
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharyya
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharyya is a highly experienced professional in the fields of Operations Management, Operations Research, and Supply Chain Management. With over 31 years of industry expertise, he has specialized in handling logistics and supply chain operations in the non-ferrous metal industry.
Dr. Bhattacharyya holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in "The effect of service quality and service convenience on perceived value satisfaction and customer patronage - A health insurance perspective," which he obtained in 2022. He also has an MBA from Jadavpur University and a B. Tech from NIT, Durgapur.
Some of the significant publications are as follows:
- Bhattacharyya, A. & Rana, A., (2021). Study of correlation between numbers of Covid-19 cases with stock exchange indices of India. Empirical Economic Letters, Special issue 4, July 2021, C in ABDC.
Local Journals
- “Upcoming revolution in Health Care Eco System” Bhattacharyya, A. & Rana, A., (2020). Published in “Shodh Samachar Bulletin”, Vol 10(40), 96-100, ISBN no. 2229-3620
Conference Papers:
- Bhattacharyya, A. & Rana, A., (2021). Study of correlation between numbers of Covid-19 cases with stock exchange indices of India. International Conference-Business Resilience & Reinvention in the VUCA world (ICBRR-VUCA 2021).
- Bhattacharyya, A. (2021). Safe Journey of Senior Citizen post Covid 19. International Management Conference. Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi.