
Dr. K. Sathesh Kumar
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. K. Sathesh Kumar holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Karpagam Academy of Higher Education. He earned his MCA in Computer Application from Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. His areas of expertise encompass Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Mining, and Cloud Computing. With a background in both teaching and research, he has authored numerous research papers published in both International and National Journals. His research interests span Data Mining, Image Processing, Computer Networks, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, and Neural Networks.
Dr. Kumar also serves as a reviewer for several journals in India. His research work has been recognized with silver and bronze medals in National and International exhibitions. Beyond academia, he enjoys actively participating in and organizing club activities.
- Sathesh Kumar. K and M. Hemalatha, 2014. An Innovative Potential on Rule Optimization using Fuzzy Artificial Bee Colony. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(13): 2627-2633, IF: 0.030. Scopus.
- Sathesh Kumar. K and M. Hemalatha, 2012. An Enhanced Approach for Treating Missing Value using Boosted K-NN. International Journal of Computer Applications, 54(9): 35-41, IF: 0.821.
- K and M. Hemalatha, 2013. An Empirical Analysis of Platform as a Services and Cloud SQL. Karpagam journal of Computer science, 8(1): 50-56.
- Satheshkumar K. and M. Hemalatha, 2014. An Optimized Inference of Pattern Recognition using Fuzzy Ant Based Clustering Algorithm. International Review on Computers and Software, 9(1): 54-63, IC value: 6.45. Scopus.
- K and M. Hemalatha, 2014. An Efficient Integrated Approach for Information Retrieval in Cloud Environment Using Fuzzy Artificial Bee Colony Optimization.Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 21(2): 376-384,Scopus (ISI Thomson Reuters).
- K.Sathesh Kumar, Dr.S.Ramkumar and G.Emayavaramban,2016. EOG Signal Classification Using Neural Network For Human Computer Interaction” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9(1), 223-231, Scopus.
- K.Sathesh Kumar and Dr.S.Ramkumar, ,2016.Querying Unintelligible Data on Geospatial Trajectory Database”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (IJSRST), 2(4),180-187, IF: 3.5.
- K.Sathesh Kumar and Dr.S.Ramkumar, 2016. A Personalized Scheme For Incomplete And Duplicate Information Handling In Relational Databases”, International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 5(9), 360-369, IF: 4.1.Thomson Reuters.
- K.Sathesh Kumar, Dr.S.Ramkumar and G.Emayavaramban,2016. Nine states HCI using Electrooculogram and Neural Networks, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,IJET,8(6),3056-3064, Scopus.
- S.Ramkumar, Dr.K.Sathesh Kumar G.Emayavaramban,” Electrooculogram Based Human Computer Interface Using Dynamic Neural Networks”, International Journal of Human Computer Studies. Elsevier (Under Review).
- K.Sathesh Kumar, P.Sabiya and S.Deepika, 2017. Horizontal Aggregation Function Using Multi Class Clustering (MCC) and Weighted (PCA), International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJARCCE, 6(1)
- V.Vasanthi, S. Akram Saeed Aglan Alhammadi, Ramkumar. S, K.Sathish Kumar, 2017. Achieving Security for Data Access Control Using Cryptography Techniques, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, (3)5 : 172-182.
- K.Sathesh Kumar; Dr.S.Ramkumar, 2017, A Hybrid Approach for Horizontal Aggregation Function Using Clustering, International Journal of Computer Science and Network, 6(5), 551-558.
- S.Ramkumar, Dr.K.Sathesh Kumar G.Emayavaramban and A.Amudha, 2018, Classification of Hand Gestures Using FFNN and TDNN Networks, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(8), 27-32. Scopus.
- Sathesh Kumar, K.Shankar, M. Ilayaraja and E. Laxmi Lydia, 2018, Technological Solutions for Health Care Protection and Services Through Internet Of Things(IoT), International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(7), 277-283. Scopus
- Sathesh Kumar A.Dinesh Kumar and R.Pandi Selvam, 2018, Review on Prediction Algorithms in Educational Data Mining, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(7), 531-537. Scopus
- Sathesh Kumar, K.Shankar, M. Ilayaraja and M. Rajesh, 2018, Sensitive Data Security In Cloud Computing Aid Of Different Encryption Techniques, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9(18),2888-2899. Scopus
- Ramkumar , K.Sathesh Kumar, T.Dhiliphan Rajkumar, M.Ilayaraja, K.Sankar, “A review-classification of electrooculogram based human computer interfaces”, Biomedical Research, 29(4), 2018, IF:0.219. SCIE
- Nur Aminudin, Andino Maseleno, Shankar K, S. Hemalatha, K. Sathesh kumar, Fauzi, Rita Irviani and Muhamad Muslihudin, 2018. Nur Algorithm on Data Encryption and Decryption, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.26) (2018) 109-118.
