
Dr. Janipella Shanti
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Janipella Shanti, a distinguished management graduate with a doctorate from Bangalore University. With fifteen years of teaching experience and three years in corporate sales and marketing, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her students. She has a rich background in academia and her expertise spans Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing, and Rural Marketing. An active faculty mentor for the marketing and Rotaract clubs, she also imparts training to students and professionals. Additionally, she is an educational consultant at Greenestep Private Limited.
- Shanti, J., & Joshi, G. (2022). Examining the impact of environmentally sustainable practices on hotel brand equity: a case of Bangalore hotels. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24(4), 5764-5782. DOI:10.1007/s10668-021-01682-9
- Shanti, J., & Srinivas, V. (2021). Exploring Customer Perception In The Print Media And The Digital Media Among Indian Consumers. Aweshkar Research Journal, 28(2).
- Shanti, J. (2016). A study on environmental sustainability practices of star hotels in Bangalore. Asian Journal of Business Ethics,5, 185-194. DOI:10.1007/s13520-016-0063-5
- A Case study on impact of ERP implementation on SMB firm performance, RVIM Journal of Management Research https://rvim.edu.in/RVIM-Journal/pdf/RVIM-Journal-July-December-2015.pdf
- CSR Practice towards Responsible Business, International Journal of Business Management and Research(IJBMR) http://www.tjprc.org/view_paper.php?id=5
Book chapters
- Shanti and Mr. Naveen Pandey. 2021. Life skills approach to coping with stress. Explorer, Gateway to 21st Century Skills, E-book ISBN: 978-81-946418-2-7. Dawn publishers.
- Shanti and Dr. C.S. Azad. 2020. Socio-Economic Impact of Reverse Migration caused by COVID-19 in the Rural Sector. Impact of covid-19 on different sectors of Indian economy. ISBN: 978-93-83931-19-4. Academic publication.
- Customer service management for an automobile giant company at their client site in Detroit, USA, which involved customer and vendor management. (2005).
- Freelancer for teaching courses in Entrepreneurship, Rural marketing
- Guest faculty for YESBUD University, Zambia
- Guiding dissertation projects with Edtech company
- Core Faculty Coordinator for ELATION 2023 - UTOPIA, the inter-collegiate national management festival of Amity Bangalore. The event was attended by over 500 students from 25 colleges in Bangalore (2023).
- Faculty mentor for the Marketing club & Digital Club at Amity Bangalore (2017-2023)
- As a Faculty Coordinator at Amity Bangalore Campus, represented the sports team, enabling their participation in SANGATHAN, a 10-day mega event on sports and curricular activities (2018).
- Course/syllabus setting, updating and review for BBA/MBA courses within Amity University
- Resource person for FDP on Case study teaching pedagogy at PSGR college for Women, Coimbatore (February 2024)
- Core Faculty Coordinator for the one-day Faculty Development Program on ‘Paradigm Shift in Pedagogy with AI and Future leadership’ scheduled on June 21, 2024 organised by Amity group. The event was attended by more than 100 faculty.
- Core Faculty Coordinator for ELATION 2023 - UTOPIA, the inter-collegiate national management festival of Amity Bangalore. The event was attended by over 500 students from 25 colleges in Bangalore (2023).
- Conducted MDP training sessions for BSF commandants on Building Trust, Giving Effective Feedback and Team Building as part of the Management and Leadership Development Programme (CMLDP), organized by the Amity Institute of Training and Development (April 2022).
Seminars conducted
- Conducted Webinar for the BBA/ MBA students on the topic ‘Role of AI in Marketing’.
- Conducted seminars for the B.A. and B.Com students on Skills of the Future Workforce, National College, Jayanagar, Bangalore
- Conducting a Seminar on Globalisation, BES College, Jayanagar, Bangalore
- Conducted seminars BBA & B.Com. students on Skills of the Future Workforce, VET Degree College, JP Nagar, Bangalore
Programs attended
- Attended Four Weeks Women Entrepreneurship Development Program (WEDP), RVIM Bangalore sponsored by Dept of Science and Technology (March, 2024)
- Attended Case conference at Fore School of Management and presented a case titled Ninjacart Business model (June, 2023)
- Attended FDP on "Instilling effectiveness in Digital teaching in current scenario" at Amity Global Business school on May 2021.
- Attended one week ATAL Academy Online FDP on "DESIGN THINKING" 2021
- Attended one week Academy Online FDP on "Data Sciences" 2021
- Attended one week RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FDP (ONLINE) from UPES 2020
- Attending three-month webinar series on ‘WRITING IMPACTFUL RESEARCH’ by EMERALD PUBLISHING. 2021