 19th, 2011.
- Judged The National Symposium & Paper Presentation Competition organized by New Horizon College of Engineering-Department of Management Studies: Business Acumen 2014.
- Resource Person at Seshadripuram College of Commerce and Management, Bangalore , 23 March 2022.
She has 7 online certificate courses from coursera:
- Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Public Relations, Digital Marketing and more, on 21 April 2020. ie, Reinventing Higher Education.
- Learning to Teach Online from UNSW Sydney, on 5th May 2020, ie, Reinventing Higher Education.
- Marketing Mix Fundamentals, on 222nd may 2020, ie, Reinventing Higher Education.
- The Marketing Plan, on 11th May 2020, ie, Reinventing Higher Education.
- Market Research and Consumer Behavior, on 25th April 2020, ie, Reinventing Higher Education.
- Positioning: What you need for a successful Marketing Strategy, ie, Reinventing Higher Education.
- ENES462x: Marketing Innovative Products and Services, University of Maryland, June 17, 2021.
National and International Conferences:
- Participated and Presented a case on HR titled ‘Rescuing Ruchi’ in a case development workshop organized by NIILM in association with AIMA in Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore, on Feb 4th, 2004.
- Presented a paper titled ‘ethics and governance in the wake of recession’ in the national conference on economic recession & management strategies organized by KSOU, Mysore on Feb 21-22, 2009.
- Presented a paper titled ‘the role of value chain and it’s impact on green management’ in the national conference on Exploring green management initiatives organized by NHCE, Bangalore on 24th April 2009 and was honored with 2nd Best paper award, Kavitha R Gowda and Soney Mathews.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Role of examples and good practices in teaching’ in an international conference on Management Technologies for Educational Practices organized by MTEP, Bangalore on 29th & 30th July, 2009, Kavitha R Gowda and Soney Mathews.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Marketers focus on children for brand sustainability with special reference to food and beverage’ in an international conference on 'Sustaining Business in a Changing Global environment ' on 12th & 13th November 2009 organized by New Horizon College of Engineering(NHCE), Bangalore.Dr. H. Nagaraj, Kavitha R Gowda & Soney Mathews.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Customer retention as a tool for improving business performance’ in a national conference on Excellence in Business: mapping the future ahead on 26th & 27th Nov 2009 organized by Sri Siddhartha Institute of Management Studies, Tumkur. Kavitha R Gowda and Soney Mathews.
- Presented paper titled Analyzing the requirement of business ethical training of management professionalism at undergraduate B-schools in an international conference on Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility organized by Karnatak Law Society’s Institute of Management Education & Research, Belgaum, 3-5 Dec 2009, Soney Mathews and Kavitha R Gowda, Macmillan publication. ISBN 023-032-825-3
- Presented a paper titled ‘marketing using ‘made-in-India’ brand- Problems and Opportunities’ at International Conference on Innovative Strategies for Value Creation and Management on 10-12 December 2009, Soney Mathews, Kavitha R Gowda and Dr. H. Nagaraj .
- Presented a case study in marketing titled “impact of organized retailers presence on unorganized retailer with special reference to kiranas or provision stores in Bangalore city”, organized by NIILM, New Delhi on 18th – 20th Feb 2010, Kavitha R Gowda and Ambika Venkatesh.
- Presented a paper titled “Marketing Mix as a tool to enter, sustain and grow in rural markets” organized by Sreedevi Institute of technology, Tumkur, on 13th April 2010.
- Presented a paper titled ‘green’ manufacturing as an opportunity to the manufacturers or marketers” organized by New Horizon College of Engineering on 23rd April 2010. Honored with BEST PAPER AWARD
- Presented a paper titled “To analyze entrepreneur’s opportunities and threats in rural retailing” organized by MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, on May 27th and 28th , 2010. ISBN 978-81-7446-868-0
- Presented a paper titled “Problems faced by Entrepreneurs during Global Economic Slowdown” in International Conference organized by MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, on May 27th and 28th , 2010. ISBN 978-81-7446-868-0
- Presented a paper titled “Focusing on value chain with special reference to marketing and sales to achieve competitive advantage and growth.” In an International conference organized by AIMS , Haridwar, on value based management on 11th – 13th Aug, 2010.
- Presented a paper titled: “Corporate Social Responsibility (focusing on business ethics) as an approach for brand building for sustainable growth” in a national conference organized by Arya college, Ludhiana, on Aug 27th 2010.
