
Dr. GGS Pradeep
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. GGS Pradeep is a versatile educator who instructs various computer science subjects including C Programming, Python, operating systems, data structures, software testing, software quality assurance, and object-oriented analysis and design, among other core topics. He holds a Post-Doctoral degree from the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. His doctoral degree was obtained from Shri Venkateshwara University, while his M.Tech degree is from Acharya Nagarjuna University. He completed his B.Tech studies at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
Dr. GGS Pradeep boasts an impressive record of scholarly achievements. He has authored numerous research articles and has presented at both national and international conferences. His contributions extend to the realm of intellectual property, with filings, publications, and grants for national and international patents. Alongside these accomplishments, he has authored two books and 17 book chapters. Dr. Pradeep has also taken on roles as an organizing committee member, advisory member, reviewer, and editor for conferences and journals.
Recognized as a dedicated educator, he has received awards for his exceptional research, including recognition as an outstanding researcher and an outstanding Post-Doctoral Fellow. He has also been honored with the appreciation of presenting the most distinguished paper by esteemed universities. Revered as a top motivator, philosopher, and guide, he consistently strives to impart his knowledge to the best of his abilities.
- An efficient mixture model approach in Brain-Machine interface systems for extracting the psychological status of mentally impaired persons using EEG signals, volume 7, date of publication June 10, 2019.
- Smart healthcare and quality of service in IoT using grey filter convolutional based cipher physical system, Sustainable Cities and society, Volume 59, 25 April 2020.
- Knowledge Engineering based DApp using Blockchain Technology for Protract medical Certificates Privacy, IETCommunications, 2022.
- Securing Web Documents by using Piggybacked Framework based on Newton’s Forward Interpolation Method, Journal of Information Security and Applications, April 2023
- Ride comfort and segmental vibration transmissibility analysis of an automobile passenger model under whole body vibration, Scientific Reports, July 2023
- A novelSVM Kernel Classifier Technique using Support Vector Machine for Breast Cancer Classification, Scientific Reports (accepted).
- Face Mask Violation Enforcement Implemented on CCTV Surveillance Using DLGAN, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (accepted).
- Artificial Intelligence Based Machine Learning Algorithm for Prediction of Cancer in Female Anatomy, IEEE Access (Communicated).
- A Framework for Identification of Brain Tumors from MR Images Using Progressive Segmentation, Medical Image Analysis (Communicated).
- Tendencies in Tomosynthesis Research output 2000-2020: Bibliometric Analysis, Health Policy and Technology(Communicated).
- Through the Eyes of Deep Learning: Novel Optimized Segmentation Algorithms for Computer Vision, IEEE Access (Communicated).
- Cryptocurrency Miners – Major Cyber Threat of 2018, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 1314-3395, volume 119 No.18 2018, PP. 1775-1787
- Big Data Threat Detection on Cloud Environment with Business Intelligence, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 1314-3395, volume 119 No.18 2018, PP. 1789-1798
- Climatic change prediction using simple linear regression in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): EISSN: 1546-1963 (Online), volume 16, number 2, Feb 2019, PP.655-658 (Q4 Indexed).
- A complete survey on technological challenges of IoT in security and privacy in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2277-3878, volume-7, issue-6S4, PP.332-334.
- An improved method of DNA data encryption using XoR based data segments in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2277-3878, volume-8, issue-1, May 2019, PP.1834-1838.
- Data Security Model Using Artificial Neural Networks and Database Fragmentation in Cloud Environment, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019 (Q4 Indexed).
- The Immense Analysis of Bosom Cancer and its Confederacy in Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, ISSN No: 1006-7930, Volume XII, Issue V, 2020, Page No: 3494-3504 (Q2 Indexed).
- An effective identification of crop diseases using faster region based convolutional neural network and expert systems in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), ISSN 2088-8708, Vol 10, No 6, 2020(Q2 indexed)
- Multi scale image fusion through laplacian pyramid and deep learning on thermal images, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, ISSN: 1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 3728 - 3734 (Q4 indexed).
- Recognition of fetal heart diseases through machine learning techniques, Design Engineering, ISSN: 0011-9342, Vol 2021: Issue 06, Pages: 360-373 (Q4 indexed).
- Machine Learning Algorithms Based Breast Cancer Prediction Model, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833, VOL 12, ISSUE 04, 2021, PP. 50-56(Q4 indexed).
- Studying The Effectiveness of Online-Based Teaching Method In Esl Classrooms Advances in Social Work(Submitted)
- “Computer implemented method for classification of microcalcification clusters in digital mammograms using hybrid wavelet features”, Application No.201941046193A, Publication Date: 29/11/2019
- “Method of secure online voting using middleware security” Application No.201941027226A, Publication Date: 02/08/2019
- “An apparatus of internet of things personal wearable tracking system with method of artificial intelligence”, Application No.201941033959A, Publication Date: 20/09/2019
- “Multi–core execution method for reduction of computing time complexity in data mining application through parallel-computing”, Application No.2019310338661A, Publication Date: 25/10/2019.
