
Dr. K Sasi Kala Rani
Professor & HOD (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) - (Work integrated programs)
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. K. Sasi Kala Rani a distinguished academician is affiliated with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering with an illustrious career spanning more than twenty years in academia. With a primary focus on Networking & Simulation, Cloud Computing, Data Science, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, her expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of cutting-edge technologies. She earned her Doctorate from Anna University, Chennai, solidifying her academic credentials. Her scholarly contributions are extensive, including six authored books, four patents, and forty-eight articles published in prestigious Journals / Conferences both Nationally and Internationally. Notably, her research endeavours have been supported by significant funding, including a successful ISRO/DRDO-funded project valued Rs. 50 Lakhs. Furthermore, she has secured Rs. 5 Lakhs in funding from various Government organizations for conducting technical events aimed at enhancing the educational experience of students. Recognized as a Research supervisor with Anna University, she mentored two Doctoral candidates. Moreover, she actively contributes to the research community as a peer reviewer for publications from reputable publishers like Elsevier and Springer.
- Hemalatha, K. Sangeetha, K. Sasi Kala Rani, K.V. Kanimozhi, M. Lawanyashri, K. Santhi, R. Deepalakshmi. CPS in block chain smart city application based on distributed ledger based decentralized technique, Measurement: Sensors(Elsevier), Volume 30,2023,ISSN 2665-9174
- Gowthamani, K.Sasi Kala Rani. Enhancing Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Hard Voting Technique in Machine Learning, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2582-2160
- Sasi Kala Rani and S. N. Deepa. "Hybrid evolutionary computing algorithms and statistical methods based optimal fragmentation in smart cloud networks." Cluster Computing 22, no. 1 (2019): 241-254.
- Sasi Kala Rani., D. Ramya, D. Gokul, C. Sibiya, and S. Sreya. "Bitcoin: A Meticulous Analysis." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16, no. 2 (2019): 786-792.
- Sasi Kala Rani, U. Susmitha, D. Ramya, and K. Sujatha. "Socionomics: The Way Business Transforms with Social Media." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 12 (2019): 8.
- Sasi Kala Rani, D. Ramya, J. Manikandan, and S. Sudhakar. "Monitoring emotions in the classroom using machine learning." Int J SciTechnol Res 9, no. 01 (2020): 3723-3726.
- Gowthamani, R., Sasi Kala Rani, E. Mohanraj, and S. Sudhakar. "Enhancing security through blockchain technology—a quick review." Int J SciTechnol Res 9, no. 2 (2020): 5126-5129.
- Gowthamani, K. Sasi Kala Rani, S.Anandha Swarna, C.Bharathi Priya, M.Akil Vishnu, Malladi Srinivas, Pankaj Dadheech. (2020). Efficient Churn Prediction System with Ml-IoT. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 8251 - 8258.
- Sasi Kala Rani, N. Kabilan, M. Mohankumar, and Kumar M. Nithiesh. "Fatigue Monitoring Using Real-Time Facial Expression Based on Neural Technique." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1916, no. 1, p. 012116. IOP Publishing, 2021.
- Gowthamani, R, Sasi Kala Rani, G. Renugadevi, Kannah K. Prithvi, and Prakash D. Suriya. "Secured Cloud Based Health Care Framework with Blockchain." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1916, no. 1, p. 012207. IOP Publishing, 2021.
- Sasi Kala Rani, and R. Vijayalakshmi. "Experimental Evaluations of Malicious Node Detection on Wireless Sensor Network Environment." In 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), pp. 185-191. IEEE, 2021.
- Gowthamani, R., Sasi Kala Rani, S. R. Abishek, G. Akash, and A. Kavin Kumar. "Efficient detection and prediction of flood severity using machine learning algorithm." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 376-380.
- Sasi Kala Rani, Premalatha K. Mobile based application to aid the visually challenged to learn,Test Engineering and Management ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 9711 – 9715 43983.
- Sasi Kala Rani, B Priyanka , B Supriya , P Valarmathi. A supervised deep learning Framework for blood content prediction using blood images, Test Engineering and Management ISSN: 0193- 4120 Page No. 24811- 24816 March - April 2020.
- Sasi Kala Rani, D.Jeevitha. "Object Detection and Recognition for Visually Impaired People International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume- 9 Issue-4, April 2020 401-405"
- Sasi Kala Rani, S.N.Deepa. ‘Hybrid evolutionary computing algorithms and statistical methods based optimal fragmentation in smart cloud networks’, Springer - The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1547-3
- Sasi Kala Rani, D.Rasi, S.N.Deepa. Developed global biotic cross pollination algorithm for CIS‘, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Vol. 13, Nos. 1/2/3, 2018
- Priyanga M, K. Sasi Kala Rani, Yamuna Devi S, Pavithra M. The Multiple Time Series Clinical Data Processing using Optimization Algorithm‘, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications, Vol.4 Issue. 6, June- 2016, pg. 54-69
- Yamuna Devi S, K. Sasi Kala Rani, Pavithra M, Priyanga M. Ensemble Methods for Time Series Classification, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications, Vol.4 Issue. 6, pg. 42-53, June 2016
- Renuga Devi. A, Sasi Kala Rani.K and Suganthi.J. Optimization of Disjoints Using WDM-PON in an Optical Network?, Circuits and Systems, 2016, 7, 2207-2216.
- R, Sasi Kala Rani.K and Suganthi.J. Effective Candidate Pruning Strategy For Mining High Utility Itemsets, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 16 (2015), pp. 12411 - 12415
- Vinila Prathipa.V, Sasi Kala Rani.K and Suganthi.J. Accurate Localization Of Wireless Sensor Networks by Noise Reduction: An Iterative Approach?, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 16 (2015), pp. 12205 – 12209.
- Renuga Devi.A, Sasi Kala Rani.K and Suganthi.J, Optimization of Disjoints For Minimization of Failure In WDM Optical Network?, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp.1119 – 1126.
- Neethu Asokan, Sasi Kala Rani.K. Privacy preserving processing in location based queries‘,International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, Vol 3, Issue 4, pp.345- 351, May - June 2014
- Neenu Prasoodanan, Sasi Kala Rani.K. Optimization of route queries with temporal constraints‘, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol 2, Issue 4, pp.111-123, March - April 2014
- Neenu Prasoodanan, Sasi Kala Rani.K. Path Optimization of route queries based on arbitrary order constraints‘, International Journal of Innovations in Scientific and Engineering Research (IJISER), Vol 1, Issue 4, pp. 118, APR 2014
- Sasi Kala Rani,K & Suganthi,J. Improving Quality of service for multimedia applications in IP networks for multimedia applications with optimal fragmentation‘ Journal of Computer Science, vol.10, issue 8, pp.1336-1343
- Sasi Kala Rani,K & Suganthi,J. 2011, Literature survey of packet scheduling in packet switched networks for multimedia applications‘, D Computer Science and Statistics AMSE, vol.16 , issue 2 , pp.11-25.
- Sasi Kala Rani,K & Suganthi,J. 2013, Improving QoS – Weighted throughput of multimedia packets through optimal fragmentation using different optimization techniques‘, Life Science Journal, vol.10, no.7, pp.701-708.
- Sasi Kala Rani,K & Suganthi,J. 2013, Literature Survey for Improving Quality Of Service for multimedia applications‘, Life Science Journal, Vol.10, No.7, pp.684-690.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani., Ramya, D., Gokul, D., Sibiya, C. and Sreya, S. 2019. Bitcoin: A Meticulous Analysis. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 16(2), pp.786-792.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani, U.Susmitha, D.Ramya, and K.Sujatha. "Socionomics: The Way Business Transforms with Social Media." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 12 2019: 8.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani., Ramya, D., Manikandan, J. and Sudhakar, S., 2020. Monitoring emotions in the classroom using machine learning. Int J Sci Technol Res, 9(01), pp.3723-3726.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani, D. Jeevitha, April 2020. Object Detection and Recognition for Visually Impaired People International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-4, P.no 401-405
- Gowthamani, R., K. Sasi Kala Rani.,Mohan Raj, E. and Sudhakar, S., 2020. Enhancing security through block chain technology—a quick review. Int J Sci Technol Res, 9(2), pp.5126-5129.
- Gowthamani,Dr. K. Sasi Kala Rani, S.Anandha Swarna, C.Bharathi Priya, M.Akil Vishnu. Efficient Churn Prediction System with Ml-Iot,International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29 Issue 3 April 2020 Pg. 8251-8258.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani, Dhyakesh, S, Aasikaa CMR, Dr.M.Sujaritha, Dr.T.Latha Maheswari. Mobile based application to aid the visually challenged to learn,Test Engineering and Management ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 9711 – 9715.