- Presented a case study titled: “Retail Management in rural India – boon or a bane?” (HR perspective) at 9th International Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia Chapter), East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, Nov 11 - Nov 14, 20
- Presented a paper in a national conference organized by BMA on memorabilia of failed & forgotten brands conducted on 29th & 30th July 2010 on ‘Worldspace Satellite’.
- Presented a paper in 6th SIMSR ASIA, an International conference organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai on, Title: The factors influencing a change in decision making as an opportunity for marketers, held on Jan 2nd and 3rd, 2011.
- Chaired a session on Marketing and presented a case study titled “Is marketing mix unique for rural retailing in India?” at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore on Feb 18th and 19th, 2011.
- Presented a paper titled: Marketers focus on ‘green marketing’ for brand building in National conference organized by Sree Ramakrishna College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 25th March 2011.
- Presented a paper titled Paradigm shift in consumer preference towards organized retailing from unorganized retailing in International Conference on Management and Behavioral Science (ICMBS-11) organized by society of Management and Behavioral Science (SMBS), Jodhpur,(Rajasthan), India on 2nd -3rd April, 2011. ISBN: 978-81-89547-96-7 Soney Mathews and Kavitha R Gowda
- Presented a paper titled: Role of human resource management to succeed as an entrepreneur at on Entrepreneurship in developing Economies at Padmashree Institute of Management Studies on 26th march 2011.
- Presented a paper titled: Reducing Customer Crunch in Telecom, at a National conference on Futuristic Trends in Business Management at Padmashri Dr. B.V. Raju Institute of Technology on 16th and 17th September 2011. ISSN No. 2230-7907
- Presented paper titled Leveraging Marketing Mix to Enhance retail Opportunities for FMCG Products in Rural Markets, Kavitha R Gowda and Soney Mathews at Eleventh Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management organized by Indian Institute of management Kozikode (IIMK), Kerala on 9-12 December 2011. ISBN:978-81-906294-8-5.
- Presented a paper titled Marketers strategies for brand building and to make customers loyalty achieve overall performance of the brand, 7th SIMSR Asia Marketing Conference, 2012, Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented a paper titled :Implementing ‘green management’ in the work place for sustainable development in business in an international conference at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Dec’2012.
- Presented a paper titled: Purchase decision making in rural youth with the context of mobile phones, 12th ICMBS 2014 international conference on "Re-Visioning Business Management and Psychology: Ecologies of Local and Global Contexts", Aug 2nd, Jaipur.
- 12th ICMBS 2014 International conference on "Re-Visioning Business Management and Psychology: Ecologies of Local and Global Contexts. International Journal OF Management and Computing Sciences (IJMCS), January-March, Vol 4 (1). 2014, Title of the paper: Purchase decision making in rural youth with the context of mobile phones, Kavitha R Gowda and Dr. Soney Mathews
- Presented paper titled The rationale of purchase behavior of rural youth towards shopping goods, 2015
- Presented paper titled :A study on rural youth’s shopping preferences towards mobile phones and personal computers, in 2015 at IFIM International Conference, Kavitha R gowda and Dr.Soney Mathews.
- Presented paper titled Role of KOL and advertisement duting purchase decision for mobile phones by rural consumers in XIV International Conference on Business Management and Behavioural Sciences (ICBMBS-16), organized by STMP during 24-25, 2016.
- Presented a paper titled Factors influencing rural consumers while buying a mobile phone at 12th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, 9th to 10th Feb, 2017, Kavith R Gowda and Dr.R.Satish Kumar.(Conference proceedings published by ELK Asia Pacific Journals with ISBN:9789385537042)
- Presented a paper titled Purchase Behavior of Rural consumer’s while choosing a shopping good, with reference to mobile phone. in National Conference on Innovative Practices in Management organized by Kristu Jayanti College, 31st March 2017.
- Presented paper titled Retailers opinion, perception, preference and factors influencing sales of McVitie’s biscuits in New Delhi, at International Conference on ‘Value Driven Marketing’, 18 October 2019, organized by Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management and Development, Mysuru, Jai Assija and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, 978-93-83302-39-0
- Presented paper titled Impact of Green Washing On The Green Purchase Decision of Consumer,9-11 January, in13th International Conference on Marketing, MARKCON 2020, organized by IBA-Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, Linda Adens and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda,
- Presented paper titled Influence of Instagram in promoting Gastro-tourism ,9-11 January, in13th International Conference on Marketing, MARKCON 2020, organized by IBA-Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, Niharika Maram and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda,
- Presented paper titled Factors affecting the decision making process of Indian Consumers with respect to Hybrid Vehicles, ,9-11 January, in13th International Conference on Marketing, MARKCON 2020, organized by IBA-Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, Chalat Rajiv Menon and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda
- Presented paper titled Impact of product design/packaging and brand image on perfume preference,9-11 January, in13th International Conference on Marketing ,MARKCON 2020, organized by IBA-Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, Vunnam Murali Krishna and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda,
- Presented paper titled The Effect of Airline Service Quality On Consumer satisfaction And Loyalty in India,9-11 January, in13th International Conference on Marketing ,MARKCON 2020, organized by IBA-Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, Ira Agarwal and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled Green Marketing as a Sustainable Strategy: Study on factors influencing Consumer Buying Behavior on green Products. At Future of Work,Workforce, and Workplace, 13-14 January 2020, organised by Welingker Institute of Management Development and Research , inabsentia, Mumbai, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda, and Kerena Anand, ISBN 978-81-943641-5-3.
- Presented paper titled A Study on Impact of Online Marketing on Healthcare Industry; Analyzing the Scope in India, at 2nd International Conference on Management Skills and Growth Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period, organized by Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, January 21-22, 2021, Aakriti Ahuja, Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled, Click & Collect Retailing: A Study on its influence on Purchase Intention in Customers at 2nd International Conference on Management Skills and Growth Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period, organized by Prin. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, January 21-22, 2021, Karthik Sivamani and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled, A Study on Decision Paralysis on Customers with Special Reference to Placing Order in Restaurant at 2nd International Conference on Management Skills and Growth Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period, organized by Prin. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, January 21-22, 2021, Viknesh Ramachandran and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled, The Influence of Cause Marketing on Consumer Pride, Purchase Intention and Brand Evangelism: A focus on the apparel industry, at 2nd International Conference on Management Skills and Growth Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period, organized by Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, January 21-22, 2021, Kavya Sahadevan and Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled, Online Grocery Shopping: A Study of Consumer Behavior on Staying and Switching Between Amazon, Big Basket and Gofers, at 2nd International Conference on Management Skills and Growth Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period, organized by Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, January 21-22, 2021, Richa Pandey and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled, analysing the attitude of social media users towards ephemeral marketing as a digital marketing tool, at BVIM Bharati Vidyapeeth'S Institute of Management and Research in Collaboration with Apeejay School of Management, 21-22 October 2021, Atharva and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled A Study On Advertisement, Consumer Insight, Competitive Analysis, Strategy Building, And Sales For Sustainable Development Of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance at the 3rd International Conference on “Stakeholder Wellbeing Through Value Creation” orgnised by S. P. Mandali’s Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, 27-28 Jan, 2022, Roshen Varghese Daniel and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented a paper entitled “ Role And Strategies Of Micro Moments In Cosmetic Industry ” at the 3rd International Conference on “Stakeholder Wellbeing Through Value Creation” orgnised by S. P. Mandali’s Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Vaishali Moitra and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled Online grocery shopping: A study of consumer behaviour on staying and switching between Amazon, Big Basket and Grofers, at 7th International Conference on Embracing Transformation: Innovation & Creation Hybrid organized by Kodolanyi Janos University Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform, UK, CT University Ludhiana, India on May 26-28,2022. Richa Pandey, Dr. Kavitha R Gowda, Dr.Gautam S. Bapat, Dr.R Satish Kumar, and Dr.Chitra Shashidhar.
- Presented paper titled Impact of Architects Influence in Choosing the Elevator Brand at 7th International Conference on Embracing Transformation: Innovation & Creation Hybrid organized by Kodolanyi Janos University Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform, UK, CT University Ludhiana, India on May 26-28,2022. Dr.HalaSwamy D, Dr.Abhinandan N and Dr. Kavitha R Gowda.
- Presented paper titled Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction with low-cost carriers in India: A study based on recent purchase behaviour at 7th International Conference on Embracing Transformation: Innovation & Creation Hybrid organized by Kodolanyi Janos University Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform, UK, CT University Ludhiana, India on May 26-28,2022. Athul Kumar A, Dr.V R. Srinidhi and Kavitha R Gowda. Best Paper Award
- Presented paper titled “Business Responses towards Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development” in 8th International Conference on Paradigm Shift Transformation Industry- 4.0 on dated 04-05 Jan, 2023. Dr.Geetika Madaan, Dr.Maninder Kaur and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda
- Presented paper titled “Experiential Marketing and Emotional Branding: New age tools of Customer Retention in Cosmetic Industry ” in 8th International Conference on Paradigm Shift Transformation Industry- 4.0 on dated 04-05 Jan, 2023. Shweta Mathew and Dr.Kavitha R Gowda