- "Computer implemented method for classification of microcalcification clusters in digital mammograms ", Application No. 202041027594A, Publication Date: 10/07/2020
- "An artificial intelligence-based device for medicine dispensing", Patent no: 2020101261, date of granted: - 12th august 2020(Australian patent).
- “Recognizing Human Facial Emotion and Detection Utilizing Deep Learning”, Application No. 202111006194, Publication Date: 19/02/2021.
- “An artificial intelligence-based heart rate monitoring system for sports training”, Patent no: 2021101272 date of granted: - 21st April 2021 (Australian patent).
- “A classifier for attack detection in cloud environment and data computing for smart cities and smart healthcare system using internet of things”, Patent no: 2021101959, date of granted: - 19th may 2021(Australian patent).
- “Machine Learning and IoT Based Smart Human Activity Discovering System for Health Care Applications”, Patent no: 202111051973, date of granted: - 26/11/2021
- Rule Generation for Data Cleaning Using Constant Conditional Functional Dependencies, Registration Number : SW-15270/2022, Dated : 24/02/2022
- A system based on artificial intelligence and machine learning for harvest counting, dated: 16/05/2022 (German Patent).
- Discovery of Lung Carcinoma via Plasma Amount through Supervised Machine Learning Techniques, application number. 202241029918, publication date: 03/06/2022
- Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor Suitable for Real-Time Diesel Exhaust Treatment at High Flow Rates, Patent no: 202211018418, Publication Date – 25/11/2022
- 2 in 1 tooth brush cum tongue cleaner, Application no. 357445-001 (Design Patent Granted)
- Clutch pencil with attached lead holder, Application no.357446-001 (Design Patent Granted)
- TWO CAP INK-POT, Application no. 356819-001 (Design Patent Granted)
- Fan cum Air Purifier, Application no. 371214-001 (Design Patent Granted)
- HASSLE FREE-SWING, Application no. 371217-001(Design Patent Granted)
- surveillance hidden camera fan, Application no. 359720-001 (Design Patent)
- SMART DUSTER, Application no. 371215-001 (Design Patent)
- Auto Alert Gas Cylinder Roller, Application no. 372984-001 (Design Patent)
- Examination Pen, Application no. 372699-001 (Design Patent)
- 3in 1 smart mattress, Application no. 374357-001 (Design Patent)
Books :
- Information storage management, Research India Publications, ISBN: 978-89116-08-3.
- Learn to program with GO, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-620-4-95484-4, 2022.
Book Chapters:
- Book chapter titled "History of Robotic Technology: Trending in Dynamic World", book title "Advances in Computer Science (Volume - 2)" in AkiNik publications 2018, ISBN 978-93-5335-211-0.
- Book chapter titled “Futurity of translation algorithms for neural machine translation (NMT) and its vision” in the book “Handbook of research on NLP in AI” in Apple academic press, CRC press, a taylor & francis group, ISBN: 9781771888646.
- Book chapter titled “Compulsion of Cyber Intelligence for Rail Analytics in IORNT” for the book Securing IoT and Big Data: Next Generation Intelligence by CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group, 1st edition, eBook punlished:12 December 2020, eBook ISBN-9781003009092.
- Book chapter titled “Cancer Prediction and Diagnosis Hinged on HCML in IoMT Environment” in the book Machine Learning & Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare, 1st edition Paperback ISBN:9780128212295 (Elsevier).
- “Case Studies”, book title: Introduction to Green Computing, first edition, Agar Saliha Publications, ISBN: 978-81-948141-5-3, PP: 126-167.
- “Surveillance”, book title: Cyber Heal, first edition, Agar Saliha Publications, ISBN: 978-81-948141-7-7, PP: 121-157.
- Book chapter titled “Lasik Innovation Technology for Disease Identification during Lactation” in the book title: Mobile Health: Advances in Research and Applications, ISBN: 978-1-53619-468-5, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- “Smart Assistance of Elderly Individuals in Emergency Situations at Home” in the book: Internet of Medical Things, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-63937-2, edition number 1, pp: 95-115.
