
Dr. Girish B. M.
Professor & HOD - Mechanical Engineering
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Girish BM is a Professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering. He is specialized in Materials Science and Engineering and Manufacturing Processes. He has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Mysore University (1997), and his research areas include Wear, Corrosion, and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Metal Matrix Composites and Advanced Metallic Alloys. He has several research papers to his credit in reputed international publications of Elsevier, ASM, IMechE viz., Journal on Wear, Corrosion Science, Journal on Materials Science & Engineering and Journal on Materials and Design. He is serving as a reviewer of research papers for the Elsevier Journals, Materials Science and Engineering Journal, and Journal of Alloys and Compounds in addition to being a member of the Editorial Board for international journals. He has experience of over two decades in teaching and research. He has industrial experience of three years. He worked in collaboration with several renowned researchers of various world class Universities and has published research papers with their collaboration. Some of them include Dr.Pradeep Rohatgi, Professor at the Department of Metallurgy, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, Dr.Hiroshi Asanuma, Professor at Chiba University, Japan, Dr.Seah Kar Heng, Professor at National University of Singapore. He started his teaching and research career at R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore. He has supervised two Ph.D. candidates and both have been awarded degrees from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. He has been recognized by Elsevier publications, Amsterdam, for his “Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing” as recognition of his contribution to the quality of the Journal - Materials Science and Engineering, for which he has reviewed close to 50 research papers. He has received this honor for two years, 2015 and 2017 respectively. He is also a recipient of the prestigious award for “Research Publication” given by Vision Group on Science and Technology, Information Technology and Bio Technology, Government of Karnataka.

Optimization of wear behavior of Magnesium alloy AZ91 hybrid composites using Taguchi experimental design, Metallurgicaland Materials Transactions A (Official Journal of American Society of Metals), vol 47A, June 2016, p 3193-3200.Co-authors: B. M. Satish, Sadananda Sarapure, and Basawaraj
‘Wear behavior of magnesium alloy AZ91 hybrid composite materials’ in Tribology Transactions (Official Journal of Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 58, 2015, p. 481-489, with B. M. Satish, Sadananda Sarapure, and Basawaraj
- ‘Effect of nitriding on corrosion behavior of graphite reinforced aluminum alloy composites’ in Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, (official Journal of the European Federation of Corrosion), vol 48, No.1, 2013, p 51-54, with B.M.Satish, and H.R.Vitala
- ‘Tungsten carbide reinforced copper composites for thermal management applications’ in IMechE (UK) Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, vol 226 (4), 2012, p 316-321., with B.M.Satish, Basawaraj and P.K.Jain
- ‘Wear Behavior of Tungsten Carbide Particles Reinforced Copper Alloy Composites’, in International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, Vol. 7, No. 6, 2012, p 517-531., with B.M.Satish and Basawaraj
- ‘Electrical resistivity and mechanical properties of tungsten carbide reinforced copper alloy composites’ in International Journal of Composite Materials, vol 2 (3), 2012, p 37-42., with B.M.Satish and Basawaraj
- ‘Need for optimization of graphite particles reinforcement in ZA-27 alloy composites for tribological applications’ in Materials Science and Engineering A, vol 530, 2011, p 382-388., with B.M.Satish, Prakash K.R and P.K.Jain
- ‘An investigation into the effects of graphite particles on the damping behavior of ZA-27 alloy composite material’ in Materials and Design, vol 32, 2011, p 1050-1056., with B.M.Satish, and Prakash K.R, P.K.Jain and Phani Prabhakar
- ‘Effect of nitriding on wear behavior of graphite reinforced aluminium alloy composites’ in Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology, vol 1, 2011, p 73-79., with B.M.Satish and Vitala, H.R
- ‘Effect of grain boundary precipitates on vibration damping of Fe-Cr-Mg-Al/Si alloys’, in International Journal of Materials Research, vol 101, 2010, p 1538-1542., B.M.Satish and K.M.Mahesh
- ‘Effect of stacking fault probability and ? martensite on damping capacity of Fe- 16%Mn alloy’ in Materials and Design, vol 31, 2010, p 2163-2166., with B.M.Satish and K.M.Mahesh
- ‘Vibration damping of high-chromium ferromagnetic steel and its dependence on magnetic domain structure’ in Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol 484, 2009, p 296-299., with B. M. Satish and K. Mahesh
- ‘Wear characteristics of Phosphor-Bronze/ SiC particulate composites’, in Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol 118, 2001, p 65-68., with S. C. Sharma, R. Kamath and B. M. Satish
- ‘Graphite particles reinforced ZA-27 alloy composite materials for journal bearing applications’ in Wear, vol 219, 1998, p 162-168., with S. C. Sharma, R. Kamath, and B. M. Satish
- ‘Effect of SiC particles reinforcement on the unlubricated sliding wear behaviour of ZA-27 alloy composites’ in Wear, vol 213, 1997, p 33-40., with S.C.Sharma, R.Kamath and B.M.Satish
- ‘Dry sliding wear of short glass fiber reinforced zinc-aluminium composites’ in Tribology International, vol 31, No.4, 1998, p 183-188, with S.C.Sharma, B.M.Satish, R.Kamath and H.Asanuma
- ‘Sliding wear behaviour of zircon particles reinforced ZA-27 alloy composite materials’ in Wear, vol 224, 1999, p 89-94., with S. C. Sharma, D. R. Somashekar, B.M.Satish and R. Kamath
