
Dr. Apoorva Mishra
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
She holds a Doctorate of Philosophy In law from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, Delhi on “Locating Environment In The Application of Sustainable Development: A Critical Analysis of Environmental Jurisprudence” (2023) and Masters of Law from Teri School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi (2018).
- Misra, A (2023) Sustainable Technology in Protecting Marine Ecosystem: A Desperate Need for Green Transition In Marine Industry, CPJ Law Journal, Issue -1 ISSN No-0976-3562
- Misra, A., & Singh, G. (2022) Protecting the Marine Environment From Ships and International Shipping- Understanding and Critically Analyzing The Role of International Maritime Organization And Sustainable Development Goal- 14 In Promoting Sustainability, Asian Journal Of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry; Vol 7 No 2, ISSN online :2456-8937
- Misra, A (2021) Sustainability in Higher Education: A pathway towards achieving Gender Equality, White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021). ISBN-13: 9781636403014.
- Nasir, A., & Misra, A (2016) Protection of Environment And Sustainable Development: An Overview of Developing And Least Developed Countries and Their Status, In Ad Valorem, ISSN: 2348-5485
Awards Won: Received Best Paper award for Sustainability in Higher Education: A pathway towards achieving Gender Equality at International Conference organized by Directorate of International Affairs, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and Internal Complaints Committee, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 2021.
Conference Paper:
- Misra, A., Protection of Environmental Refugee under International Law: Perspective from the Global South at Gujarat Law Society College Ahmedabad, Feb 29- Mar 1, 2021
- Misra, A., Protection of Climate Change Refugee Under International Law: Acritical Analysis, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, June 18, 2021
- Misra, A., Environment Protection During Armed Conflict: Pressing Need for Bolstering International Legal Regime at CPJ College of higher studies and School of law, New Delhi, Mar 16-17, 2018.
- Misra, A., Role of National Green Tribunal in Environment Protection: A Critical Analysis at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Mar 18, 2018
Conference Organized and Coordinated.
- National Conference on “Judicial Delays: Maladies and Remedies”- Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, 2020.
- National Conference on “Political and Judicial Perspective on Electoral Reforms In India”- ILS Law College, 2013