- K. Sasikala Rani, B Priyanka, B Supriya , P Valarmathi. A supervised deep learning Framework for blood content prediction using blood images,Test Engineering and Management ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 24811- 24816
Conference Publications
- Sasi Kala Rani., Kalaiselvi, V. K. G., Shanmugasundaram, H., Dwaraknath, A., Swathi, K., & Tarrun, R. (2023, January). Automated mechanism for improving precision irrigation using machine learning. In 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Kansal, S. Hariharan, A. B. Prasad, H. Venkateswarareddy, K. Sasi Kala Rani and P. A, "Volume Control feature for gesture recognition in Augmented and Virtual reality applications," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Communications (InC4), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/InC457730.2023.10263252.
- Gowthamani R; Sasi Kala Rani K; Rohini M; Avinash S; Deepakkumar B; ArunKumar L, "Heuristics based Segmentation of Left Ventricle in Cardiac MR Images," 2023 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS), Coimbatore, India, 2023, pp. 1491-1497, doi: 10.1109/ICAIS56108.2023.10073912.
- Gowthamani, R., Sasi Kala Rani, K., Jayanth, C.R., Jeba Regan Raj, B., Binesh, J. (2023). Enhancing Protection Against Scalper Bots with ML. In: Kannan, R.J., Thampi, M., Wang, SH. (eds) Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Paradigms for SDGs. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 967. Springer, Singapore.
- Gowthamani, K. Sasi Kala Rani, M. Indira Priyadharshini, M. Rohini, G. Ebenezer and E. Thomas, "Web Based Application for Healthy Habit Development Through Gamification with ML," 2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Tirunelveli, India, 2022, pp. 1338-1345, doi: 10.1109/ICSSIT53264.2022.9716318.
- Gowthamani, K. Sasi Kala Rani, M. Indira Priyadharshini, M. Rohini, G. Ebenezer and E. Thomas, "Web Based Application for Healthy Habit Development Through Gamification with ML," 2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Tirunelveli, India, 2022, pp. 1338-1345, doi: 10.1109/ICSSIT53264.2022.9716318.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani., Kabilan, N., Mohankumar, M. and Nithiesh, K.M., 2021, May. Fatigue Monitoring Using Real-Time Facial Expression Based on Neural Technique. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1916, No. 1, p. 012116). IOP Publishing.
- Gowthamani, R, K. Sasi Kala Rani., Renugadevi, G., Prithvi, K.K. and Suriya, P.D., 2021, May. Secured Cloud Based Health Care Framework with Block chain. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1916, No. 1, p. 012207). IOP Publishing.
- K. Sasi Kala Rani and Vijayalakshmi, R., 2021, May. Experimental Evaluations of Malicious Node Detection on Wireless Sensor Network Environment. In 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) (pp. 185-191). IEEE.
- Gowthamani, R., K. Sasi Kala Rani, Abishek, S.R., Akash, G. and Kumar, A.K., 2021. Efficient detection and prediction of flood severity using machine learning algorithm. Materials Today: Proceedings.
Books / Book chapters publication
- Sasi Kala Rani, Priyadharsheni, J. M., Karthikeyan, B. and Pugalendhi, G. S.. "Chapter 14 Applications of quantum AI for healthcare". Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Training Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms on Quantum Computers, De Gruyter, 2023, pp. 271-288. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110791402-014
- K. Sasi Kala Rani and N. Pooranam, Efficiency of Finding Best Solutions Through Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Technique, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119681984.ch3, 2021,Wiley (Nature?Inspired Algorithms Applications, Chapter 3)
- J.SuganthiDr.K.Sasi Kala Rani, Fundamentals of Computer Programming, Vijay Nicole Publishers, Chennai, ISBN 9 788182 094628
- K.Sasi Kala Rani, Dr.D.Rasi, Design and Management of Computer Networks, Shanlax Publications, ISBN 9 789386 537591
- J.Suganthi, Dr.K.Sasi Kala Rani,Dr.D.Rasi, Database Management Systems, Shroff publishers, New Delhi, 9 789352 136483
- K.Sasi Kala Rani, Programming in C, Vijay Nicole Publishers, Chennai, ISBN 9788182095441
Patent Publications
- 201941045724A- ?An Intelligent Helmet System for Collision Avoidance by alerting the two wheeler driver? , 29.22.1019
- 201941015994A-?Crop Field Monitoring Automation?,03.05.2019
- 202141006321 A – ?Personal Assistant System and Wearable Gadget for Elderly People and Alzheimer Patients, 19.02.2021
- 202241070226-A- ?AI based Tool to get information about 5 good Institutes based on AISHE