
Dr. Jaya Ganesan
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Jaya Ganesan holds a Ph.D. in Management from Multimedia University, Malaysia and a first-class master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management from University of Madras. Dr. Jaya Ganesan has been teaching the undergraduate and post graduate programmes for more than two and half decades and is actively involved in research. As an active researcher, Dr. Jaya Ganesan was involved as project leader for the projects funded by the Multimedia University, Ministry of Higher Education, Telekom Malaysia. She is a reviewer and editorial member for internationally recognised journals and was appointed in the International Committee of IBIMA. Her areas of interest include human resource management, labour and employment relations and organisational behaviour.
Dr. Jaya is a fellow at Chartered Management Institute, UK and the Malaysian Institute of Management, she is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management and a Certified Trainer with HRDF (Ministry of HR, Malaysia).
Research Grants
- 2015-2016 Completed a project on A Model for Trade Union Effectiveness asProject Leader (Multimedia University Grant, RM 7,040).
- 2016-2019 Completed a project on “Understanding Trade Union Effectiveness in the Era of Transpacific Partnership Agreement: Evidence from Malaysia’ as Project Leader (FRGS, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, RM 45,000).
- 2019-2020 Completed a project on Employability Skills and Future Employment Needs: Employer Viewpoint as Project Member (Multimedia University Grant, RM 6,500).
- May 2019- April 2021 Completed a project “IoT data quality control for smart home systems (QC)” as Project Leader (Telekom Malaysia, R&D Grant RM 289,805).
- 2019-2022 Working on “Feasibility Study and Software Development of E-Health App in Malaysia” as Project Member (Yayasan Muhibbah Tan Sri Fng Ah Seng, RM70,000).
- Scopus/Web of Science
- Jayanty Kuppusamy, Jaya Ganesan and Sarah Aulia Rosada (2010). Leadership Styles and Management Techniques: An Analysis of Malaysian Women Entrepreneurs, Communications of the IBIMA, Vol. 2010 (2010), Article ID
- S. Suresh,R. N. Anantharaman,, Ajitha Angusamy, Jaya Ganesan (2013).Sources of Job Stress in Police Work in a Developing Country, International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 8, No. 13.
- Jaya Ganesan, Judy Wee Siew Ling. (2014) A Review on Factors Influencing Employment Relations at Workplace J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 8(3): 570- 576.
- Jaya Ganesan, N. Anantharaman, Hishamuddin Ismail (2015). Issues of Trade Union Density: A Review Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(7), pp 35-40.
- Kuppusamy J and Ganesan J (2016). A Study of factors contributing towards the effectiveness of E-recruitment among generation Y job International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(12): 106-112.
- Ganesan J (2016). A review on factors contributing to declining trade union membership in International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(11): 93-98
- Jaya Ganesan, Lee Kar Mun and Kavitha Raman (2017) Determinants of Organisational Commitment Among Generation -Y in the Malaysian SMEs, Modern Applied Science; Vol. 11, No. 12.
- Jaya Ganesan, Maisarah Binti Zainal Azli and Mohammed Abdullah Fageeh (2017) Determinants of Employee Engagement in the Malaysian Health Care Industry World Applied Sciences Journal 35 (10): 2180-2186.
- Jaya Ganesan, Woon Xin Ling and Lee Kar Mun, (2017). Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 12: 449-454.
- Jaya Ganesan, Koh Sin Kiat, Cheryl Goh, (2018). Factors Influencing Career Choice Among Sci. Int. (Lahore),30(6),905-908.
- Shahreki, J., Ganesan, J., Raman, K., Chin, A.L.L., Chin, T.S. (2019). The effect of human resource information system application on employee satisfaction and turnover intention, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability issues, 7(3), 1462-1479.
- Shahreki, , Ganesan, J. and Nguyen, T-T. (2020) ‘Personality traits and individual performance: Test of the mediating role of motivation among top management’, Intl. Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14(3) 225-249.
- Shahreki, J. Ganesan, J. and Nguyen,T.T. (2021).The Relationship between Personality Traits and Individual Performance: A Case Study in Malaysian Hotel Industry, J. Business Excellence, Vol. 24, No. 1.
- Jaya Ganesan, N. Anantharaman, Hishamuddin Ismail (2009) Employment relations in Malaysia: Contemporary Issues Confronting Employees in the Context of Globalisation, VII Academy of International Business India Chapter International Conference on Global Economic Crisis: Challenges & Opportunities, New Delhi, India.
- Jaya Ganesan, N. Anantharaman, Hishamuddin Ismail (2010) The Influence of Globalisation on Employment Relations and Trade Unions - A Malaysian Perspective, 7th International Labour Relations Association and ILO, Asia Regional Congress, Bali, Indonesia.
- Jaya Ganesan, Jayanty Kuppusamy, Teah Xin Yi (2011) FactoContributing To Occupational Stress Among Primary School Teachers, Conference on Management of Innovation in Business and Technology- New Strides,Varanasi,
- Jaya Ganesan, Jayanty Kuppusamy, Tiew Tan Tan. (2011) Total Reward System And its Effect on Work Motivation and Job Performance, International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Management, Lahore,
- Jayanty Kuppusamy, Jaya Ganesan, Teo Lay Lin (2011). A Study on Factors Leading to Success in Women Owned Businesses, Conference on Management of Innovation in Business and Technology-New Strides, Varanasi,
- Jayanty Kuppusamy, Jaya Ganesan, Gusti Reza Prawiranegara (2011) A Study of Entrepreneurial Intention of Undergraduate Students: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Management, Lahore,
- Shadia Binti Suhaimi, Haniza Binti Hashim, Rahja Raajeswary, Jaya Ganesan (2015). The adoption of Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) by Small Medium Enterprise in Making Financing Decision,9th International Conference on Business Management and Legal Studies (ICBMLS), December 30-31, Kuala
- Sin Kiat Koh, Ganesan Jaya, Raman, (2020). Employability Skills for Fresh Graduates from the View of Malaysian Employers,35th IBIMA Conference: 1-2 April 2020, Seville, Spain.
- Diane Fernandez, Ganesan Jaya, Yeow Jian (2020). Green HRM: Shifting Trends in Future Employment Opportunities.,36th IBIMA Conference: 4-5 November 2020, Granada, Spain.
- Ganesan Jaya, G. Ramana Murthy, Balakanes Lognathan and Syed Nazir Hussain (2020). Stakeholder Perceptions on Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Digital Workplace,11th Global Conference on Business and Social Science Series, 11-12 December 2020, Bangkok,
- Ganesan Jaya, Sin Kiat Koh, Raman Kavitha (2021) Employers’ Expectations for Recruitment Decision of Fresh Graduates during the Covid-19 Pandemic, 37th IBIMA Conference, 30-31 May, Cordoba, Spain.