- Muhamad Muslihudin, K. Sathesh Kumar, M. Ilayaraja, K. Shankar, Lailaturrohmah, Dian Permana Putra, Wahidah Hashim, Andino Maseleno, Expert System in Determining the Quality of Nutmeg Breed using Website-Based Forward Chaining Methods, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume. 8, Issue.1, May 2019.
- Shankar, M. Ilayaraja, P. Deepalakshmi, S. Ramkumar, K. Sathesh Kumar, S. K.Lakshmanaprabu, Andino Maseleno, Opinion Mining Analysis of E-Commerce Sites using Fuzzy Clustering with Whale Optimization Techniques, Expert Systems in Finance - Smart Financial Applications in Big Data Environments, Banking, Money and International Finance Series, 1st Edition, ISBN: 9780367109523.
- Uma Maheswari, P. Manickam, K. Sathesh Kumar, Andino Maseleno, K. Shankar. Bat optimization algorithm with fuzzy based PIT sharing (BF-PIT) algorithm for Named Data Networking (NDN), Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, April 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3233/JIFS-179086 (Impact Factor: 1.73 -SCI)..
- Muhamad Muslihudin, M. Ilayaraja, K. Sathesh Kumar, K. Shankar, Jauharotun Jamilah, Dita Novitasari, Miftachul Huda, Wahidah Hashim, Irina V. Rudenko, Andino Maseleno, Decision Support System in Kindergarten Selection using TOPSIS Method, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume. 8, Issue.1, 3291-3298. Scopus May 2019.
- Ramkumar, K.Sathesh Kumar, K. Maheswari, P.Packia Amutha Priya, G. Emayavaramban, J.Macklin Abraham Navamani, 2020.” Offline Study For Implementing Human Computer Interface For Elderly Paralyzed Patients Using Electrooculography And Neural Networks”, International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise (InderScience Publisher), Volume. 7, No 1/2/3, 306-321.
- Shankar, Mohamed Elhoseny, Eswaran Perumal, M. Ilayaraja, K. Sathesh Kumar, An Efficient Image Encryption Scheme based on Signcryption Technique with Adaptive Elephant Herding Optimization, Cybersecurity and Secure Information Systems: Challenges and Solutions in Smart Environments, Published in Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications by Springer Publisher, January 2019.
- Manickam, K. Shankar, Eswaran Perumal, M. Ilayaraja, K. Sathesh Kumar , A Secure Data Transmission through Reliable Vehicles in VANET using Optimal Lightweight Cryptography, Cybersecurity and Secure Information Systems: Challenges and Solutions in Smart Environments, Published in Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications by Springer Publisher, January 2019.
- Bhuvaneshwaran, P. Manickam, M. Ilayaraja, K. Sathesh Kumar, K. Shankar, Clustering Based Cybersecurity Model for Cloud Data, Cybersecurity and Secure Information Systems: Challenges and Solutions in Smart Environments, Published in Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications by Springer Publisher, January 2019.
- Laxmi Lydia, Chevuru Madhu Babu, K. Sathesh Kumar and K. Shankar, 2019. “Artificial way of characterizing Unsupervised Data using Auto-encoders with Deep Learning Cluster Analysis”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 7(6S2), 555-559. Scopus.
- Abdul Rahaman Wahab Sait, J. Uthayakumar, K. Shankar, K. Sathesh Kumar, Introduction to Multimedia Tools and Applications, Handbook of Multimedia Information Security: Techniques and Applications, Multimedia Systems and Applications, Springer Publisher, ISBN: 978-3-030-15887-3, Page(s):3-14, 2019.
- Shankar, M. Ilayaraja, K. Sathesh Kumar and Eswaran Perumal, Energy Efficient Optimal Routing for Communication in VANETs via Clustering Model, Emerging Technologies for Connected Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation System Networks, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol. 242, ISBN: 978-3-030-22772-2, Page(s):15-26, 2019.
- Ilayaraja, S. Hemalatha, P. Manickam, K. Sathesh Kumar and K. Shankar, Supervised Classifier Approach for Intrusion Detection on KDD with Optimal MapReduce Framework Model in Cloud Computing, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications 2019, 12, 1-00.