- ‘Mechanical properties and fractography of zircon particles reinforced ZA-27 alloy composite materials’ in Composites Science and Technology, vol 59, 1999, p 1805-1812., with S.C.Sharma, D.R.Somashekar, B.M.Satish, and R.Kamath
- ‘Mechanical properties of ascast and heat treated ZA-27 alloy / short glass fibre composites’ in ASM Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol 7 (1), February 1998, p 93-99., with S.C.Sharma, B.M.Satish and R.Kamath
- ‘Ageing characteristics of short glass fibers reinforced ZA-27 alloy composite materials’ in ASM Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol 7(6), 1998, p 747-750., with S.C.Sharma, B.M.Satish and R.Kamath
- ‘Fractography, fluidity and tensile properties of aluminium/hematite particulate composites’ in ASM Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol 8 (3), 1999, p 309-314., with S.C.Sharma, R.Kamath and B.M.Satish
- ‘Mechanical properties of ascast and heat-treated ZA-27/graphite particulate composites’ in Composites, vol 28 A, 1997, p 251-256., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma,
- ‘Mechanical properties of ascast and heat-treated lead alloy/zircon particulate composites’ in Composites, vol 28 A, 1997, p 113-119., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and D.R.Somashekar
- ‘Corrosion characteristics of ZA-27/graphite particulate composites’ in Corrosion Science, vol 39, No.1, 1997, p 1-7., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Corrosion characteristics of ZA-27/glass fiber composites’ in Corrosion Science, vol 39, No.12, 1997, p 2143-2150., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and B.M.Satish
- ‘Corrosion characteristics of lead/zircon particulate composites’ in Corrosion Science, vol 38, No.8, 1997, p 1443-1449., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and J.Venkatesh
- ‘Mechanical properties of cast ZA-27/graphite particulate composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 16, No.5, 1995, p 271-275., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Effect of artificial ageing on the hardness of cast ZA-27/graphite particulate composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 16, No.6, 1995, p 337-341., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Effect of short glass fibers on the mechanical properties of cast ZA-27 alloy composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 17, No.5/6, 1996, p 245-250., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma, and B.M.Satish
- ‘Wear characteristics of as-cast ZA-27/graphite particulate composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 17, No.2, 1996, p 63-67., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and S.C.Lim
- ‘Mechanical properties of cast lead alloy/silicon carbide particulate composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 16, No.6, 1995, p 367-371., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and P.R.Rao
- ‘Wear behaviour of lead/zircon particulate composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 17, No.1, 1996, p 27-32., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Mechanical properties of ascast and heat-treated ZA-27/SiC particulate composites’ in Materials and Design, vol 16, No.5, 1995, p 277-281.
- ‘Hardness of aged ZA-27/short glass fiber reinforced composites’ in Special issue of Materials and Design, vol 16, No.6, 1995, p 367-371., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and P.R.Rao
- ‘Mechanical properties and fractography of cast lead alloy/quartz particulate composites’ in Special issue of Materials and Design, vol 18, No.3, 1997, p 149-153., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Effect of artificial ageing on tensile strength of ZA-27/short glass fiber reinforced composites’ in Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore, vol.38, No.4, 1998, p 21-26., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and B.M.Satish
- ‘Mechanical Property evaluation of aluminium-copper-graphite particulate composites’ in Materials Science Forum (TransTech Publications, Switzerland) vols., 217-222, 1996, p 1871-1876., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Evaluation of corrosion resistance of aluminium-copper-graphite particulate composites’ in Materials Science Forum (TransTech Publications, Switzerland) vol, 217-222, 1996, p 1577-1580., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Fatigue deformation characteristics of aged aluminium lithium alloys at elevated temperatures’ in Materials Science Forum (TransTech Publications, Switzerland) vol, 217-222, 1996, p 1871-1876., with K.H.W.Seah., S.C.Sharma and R.Kamath
- ‘Evaluation of wear behaviour of feldspar particles reinforced copper alloy composite materials’ in Materials Science Forum (TransTech Publications, Switzerland) vols., 539-543, 2007, p 797-802., with K.H.W.Seah and S.C.Sharma
- ‘Titanium and its alloys-An overview’ in Titanium Bulletin, vol 1, No.4, August 15, 1996, p 13-23, published by Defense Research and Development Organization, India., with S. C. Sharma
- ‘Drillability of zinc/graphite metal matrix composites’ in NML Technical Journal, vol 38, No.3, 1996, p 127-131., with S.C.Sharma
- ‘Mechanical properties of lead alloy based composite materials for battery applications’ in NML Technical Journal, vol 38, No.3, 1996, p 95-100., with S.C.Sharma
- ‘Tribological properties of zinc alloy based composites for bearing applications’ in NML Technical Journal, vol 38, No.2, 1996, p 73-76., with S.C.Sharma
- ‘Machinability of zinc alloy based particulate metal matrix composites’ in NML Technical Journal, vol 38, No.3, 1996, p 107-111., with S.C.Sharma
- ‘Wear Behavior of Graphite Particle Reinforcement in ZA-27 alloy composites for tribological application (ISST)’ in Journal of Mechanical Engineering, July - December 2010, volume 1 No.2, p 25-29., with S.C.Sharma
- ‘Wear and Thermal Behavior of Graphite Particle Reinforcement in ZA-27 alloy composites for tribological application (SME)’ in Journal of Manufacturing Engineering (JME), June 2011, volume 16 issue 2, p 69-74., with S. C. Sharma