
Dr. Anirudh Sridhar
Dean of Thought Leadership
Department of Language & Literature
Dr. Anirudh Sridhar received a D.Phil. from the University of Oxford in 2020. His Ph.D. thesis at the University of Oxford received the highest honours reserved for the thesis in the humanities and recommended for publication with the Oxford University Press. He holds a Master of Arts from University of Freiburg, Germany, and Bachelor of Science from State University of New York-ESF, USA.
Dr. Sridhar is the co-editor and co-author with Derek Attridge of ‘The Work of Reading: Literary Criticism in the Twenty-First Century’, a polemical intervention that argues against certain methodological trends in the humanities and for the rehabilitation of close reading. The book was #1 on the Amazon new bestseller's list in literary theory for June, 2021.
Dr. Sridhar’s interdisciplinary approach in the humanities with his studies in environmental law and marine biology brings scientific, legal, historical, and philosophical perspective into literary studies. Apart from this, he has taught many interdisciplinary courses at the Universities of Freiburg and Oxford in British and American philosophy and literature.
- The Work of Reading: Literary Criticism in the Twenty-First Century (February 2020) Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan. Co-editor, with Derek Attridge, of an upcoming volume of essays that challenges the contemporary dominance in literary studies of historicism and empiricism. Essays by Susan Wolfson, Ellen Rooney, Henry Staten, William Rasch, Ronan McDonald, Anna Kornbluh, and others, including myself. See advert of book release below: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030711382?fbclid=IwAR1VlHpjKoZwUD37zGXbfQ0wWb5dyW7ediWtbBwWCP_EgfUBjBqvUS3_ANk?
- Agon: Poetry’s Defence against the Mathematization of Reality (1920s-1960s) (December 2021) Publisher: Oxford University Press, Monograph Series (offer for publication of DPhil thesis extended [Nov 18th, 2020] by Oxford Monographs Committee)?
- H. Auden and the Infernal Sciences’ (October 2021) Journal: Essays in Criticism. The paper explores Auden’s critique of the rise of sociology and social science in America (paper has been approved for publication by the editor, Seamus Perry).?
- Review of Rachel Crossland’s Modernist Physics: Waves, Particles, and Relativities in the Writing of Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence (March 2021) Publisher: Notes & Queries, Oxford University Press?
- John Ruskin and Karl Marx: Competing philosophies of “labour”’ (December 2020) Publisher: Albertian Review of Literature. The paper explores the changing uses of the word ‘labour’ nineteenth century critiques of political economy.?
- From Ruskin to Automation: What happened in Bauhaus and Werkbund?’ (September 2018) Article in the Carlyle Studies Annual
- “Unorthodox in the Last Degree: Tintoretto 500 years on” (April 2018) Article in issue #3 of the Oxford Review of Books?
- “Is Darwin Unimpeachable? A response to the A.N Wilson controversy” (March 2018) Article in Issue #6 of the Oxford Research in English?
- “History and Philosophy of Intellectual Property Law” (July 2015) Chapter in a UNESCO capacity building?
- “Finance Policy at UNFCCC COP 18” (December 2012) Article published in the ECO Journal
- “W.H. Auden and the Rise of Social Science in America” (May 2018) Lecture in the Manchester University Conference
- ‘Mathematics and Modern Literature’ “Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem in William Empson’s Poetry” (April 2018) Lecture in 2018 annual conference, The British Society for Literature and Science?
- “JMW Turner: Storm-Cloud of the 19th Century” (February 2018) Lecture in a workshop on ‘art and environment’ at the Grantham Institute, Imperial College London?
- “Ruskin contra Marx: Labour and Automation” (December 2017) Lecture in ‘New Approaches to Ruskin’ conference at University College London?
- “Canon qua Crystal: Let poets determine the canon” (June 2017) Lecture in ‘Outside the Frame of Theory’ conference at University of Freiburg?
- “Conflict of Königsberg: A Kantian reading of digital humanities” (February 2014) Lecture in ‘International Digital Humanities Conference’ at Delhi University