- Ramkumar, G. Emayavaramban, K. Sathesh Kumar, J. Macklin Abraham Navamani, K. Maheswari, and P. Packia Amutha Priya, Task Identification System for Elderly Paralyzed Patients Using Electrooculography and Neural Networks, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19562-5_15, 2019, 151-161.
- Ramkumar, J. MacklinAbraham Navamani, K. Sathesh Kumar, V. Vasanthi, G. Emayavaramban, P. Sriramakrishnan, M. Illayaraja,, 2019.” Classification of Eog Signal using Elman Recurrent Neural Network for Different Age Groups”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-9, Issue-2S2, PP 842-847.
- Nagakannan, S. Ramkumar, K. Sathesh Kumar, R. Renuga Devi, S. Krishnaveni, J. Macklin Abraham Navamani, P. Sriramakrishnan,,, 2019.” A Technique for Fast Reroute on Data Transmission with Data Protection”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-4S2, PP 524-528.
- Ramkumar, K.S.Dhanalakshmi, K. Sathesh Kumar, K.Shankar, G. Emayavaramban, P. Sriramakrishnan, K. Ponmozhi,,, 2019.”Performance Analysis of EEG Signals using Conventional and Hybrid Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-4S2, PP 569-576.
- Sathesh Kumar, S. Ramkumar, K.Shankar, M.Ilayaraja,,, 2019.” Improving Mapreduce Process By Introducing Aggregator Repartition Data for Big Data Analytics”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume-9, Issue-1S4, PP 483-487.
- Shankar, K., Ilayaraja, M., Kumar, K. S., & Perumal, E. (2020). Mobility and QoS Analysis in VANET Using NMP with Salp Optimization Models. In Emerging Technologies for Connected Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation System Networks (pp. 15-26). Springer, Cham.
- Shankar, M. Ilayaraja, P. Deepalakshmi, S. Ramkumar, K. Sathesh Kumar.2019, Effective MKSVM Classifier with LDA Methods for Brain Tumor Detection in MR Images, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-8 Issue-4S2, December 2019
- Sathesh Kumar1, S. Ramkumar2, P.Nagaraja and A. Robert Singh,2020, Data Preprocessing With K Nearest Neighbor, Normalization In Big Data, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 2948-2958.
- Ramkumar, J.MacklinAbraham Navamani, K. Sathesh Kumar,2020, A Review on Modern Electrooculography Based Human Computer Interfaces, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9), 466-469.
- Indira Devi1, D.Chandra Mouli, B.Venkatesh, Dr.E.Laxmi Lydia, P. Nagaraja, K. Sathesh Kumar.2020, Design Of Smart Arduino Touch Switch Panel For Smart Home Using IoT. Journal of critical reviews, 7(3), 1247-1254.
- Indhumathia and Sathesh Kumar.2020, A review on prediction of seasonal diseases based on climate change using big data, Mater Today Proc. 2021; 37: 2648–2652. Doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.08.517
- Anusha, K.Chinnaiah, Dr. E. Laxmi Lydia, K. Sathesh Kumar, R.Gobi, P. Nagaraja.2020, Opinion Mining On Tweets By Using Machine Learning Classification Model, Journal of critical reviews, 7(3), 1239-1246.
- Gopalakrishnan, Periakaruppan Sudhakaran, K. C. Ramya, K. Sathesh Kumar, Fahd N. Al-Wesabi, Manal Abdullah Alohali and Anwer Mustafa Hilal8, 2021. An Automated Deep Learning Based Muscular Dystrophy Detection and Classification Model, Computers, Materials & Continua, 71 (1), 305-320 (Impact Factor: 3.78 -SCI).
- Hyung Ju Park, E.Ahila Devi, K. C. Ramya, K. Sathesh Kumar, Sultan Ahmad, Seifedine Kadry, Hyung Ju Park and Byeong-Gwon Kang,2021. Energy aware metaheuristic optimization with location aided routing protocol for manet, Computers, Materials & Continua,71(1), 1567–1580 (Impact Factor: 3.78-SCI).
- Elavarasan, K. Sathesh Kumar, M.Marimuthu, Kanagaraj Narayanasamy, R. Pandi Selvam, M. Ilayaraja, 2021. Evolutionary Oppositional Mayfly Optimization Based Based Task Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation,32(3), 3800-3806.
- Ramkumar, Mohd Ashraf, K. Sathesh Kumar, Md. Zair Hussain, Anandakumar Haldorai and Divyendu Kumar Mishra.2022, Defining multiple geometrical areas with modeling of elementary geometrical volumes in robot?environment interaction, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-022-01708-z (Scopus).
