
Dr. Athira B Kaimal
Associate Professor & Associate Director – RAISE
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Athira B Kaimal is an accomplished professional with a distinguished educational background and over a decade of experience in the fields of education, Accreditation, Ranking and research. With a Ph.D. degree, MTech, and B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering, as well as an M.Sc. in Applied Psychology, Dr. Athira's academic achievements demonstrate her dedication to both technical and psychological domains.
Throughout her career, Dr. Athira has consistently excelled as an educator, researcher, and trainer. Her expertise extends beyond the classroom, as she has actively contributed to her academic institutions by developing and implementing accreditation processes, which have played a vital role in maintaining and enhancing educational standards. She is also skilled in assessing ongoing accreditation risks and providing guidance to ensure quality assurance and enhancement. Dr. Athira's ability to work effectively in both managerial and team roles is evident in her successful track record of meeting tight schedules and deadlines.
Dr. Athira's dedication to knowledge dissemination is further highlighted by her participation and paper presentations at numerous national and international conferences and seminars. Many of her research contributions have been published in esteemed international journals, adding to her academic influence and recognition.
In her previous roles, Dr. Athira has taken on various responsibilities, including IQAC Coordinator, Head of Department, Controller of Examinations, ERP Coordinator, and Student Development Cell Coordinator. Her multifaceted expertise and leadership capabilities have left a significant impact on the institutions she has served.
International Journals:
- “A No-Reference Quality Metric for Parameter Tuning of Edge Aware Filters-An Anti-Forensic Approach”,Innovation and Research in Biomedical Engineering (IRBM) Elsevier, February 2020 [SCOPUS],[SCIE],
- Removing the traces of Median filtering via Unsharp masking as an Anti-forensic Approach in medical imaging (Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal- Scopus Indexed,UGC Approved)
- “Third EYE – Assistive Device for visually impired people”, accepted for publication,International journal of computer Applications,November 2018 Edition
- “A tailored anti-forensic technique for digital image applications” International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA),Volume 53 - Number 9,2012,PP 14- 20.
- “A Tailored Anti-Forensic Approach for Digital Image Compression”,IJEIT,Volume 2, Issue 3 (Sep. 2012), PP 326-331
- “Image Compression Techniques: A Survey ” ,IJEI, Volume 2 , Issue 4 (Feb.2013),PP 26-28.
- “A Tailored Anti-Forensic Approach for Bitmap Compression in Medical Images “IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSRJCE), Volume 5, Issue 1 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 01-05.
- Attended One Day Faculty Development Program on CHALLENGES IN BUILDING COLLABORATIONS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION,organized by Dr.MGR Educational & Research Institute.
- Participated in the webinar on " A Roadmap to Digital Forensic ",organized by providence college of engineering.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on LateX organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay remotely at Sanjay Ghodawat University
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on LateX organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay remotely at AISSMS College of Engineering
- Attended Faculty Development Programme organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay from 27/04/2020 to 01/05/2020 remotely at K.M.G College of Arts and Science,Gudiyattam.
- The Faculty Development Programme included a demonstration cum hands on exposure in PHP and MYSQL.
- Attended 3 days online workshop on "Education 4.0" organised by IQAC, Atharva College of Engineering held on 28th - 30th April 2020.
- Attended two day hands-on webinar on "Introduction to Git & GitHub,Orgnaized by TACS & Dept.of CSE,MEAEngineering College
- Attended Webinar on “Robotic Process Automation” Organized by Sreepathy Institute of Management And Technology in association with Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC-KSUM), IEEE Student Branch of SIMAT, Advanced Skill Development Center (ASDC - ASAP),UI Path & Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC).
- Attended Three weeks WhatsApp Outcome Based Education Faculty Development Program from 24 03 2020 to 14 04 2020 rganized by D.Y Patil college of Engineering,Akurdi,Pune
- Attended "AICTE advanced ToT for Preparing Resource Persons for FDP for student Induction" at IIIT Hyderabad from November 15- 17,2019
- Attended one day workshop cum seminar on "Outcome Based Education" at vedavyasa Institute of Science & Technology on 28th August 2019
- Attended 5 Day FDP on Electric & Hybrid Vehicle" at MES college of Engineering Kuttippuram,July 2019
- Attended five day faculty development programme on "Research and Apllication perspectives of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning at MES college of Engineering,Kuttippuram from 8th-12th July 2019.
- Attended two day workshop on “Innovative Thinking,Research and Funding”,at vidya academy of science and Technology,Thrissur December 2018.
- Attended two day Faculty development program on “Robotics Workshop-eYantra” organized by IIT Bombay & Electronics and Communication Engineering at Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus Manjeri from 8th&9th October 2017
- Attended IEDC Summit 2018 ,Indias Largest Summit for Aspiring Enterpreneurs at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering on 03rd November 2018
- Secured Elite Certification on NPTEL Course“Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice”.Which is equivalent to half of 1 week FDP.
- Attended two day “IDEATION WORKSHOP” organized by IEDC MESCE and Kerala Startup Mission in association with ICT Academy OF Kerala, February 2018.
- Attended 2 day workshop on “Design Thinking” at SSM polytechnic Tirur,Feb 2018
- Attended two days Faculty development programme on “MACHINE LEARNING USING PYTHON” from 18th and 19th July 2018.
- Attended 5 day faculty development programme on “DESIGN AND ENGINEERING HANDS ON TRAINING IN FABLAB” At Mes Colllege Of Engineering Kuttippuram,Dec 2017
- NPTEL workshop conducted on 20-07-2017 by IIT Madras at FISAT
- Participated in the faculty development programme on Design Project at Rajagiri School of Engineering &Technology from 15 th july 2017 to 19 th july 2017.
