
Dr. Atul
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Atul holds a Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Gwalior Engineering College, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya.
Dr. Atul has worked as a Project Fellow in the department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT(ISM), Dhanbad. His research areas includes Energy Harvesting, Smart Structures, Vibration, MEMS, Nonlinear dynamical systems, and Complex dynamics, Sensors and Actuators, Acoustics etc.
He has presented and published papers in national and international conferences/ journals in his areas of specialization (vibration energy harvesting applications). He specializes in Design and has published several papers.
- Atul, Vinayak Ranjan and Ankit L. Pandey, “Finite Element Modelling of Piezoelectric Cantilever with 31 Effects for Sensor Application”, Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 182, Issue 11, November 2014, pp. 281-287.
- Atul, Vinayak Ranjan and Nand Kishore Singh, “Effect of electrode location and thickness ratio of flange and web on I cross section piezoelectric cantilever beam for its actuation capability”, Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 19, Issue 8, 2017, p. 5657-5667.
- Atul, Vinayak Ranjan, Nand Kishore Singh and Sikandar Azam, “Effectiveness of line type and cross type piezoelectric patches on active vibration control of a flexible rectangular plate”, Journal of Vibroengineering, (Accepted).
- Atul, Vinayak Ranjan, Nand Kishore Singh and Sikandar Azam, “Design and analysis of a piezoelectric T and L cross section cantilever beam as actuator for vibration harvesting application”, Journal of Sadhana Academy, (Under Review).
- Atul and Vinayak Ranjan, “Modeling and Analysis of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam for Energy Harvesting”, Proceedings of International symposium “Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology for Industry” held at North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, Itanagar, India, pp-173-183, Dec. 6-8, 2014.
- Atul and Vinayak Ranjan, “MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: A Review” Proceedings of National Conference “Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering”, held at North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, Itanagar, India, pp-211-217, Nov. 8-9, 2013.
- Atul and Vinayak Ranjan, “Design and Analysis of Piezoelectric cantilever beam for vibration energy harvesting applications” Proceedings of National conference “Institute of Smart Structures and Systems” held at R&DE (E), Pune, India, pp-303-306, Sep.6-7, 2013.
- Atul and Vinayak Ranjan, “Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of ZnO Thin films by Sol Gel Method: A Review” Proceedings of National Conference “Advances in Laser and Spectroscopy”, held at Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India, pp-155-164, Nov.1-3, 2012.