- Indhumathi and Sathesh Kumar.2023, “Efficient Prediction of Seasonal Infectious Diseases using Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms with Feature Selection Techniques”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, (Impact Factor: 1.05 -SCI), Accepted.
- Indhumathi and Sathesh Kumar.2023, “Prediction of Seasonal Infectious diseases based on hybrid machine learning approaches”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Springer Impact Factor: 2.75 -SCI), Accepted.
- Sheela and K.Sathesh Kumar, 2022, “Optimal Logistic Map for Image Encryption Scheme in Cloud Environment ", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assesments,SCI (Under Review).
- Indhumathi K, Sathesh Kumar K, (2021). An improved random forest feature selection method for predicting the patient’s characteristics. Block chain and deep learning for smart health care, Wiley. [Book Chapter Accepted]
- Indhumathi K, Sathesh Kumar K, (2021). Prediction of Seasonal Aliments using Big Data: A case study. Mathematics and Computer Science: Concepts and Applications, Wiley. [Book Chapter Accepted].
- Shirwaikar, R. D., Tandon, A., Kumar, K. S., Nag, M. A., Jos, B. C., & Jos, B. M. (2022). Artificial intelligence enabled additive manufacturing system using 5G and industrial IoT. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 13(4), 235-240.
- Justin, S., & Sathesh Kumar Karuppusamy, S. K. (2022). Mayfly optimization with chaos-based image encryption technique for cloud computing environment. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 32(5), 052303. (Impact Factor: 0.95 -SCI).
- Redhya, M., & Kumar, K. S. (2023). Refining PD classification through ensemble bionic machine learning architecture with adaptive threshold based image denoising. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 85, 104870. (Impact Factor: 5.4 -SCI).
- Indhumathi and Sathesh Kumar.2023, “Prediction of age wise symptoms for infectious diseases using PRF-BXGBOOST and CHAID models”, International journal of Image and Graphics (World scientific -SCI), Under Review.
- Virtualized Individual Healthcare Using 5G-IOT Copyright Application Published on 12.03.2020 by Dr.K.Sathesh Kumar et.al. Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education. Application number 202041010500
- IoT Based Smart Food Trasport System with Climate Control Container Application filed on Published on 26.06.2020 by Dr.K.Sathesh Kumar et.al. Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education. Application number 20211020443.
- An IoT Based Breath Analysis Device for Blood Sugar Detection, Design Pattern Published on 13.01.2023. Design Number 358256-001, Dr.K.Sathesh Kumar et.al. Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education
- Ramkumar, K.Sathesh kumar and K.Sumathi, “Java for Beginners – A Guide”, Scitech Publications, India, 1st Edition, 2017.
- Won the Silver prize at International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX) and Malaysian International Young Inventors Olympiad (MIYIO)-Organized by University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia, April 16-19, 2013.
- Organized International Conference on Network Intelligence and Computing Technologies (ICNICT’11) at Karpagam University, Coimbatore, India, December 15-16, 2011.
- Organized one day guest lecture on “Web & Mobile Usability”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on July 22, 2016.
- Organized one day guest lecture on “Security issues in Cloud Computing”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on February 17, 2017.
- Organized National Level Technical Symposium “Technophilia"17", by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on March 24, 2017.
- Organized Extension Activity on “Teaching methodology using ICT for Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Education”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on February 3, 2017.
- Organized four days Training Program on “Soft Skills in C”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on September 17-18 & 24-25, 2016.
- Organized four day Training Program on “Graphic Design and Animation in Photoshop”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University Held on 11&12th, 18 &19th March 2017.
- Conference chair on ICITCSA'17, January 6th, Pioneer College of Arts & Science Jothipuram Coimbatore.
- Conference chair on ICASCT'17, April 22-23th, Organized Department pf Computer Application , Kalasalingam University.
- Organized one day guest lecture on “IT Opportunities in banking industry”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on August 4, 2017.
- Delivered one day guest lecture on “Introduction to Project” for department of Computer Science, Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Arts & Science on December 22, 2017.
- Organized Two days Workshop on “Identifying and Addressing Common Project Challenges”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on January 06 & 07, 2018.
- Organized National Level Technical Symposium “Technophilia"18", by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam University on March 1, 2018.
- Organized International Conference on Advanced in Computer Science, Engineering and Technologies (ICACSET-18) at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on 19th and 20th January 2018.
- Session Chair on ICASCT-18, at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on 23th and 24th march 2018.