- “prediction of coronavirus (covid-19) disease health monitoring with clinical support system and its objectives” in the book "machine learning and analytics in healthcare systems: principles and applications" which will be published in CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group, 1st edition, eBook: ISBN9781003185246, 2021
- “Amalgamation of Blockchain, IoT, and Big Data by Using Distributed Hyperledger Framework” in the book Convergence of Blockchain, AI, and IoT, 1st edition, CRC Press, eBook ISBN 9781003081180, pp(33-55), 2021
- “An Efficient Deep Learning Framework For Multimedia Big Data Analytics” in the book Multimedia Computing Systems and Virtual Reality, 1st Edition, CRC Press, ISBN 9781032048239, 2022
- “Anomaly Detection In Real Time Videos Using Match Subspace System And Deep Belief Networks” in the book Multimedia Computing Systems and Virtual Reality, 1st Edition, CRC Press, ISBN 9781032048239, 2022
- “Protecting Patient Data with 2F-Authentication” in the book Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare, wiley publisher, ISBN 978-1-119-76888-3, PP 169, 2022
- Biomedical Data Analysis and Processing using Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Responsive Artificial Intelligence in the Book Title: Mobile Health: Advances in Research an Applications Volume 2, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-68507-988-8, 2022
- “Deep Convolutional Extreme Learning Machine with AlexNet Based Bone Cancer Classification Using Whole Body Scan Images” in the book Recent Advances of Digital Transformation: Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0, SPRINGER (Accepted)
- Obtained an I2OR Outstanding Researcher Award 2019 from the International Institute of Organized Research.
- Most distinguished paper at the national conference on 2nd innovative product design and intelligent manufacturing systems (IPDIMS) during 12th & 13th February 2021 at NIT Rourkela.
- Most distinguished paper at the national conference on 3rd innovative product design and intelligent manufacturing systems (IPDIMS) during 30th & 31st February 2021 at NIT Rourkela.
- Received outstanding Post-Doctoral Fellow Award from Novel Research Academy,2023.
- Swayam NPTEL certified course on “Software Testing” during Jul – Oct 2019.
- Swayam CEC certified course on “E-Commerce Technologies” Nov 2019.
- NPTEL certified course on “Privacy and Security in Online Social Media” Feb – Apr 2020.
- Certificate of achievement for the subject software engineering by Saylor academy April, 2020.
- Certificate of achievement for the subject Computer Communications and Networks by Saylor academy June 20, 2020.
- Successfully completed the course "Google Analytics for Beginners" from google analytics academy June 25, 2020.
- Certificate of completion of "certified ethical hacking & cyber security: beginner to pro." online course on Aug. 24, 2020.
Academic Highlights:
- Organizing committee member for “International Conference on Advanced Knowledge from Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology (ICAKMPET-19)” held at Visakhapatnam on April 5th – 6th
- Advisory committee member for “International Conference on Computational Science & Emerging Technologies 2020(ICCSET’ 2020)” organized by department of computer science and engineering at Royal College of Engineering and Technology.
- Technical Session chair for “IPDIMS 2021” NIT Rourkela.
- PhD dissertation external examiner for various universities.
- Session chair in the national conference on knowledge, innovations, and technologies for sustainability (NCKITS-2022), organized by sree vidyanikethan engineering college (autonomous), 28th april 2022.
- Reviewer in 3rd International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing (AICTC) On 20-21 December 2021.
- Editor in “Advanced concepts of AI and ML for Smart Future”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
- Reviewer in ICICC-22 during 18th-19th November 2022, held at GNITS, Hyderabad, India.
- Reviewer for 2022 IEEE international conference on current development in engineering and technology (CCET).
- Reviewer for international conference on communication, security and artificial intelligence, ICCSAI-2022, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Resource Person for International Conference on “Education, Innovation and Sustainability” organized by the PG Department of Commerce, yuvakshetra institute of management studies on 15th and 16th march 2023.
- Reviewer for international conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer technologies, 2023, (InCACCT-2023) 05th-06th May 2023 at Chandigarh University.
- Received best patent category award at Chitkara University for the year 2022-2023.
- Has attended National Conference on Advancements and Innovations in Engineering, Technology & Management (AITEM-2014) on 4G Technology applications and compatibility in overbalance networks.
- Has attended International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies (IC3T-2k14) on CLOUD-Issues, Challenges, Needs and Practice.
- “A survey on breast cancer detection and classification of microcalcification in mammogram”, international conference on recent advances in engineering, science & technology, September 2015.
- “Early detection of breast cancer through mammogram using KNN classifier”, National conference on recent trends in communication, networking and computing, march 2016.
- “A complete survey on technological challenges of IoT in security and privacy”, International conference on recent trends in multi-disciplinary research, December 2018.
- “Enhancement in data security using DNA cryptography”, ICSCSP2019.
- “Texture Recognization and Image Smoothing for Microcalcification and Mass Detection in Abnormal Region”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA2020) organized by GIET University, Odisha, India.
