
Dr. J. Lenin
Professor & HOD - In Charge
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. J. Lenin earned his Ph.D. from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in 2015. He has over 27 years of teaching and research experience across various institutions, including the University of Technology and Applied Sciences in the Sultanate of Oman, where he served as the Head of the Section in the Department of IT.
Impressively, Dr. Lenin has secured FOUR research grants from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MOHERI) in the Sultanate of Oman, amounting to USD 57,000, both as a Principal and Co-Principal Investigator.
His research interests encompass a wide spectrum, including Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Communication Networks, and Sensor Networks. Furthermore, Dr. J. Lenin has actively taken on roles such as Program Committee Head, convener, reviewer, and editor for international conferences and journals.
Papers Published In International Journals
- J.Lenin, B. Rasina Begum, T. Sheik Yousuf and R. Karthikeyan, "A Secured Storage Scheme for Cloud Environment using ECC-IRNS based Deduplication Approach," 2022 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2022, pp. 901-911, doi: 10.1109/ICICT54344.2022.9850637
- Charles Savarimtuhu; Najiba Said Hamed Alzadjal; J. Lenin; Michael Selvam “Deriving Association between Creative and Performance using Data Mining Techniques”, May, 2022, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9768633
- Lenin , M. G. Divya Jyothi, Najiba Said Hamed Alzadjali, and Sheik Abdul Azeem, “IoT based Emergency Handling Communication System for Medical and Traffic Rescue Teams”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 042053, IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/17426596/1964/4/042053
- Lenin, X. S. Asha Shiny, K. Vanisree , P. Sivakumar,” Connectivity and Mobility Awake Efficient Routing In MWSN” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 042034 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/1964/4/042034
- P Sivakumar, J Lenin , X S Asha Shiny , and K Vanisree, “Vehicular Formed Network Coding Conscious Connectivity for Sensor Networks”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 062085 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062085
- Lenin ,B. Sundaravadivazhagan, M. Sulthan Ibrahim “BLENDING BIOMETRIC TO GENERATE SYMMETRIC KEY FOR CRYPTOSYSTEM”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering ,Vol.-7, Issue-4, April 2019 E-ISSN: 2347-2693
- Lenin , & Punithavalli, M. “Believer Based Protected and Efficient Routing in Pervasive Network”. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) (2014), 14(6), 1.
- Lenin , & Punithavalli, M. “ENDORSEMENT OF ACCESSIBILITY OF PRIVACY INFORMATION FROM ADVERSARY IN PERVASIVE NETWORK” ,Global J. of Mech., Engg. & Comp. Sciences, (2013): 3 (3). Lenin, J., & Punithavalli, M. “RECOGNITION BASED DISSEMINATION PROTOCOL FOR CONSISTENT AND EFFICIENT BROADCASTING IN VANET”. Global J. of Engg. & Appl. Sciences,(2013)3(3), 3
- Dr. J. Lenin has served as the Board of Director- Research, ISACA Muscat Chapter.
Papers Presented at Conferences
- “Smart Prototype for an Evolving Teaching and Learning Pedagogy in a Pervasive Environment”, presented (2022) in Higher Education & Industry: Bolstering Connections Towards Oman 2040
- “A Secured Storage Scheme for Cloud Environment using ECC-IRNS based Deduplication Approach”, presented in Advances in Computational Intelligence and Heuristic Applications 2021 (ACIHA 2021)- University of Technology and Applied Sciences – Al Musanna, Oman
- "Predictive Analytics on Political Data”, presented in World Congress on Computing and Communication Technologies WCCCT 2016, Tiruchirappalli, India, Feb 2 to 4, 2017
- “A Study on Data Management Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks”, presented in International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2012), Chennai, July 28, 2012
- “Data Gathering and Storage Issues in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey”, presented in Indian Space Research Organization sponsored Conference on Communication Signal Processing (NCCSP), Coimbatore, India, July 29&30, 2011.
- “Determination of interesting rules in student information using association objective measures”, presented in International Conference conducted by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India, and published in proceedings by Macmillan Press ISBN 10:978-0230-63917-7, 2009
- “Impact of Information Technology in HR”, presented in Managing Business in Knowledge Age at Annamalai University, India, Feb 20&21,2004.
- “A Role of Graph Theory in Data Packet Routing", presented in Seminar on Interdependence of Mathematics and Computer Science at Fatima College, Madurai, India,2004