
Dr. Gaurav Kumar
Associate Professor & HOD (In-Charge)
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Gaurav Kumar is an Associate Professor in the area of signal processing and design of optimal controller. He earned his doctorate from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in the field of seismic signals. He has developed two controllers to disseminate the command signal to the actuator for generating counter control force for mitigation of seismic vibrations.
He has over 14 years of teaching & research experience various institutions including Henan University, China. Dr. Kumar promotes multidisciplinary research in areas such as swarm intelligence, genetic algorithms, A* algorithm, fuzzy logic, artificial neural network, and back propagation algorithm in multidisciplinary fields of research, machine learning, signal processing to name a few.
- Gaurav Kumar, Roshan Kumar, Ashok Kumar, and Brij Mohan Singh (2021)," Development of modified LQG controller for mitigation of seismic vibrations using swarm intelligence," International Journal of Automation and Control, Inder-science Publishers, (In press) [Scopus with I.F. – 1.5].
- Roshan Kumar, Wei Zhao, Gaurav Kumar, Shengbo Chen, Vikas Kumar, Arvind Yadav (2020),"Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Systems Based on Signal Processing Approach: A survey," Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, Springer Publications DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10098-020-02003-w [SCI with I.F. - 2.5].
- Gaurav Kumar, Ashok Kumar, and Ravi. S. Jakka (2018), " The particle swarm modified quasi bang-bang controller for seismic vibration control," Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Volume 166, 15 October 2018, Pages105-116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.08.002 [SCI with I.F.- 3.427].
- Gaurav Kumar, Ashok Kumar, and Ravi. S. Jakka (2018), " The particle swarm modified quasi bang-bang controller for seismic vibration control," Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Volume 166, 15 October 2018, Pages105-116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.08.002 [SCI with I.F.- 3.427].
- Gaurav Kumar and Ashok Kumar (2017), "Fourier transform, and particle swarm optimization based modified LQR algorithm for mitigation of the vibrations using magnetorheological dampers," Smart Mater. Struct. IOP science, UK, 26 115013. DOI: https://doi:10.1088/1361- 665X/aa8681 [SCI with I.F.- 3.847]
- Upendra Kumar and Gaurav Kumar, "Comparison between DWT and stationary transform-based techniques for fusion of multi-focus images, International Journal of current engineering and scientific research (IJCESR) volume 4 issue 10 (October 2017) ISSN: 2394-0697.
- Gaurav Kumar and Kulbir Singh, "Digital Watermarking in Frequency Domain, IJESR/July 2012/ Volume-2/Issue- 7/Article No-15/643-649 ISSN 2277-2685
- Gaurav Kumar, Roshan Kumar and Ashok Kumar, "A modified linear quadratic Gaussian controller for semi active control scheme for mitigation of seismic vibrations, the 2019World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Jeju ICC in Jeju Island, Korea 17 - 21 Sep, 2019.
- Roshan Kumar, Wei Zhao, Vikash Singh and Gaurav Kumar, "Damage Identification of Beam Structure Using Discrete wavelet transform,2nd International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2019), Auckland, New Zealand on Dec 9-11,2019.
- Gaurav Kumar and Kulbir Singh, "Application of time-frequency method in seismic signal Processing, National conference ETEC-2015 at Quantum School of Technology Roorkee (U.K.), April 18,2015.
- Gaurav Kumar and Kulbir Singh, " Comparison between DWT and ST based techniques for fusion of multi focus images, National conference - ETEC-2015 at Quantum School of Technology Roorkee (U.K.), April 18,2015.
- Gaurav Kumar and Kulbir Singh, "Digital watermarking in digital domain, National conference - ASCOT-2012 at Quantum School of Technology Roorkee (U.K.), October 6-7, 2012.
- Gaurav Kumar and Kulbir Singh, "Comparison of Frequency and wavelet domain watermarking", National conference at Samrat Ashok Technological Institute Vidisha (M.P.), 2010