- Participated and presented paper entitled "Artificial Intelligence Based VPN for Handling Covid-19 Pandemic Situation in Organization and Education System" in 1st online international conference on rebuilding bharat with artificial intelligence interventions after covid-19 pandemic: opportunity and challenges on May 03, 2020, organized by department of computer science and engineering, university school of information and communication technology, gautam buddha university.
- Participated and presented paper entitled "Convenience of Robotics in Covid-19 Pandemic and Monitoring the Facilities Provided to Patients" in 1st online international conference on rebuilding bharat with artificial intelligence interventions after covid-19 pandemic: opportunity and challenges on May 03, 2020, organized by department of computer science and engineering, university school of information and communication technology, gautam buddha university.
- “Range of Web Crawling from HTTP Parse and HTML Requests as Static Digraph and Web Pages” in Second International conference on Topical Transcends in Science, Technology & Management (ICTTSTM-2020) on 12th July 2020.
- Participated and presented a paper titled "Crisis Management of Indian Organizations During and After Pandemic Lockdown" in the online national-level conference on crisis management organized by the department of management studies, Women's Christian College (Autonomous Institute Affiliated to the University of Madras) on May 23rd
- Attended national conference on “Digital Technology and E-Learning Challenges – NCDTEC 2020” with a theme “A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education” held on 5th and 6th June, 202 hosted by Global Institute of Engineering and Technology.
- Has participated and presented paper entitled "deep neural network method of normal and abnormal pattern recognition in mammographic images" in online international conference on advances in computing, communication and control (ICA3C2020) on 16/06/2020, IIMT University, India.
- Has participated and presented paper entitled "breast cancer prediction in virtue of big data analytics" in online international conference on advances in computing, communication and control (ICA3C2020) on 16/06/2020, IIMT University, India.
- Has participated and presented paper entitled "rail traffic control (RTC) over distributed intelligent processing system" in online international conference on advances in computing, communication and control (ICA3C2020) on 16/06/2020, IIMT University, India.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "Existence of Artificial Intelligence in the Growth of Digital Education", online international conference on new normal-corporate and self management in current scenario, GBU on 17-18 June 2020.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "An Exploration of Robotic Assist Surgery for Prediction of Breast Cancer Clinical Support", online international conference on new normal-corporate and self management in current scenario, GBU on 17-18 June 2020.
- Participated and presented a paper on "Breast Cancer Treatment Using Automated Robot Support Technology for MRI Breast Biopsy", online international conference on new normal-corporate and self management in current scenario, GBU on 17-18 June 2020.
- Participated and presented a paper on "The Perforation of Artificial Intelligence in Rail Automated Train Operation System", online international conference on new normal-corporate and self management in current scenario, GBU on 17-18 June 2020.
- Participated on the International conference "COVID-19: A ‘Transformative Moment for Social Science, Education, and Technology” on 13 – 14 July 2020 organized by Graduate Program Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
- Presented paper on “Recognition of Dubious Tissue by Using Supervised Strategy”, national conference on 2nd innovative product design and intelligent manufacturing systems (IPDIMS) during 12th & 13th February 2021 at NIT Rourkela.
- Presented paper on “Performance Prediction of Students using Machine Learning Algorithms”, national conference on 2nd innovative product design and intelligent manufacturing systems (IPDIMS) during 12th & 13th February 2021 at NIT Rourkela.
- Presented paper on “applying machine learning to enhance covid-19 prediction and diagnosing of covid-19 treatment using convalescent plasma”, International Conference on Data Science, “Intelligent Computing and Cyber Security (ICDIC-2021)” during 29-30 December 2021 at Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College (Autonomous), Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
- AI-based techniques for assessing uneasiness and mental wellbeing during COVID-19 Pandemic, national conference on 3rd innovative product design and intelligent manufacturing systems (IPDIMS) during 30th & 31st February 2021 at NIT Rourkela.
- An Assessment for Detection of Wheat Yellow Rust Disease, national conference on 3rd innovative product design and intelligent manufacturing systems (IPDIMS) during 30th & 31st February 2021 at NIT Rourkela.
- Enhanced SS-FIM Algorithm For High Utility Uncertain Itemsets, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC-2022)
- The Block Chain Technology to protect Data Access using Intelligent Contracts Mechanism Security Framework for 5G Networks, 2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)
- An Approach For Cervical and Breast Cancer Classification Using Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey, 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)
- Cognitive Radio Technique for Blockchain-based Vehicles with IoT, 2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I)
- Graph Based Big Data Analytics on Unsupervised Machine Learning Framework, 2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT)
- Advanced Graph Analytics Algorithms On Genre Based Recommending System, 2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT)
- Exploring The Statistical Properties and Development of a Non-Linear Activation Function, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC-2022) (Submitted).
- Developing A Non-Linear Hybrid Activation Function In Deep Neural Network, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC-2022) (Submitted).