- Placement Coordinator Award from Office of Corporate Relation at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on 19th 2017-2018.
- Motivational Award for “Book Publication” at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on 2017 – 18.
- Organized one day guest lecture on “HR Management System”, by department of CS&IT, at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on September 7, 2018.
- Organized one day guest lecture on “Internet of Things”, by department of CS&IT, at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on September 7, 2018.
- Organized National Level Technical Symposium “Technophilia"20", by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on Feb 29, 2020.
- Organized one day Webinar on “Data warehouse & Cloud Technology” “Internet of Things”, by department of CS&IT, at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on November 11, 2021.
- Organized National Level Technical Symposium “Technophilia"22", by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on April 22, 2022.
- Organized Intramural Event “Intellect Programming & Debugging ", by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on October 18, 2022.
- Organized Two days Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and Cyber security”, by department of CS&IT, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil on :31.03.23 to 1.04.23.
- K and M. Hemalatha, 2012. Feature Selection Based on Ranking Approach Correlation Filter for Information Retrieval. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Research & Product Development (ICATRPD-12), Coimbatore, India. 317-320.
- K and M. Hemalatha, 2013. Optimal Feature Subset Reduction Using SVM Classifier. IEEE Proceedings of Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology, Nagapattinam, India. 4(2): 109-114.
- Satheshkumar, K and Hemalatha, M, 2014. An Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Fuzzy Association rule Mining, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, Coimbatore, India. 132-137.
- K and M.Hemalatha, 2012. A Decentralized Multi-Agent Ontology-Based System for Information Retrieval with Data Mining In Cloud Computing Environment. National Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, Communication, Automation & Structural Engineering (ACCCAS’12), Al-Ameen Engineering College, Erode, India.
- K and M.Hemalatha, 2012. An Ontology-Based Multi-Agent generation for Information Retrievalon Cloud environment with data mining techniques. National Conference on Electro CommuniqueEludo ’12, Ranganathar Engineering College, Thondamuthur, Coimbatore, India.
- SK and M. Hemalatha, 2012. Optimal Feature Subset Reduction Using SVM Classifier.Karpagam University Annual Research Congress (KUARC’12).29-Nov-12.
- K and M.Hemalatha, 2013. Rule Optimization Using Bee Colony Algorithm in Cloud Environment. National Conference on Innovation and Invention in Communication & Computing ’13, Kalaivani College of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
- S.Ramkumar, Dr.K.Sathesh Kumar G.Emayavaramban,” A Feasibility Study on Eye Movements Using Electrooculogram Based HCI”, IEEE- International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2017).
- Sathesh Kumar, S.Ram kumar, 2018. “optimal feature selection for chronic kidney disease classification”, International Conference on Applied Soft Computing Techniques ICASCT-18, on 23rd and 24th march 2018, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education.
- Ramkumar, G.Emayavaramban, K.Sathesh Kumar, M.Ilayaraja, K.Shankar, P.Sriramakrishnan and J. Macklin Abraham Navamani.2020, Designing Communication System for Person with Locked in Syndrome Using Machine Learning Technique, IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy and Energy Efficient Electronics Circuit for Sustainable Development (INCCES), DOI: 10.1109/INCCES47820.2019.9167686.
- Redhya and K. Sathesh Kumar, 2022. Review on Radiomics and Machine Learning Algorithms in Prediction and Progression of Parkinson’s Disease, 2022.IEEE ICAC3N-22, DOI: 10.1109/ICAC3N56670.2022.10074411, Scopus.
- Viswanathan and K.Sathesh Kumar, 2022. Role of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Sensor Devices in Smart Agriculture: A Survey, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (IEEE-ICICCS 2022) DOI: 10.1109/ICICCS53718.2022.9788280
- Indhumathi K, Sathesh Kumar K, (2022). Seasonal Infectious Disease Prediction based on Electronic Patient Health Records using Boosted Random Forest Algorithms, 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE-IEEE 22),PP 2025-2032. Scopus.
- Indhumathi K, Sathesh Kumar K, (2023). Prediction of Infectious Diseases Based on Age and Gender using OCSVM-CDT, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy ( ICAIS – IEEE-23), DOI: 10.1109/ICAIS56108.2023.10073793. Scopus.
- Manikandan Rajagopal, Ramkumar Sivasakthivel , Gobinath Ramar , Mansur Ali Aand Sathesh Kumar Karuppasamy, (2023). A Conceptual Framework for AI Governance in Public Administration – A Smart Governance Perspective, International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS 2023 Springer), Accepted, Scopus.