- Disrupt Kerala 2017,One day international conference on futuristic trends leading technology disruption,by FAYA:80 in association with NASSCOM and Kerala Start Up Mission on 05-07-2017 at techno park ,Trivandrum.
- Attended IEDC Coordinators Programme at Cyber Park , Calicut by kerala BY Start up Mission,June 2017.
- Training session on “WKS-Watson Knowledge Studio (How to train a system for specific industry)”,at IBM Banglore ,June 2017.
- International seminar “ISDIP 2017” by 3G R & D Calicut in association with Malabar Christian college,Universidad Azteca (Mexico),central university of Nicaragua,3G university (USA) and IITMS Dubai ,march 2017.
- ”Latex Workshop for researchers”,Eranad Knowledge city technical Campus,13 th -14 th January 2017.
- Technical talk on ”Ham Radio Disaster management” by Mr.Subhramaniam Shastry,Director institute of Amature radio in Kerala and coordinator,Ham Radio Emergency network,Kochi ,6th January 2017.
- Coordinator Smart India Hackathon 2022 Finals at Chandigarh University.
- Organized two day Online International Conference on "Recent Innovations in Science and Technology RIST 2021" During 19-20 June 2021.
- Organized Three weeks WhatsApp Outcome Based Education Faculty Development Program from 24 03 2020 to 14 04 2020 in association with D.Y Patil college of Engineering,Akurdi,Pune.
- Coordinator 7 Day campus placement training programme for final Year students by Six Phase.2018.
- Co-Coordinator-IGNITE District level quiz programme for school students as a part of science day celebration 2019.
Copy Rights Received:
- Registered and Received Copyright for the work " WHATSAPP BASED PUZZLE SOLVING AND ASSESSMENT FOR ACHIEVING THE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN WHATSAPP BASED FDP ON OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION" from Copyright Office,Government of India Reg.No L-91684/2020
- Registered and Received Copyright on " USE OF WHATSAPP MOBILE APPLICATION FOR CONDUCTING FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (FDP)" from Copyright Office,Government of India Reg.No L-L-91685/2020
Other Achievements:
- Resource person for the session on "Art of Questioning " in one-week Faculty Development Program on "AICTE Exam Reform Policy” organized by by D.Y Patil college Akurdi,Pune
- Program Committee member and Reviewer for PEIS2023 conference Organized by NIT delhi
- Program Committee member and Reviewer for ICDSA 2023 Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur,India for the opportunity
- Primary Evaluator ,”Toycathon 2021”
- NPTEL Elite Certification for the course “Outcome based pedagogical Principles for Effective Teaching”.
- NPTEL Elite Certification for the course "Effective Engineering Teaching Practice".
- Delivered a Session on “How to conduct student Induction Programme” at Eranad Knowledge City during july 2018.
- Delivered a Session on Microsoft certified Educator.
- Earned the “Best Faculty award” @ VVIT for the academic year 2014-2015.
- Level II certified trainer for CAT -ICMAI.
- Conducted a workshop on “Management Information System “ at IHRD college Chenganoor,2014.
- Impact of Digital Transformation
- Solving problems with creative and critical thinking
- Basic Image Classification with TensorFlow
- "Use Canva to design Digital Course Collateral"
- AI For Everyone -Coursera
- NPTEL Elite Certification for the course “Outcome based pedagogical Principles for Effective Teaching”.
- NPTEL Elite Certification for the course "Effective Engineering Teaching Practice".
Other Certifications:
- Python for Data Science Issued by IBM
- Foundational Artificial Intelligence -Skill Up online (NASSCOM)
- Human Resources Foundations -LinkedIn
- "Microsoft Powerpoint Ultimate Course 2021",Udemy
- "Introduction to cyber Security",FutureLearn
- "How to Prepare a manuscript",Research Academy,Elsevier
- "How to peer review a review article",Research Academy,Elsevier
- "A Guide to journal citation metrics",Research Academy,Elsevier
- "Plagiarism",Research Academy,Elsevier
- "Python pandan Library Full Tutorial",Udemy
- "My SQL for Absolute Beginners"April 2020 edition,Udemy
- "Structuring your article correctly",Research Academy,Elsevier
- "COLLABORATIVE WORKING IN A REMOTE TEAM",University of Leeds and Institue of Coding
International Conference:
- “Cloud data security using Hybrid Algorithm”,3rd International conference on smart data intelligence (ICSMDI 2023) organized by the department of CSE&IT,Kongunadu college of Engineering & Technology,March 30-31,2023
- "Identification of Pneumonia Symptoms in Covid-19 patients using Transfer Learning Approach",International Conference on Computer Communication and Infomatics,ICCCI 2023.
- "Analysis of cloud Computing Security Challenges and Threats for Resolving Data Breach Issues",International Conference on Computer Communication and Infomatics,ICCCI 2023.
- "Automatic Attendance System Using Face Recognition and RFID Verification",International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science & Technology, RIST 2021.
- Surveillance system using UAV,Proceedings of International Multi-conference on computing, communication, Electrical and Nanotechnology (12CN-2K19)held on 25 th and 26th April 2019.
- "Texture Based secured Data Transmission”, Proceedings of ICEA,IEEE 2017,pp-750-753, Conference ,RVS Coimbatore.
- THIRD EYE, International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Engineering and Technological Research-ICETIETR2k18,11-13 July 2018.
- “An efficient Anti-Forensic Algorithm for removing traces of Image Tampering “,ISDIP 2017 International Conference by 3G R&D, Calicut in association with Malabar Christian college, Universidad Azteca (Mexico),central university of Nicaragua,3G university (USA) and IITMS Dubai (March 2017).
- "A modified anti-forensic technique for removing detectable traces from digital images", IEEE 2013 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics.
- "A new technique for removing forensically detectable traces from digital images",IEEE 2013 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)