
Dr. Akey Sungheetha
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Akey Sungheetha completed her graduation in the department of Information Technology with a B.Tech degree from Jaya Engineering College, and later pursued an M.Tech degree from Anna University, Chennai. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in the discipline of information and communication engineering from Anna University Chennai, with her research focused on "Data Analysis of Clustering Schemes in Mobile Adhoc Networking and Gene Classification."
Throughout her fifteen years of experience, Dr. Akey Sungheetha has continuously honed her teaching and research skills in both India and overseas. She has made significant contributions to the field through the publication of seventy-six articles in journals, books, and patents. Her dedication to research is evident in her involvement in twelve community support initiatives, which have been funded through grants. These initiatives focus on various technology implementations, including smart agriculture, smart building, and smart forest fire detection.
Dr. Akey Sungheetha's commitment to academic growth is evident from her participation in over one hundred and fifty-three faculty development events, including presenting, organizing, and attending seminars, workshops, and conferences. Moreover, she has been actively involved in thirteen industry and institution collaboration projects, further showcasing her expertise and engagement with real-world applications.
In addition to her research and professional engagements, Dr. Akey Sungheetha is passionate about mentoring and supporting students, scholars, and research projects. To date, she has contributed to forty such initiatives, demonstrating her commitment to nurturing the next generation of researchers and academics.
Some of the significant publications are as follows:
- Akey Sungheetha, (2019). “Three-Dimensional MRI Brain Tumor Classification using Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization and Gray Wolf Optimizer.” International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 29(1), 34-45.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Extreme Learning Machine and Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbour Based Hybrid Gene Selection Technique for Cancer Classification”, Medical Imaging for health informatics, 6(7):1652-1656.
- Akey Sungheetha, Vankayalapati.Sahiti, Madiajagan M, R. C., Narayanan, S. Selvakanmani and T. Ch. Anil Kumar, (2021). “Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm for the Detection of Lung Cancer Detection in Humans Text Based Mining.” Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 14(7), 229-234.
- Mosisa, Dessalegn and Akey Sungheetha, (2021). Applying Deep Learning Approach for Wheat Rust Disease Detection Using MosNet Classification Technique, Inventive Computation and Information Technologies, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer 173.
- Akey Sungheetha and J. Suganthi, (2013). “Energy Saving Optimized Polymorphic Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocol.” International Review on Computers and Software, 8(6), 1367-1373.
- Akey Sungheetha and J. Suganthi (2013). “An efficient clustering-classification method in an information gain NRGA-KNN algorithm for feature election of micro array data.” Life Sci J 10(7), 691-700.
- Akey Sungheetha, Indhu Poornima, R and Vaitheeka, N, (2015). “Informative Review on data Partition and Node Stability in Mining.” Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 23(10), 2384-2387.
- Akey Sungheetha et. al, (2016). “Hierarchical Clustering to Determine Missing Values of Yeast Gene”, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 24(7), 2327-2332.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Offline Private Transportation Management System Based on GPS/WiFi.” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 10(1).
- Rajesh Sharma R., Akey Sungheetha, Jemal Nuradis, (2020). Brain Tumor Classification by EGSO Based RBFNN Classifier, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(5).
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma, (2020). "Service Quality Assurance in Cloud Data Centers Using Migration Scaling." Journal of Information Technology 2(1), 3-63.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma, (2020). "Transcapsule model for sentiment classification." Journal of Artificial Intelligence 2(3), 163-169.
- Dessalgn, Ashenafi Worke, et al, (2022). "Generative Adversarial Network-Based Visual Aware Interactive Fashion Design Framework." Implementing and Leveraging Blockchain Programming. Springer, Singapore, 63-78.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, (2017). Segmentation and Classification Techniques of Medical Images using Innovated Hybridized Techniques – A Study”, IEEE Explore Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Control,
- Rajesh Sharma R., Akey Sungheetha, et al, (2016). "Comparative study of distinctive image classification techniques." Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), IEEE explore.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, Jemal Nuradis, (2019). Implication Centered Learning Mechanism for Exploring Analysis of Variance by Means of Linear Regression in Artificial Neural Networks, IEEE Explore Proceedings of ISMAC.
- Akey Sungheetha, Sujitha, Arthi, Rajesh Sharma R, (2017). Data Analysis of multiobjective density based spatial clustering schemes in gene selection process for cancer diagnosis, Electronics and communication systems (ICECS).
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, Banuchitra M, (2016). “Performing Statistical Relation and Significance based Machine Learning for Analysis of Variance Method as statistical Tool for Monitoring”, IEEE Explore Proceedings of ICET.
Book Chapters:
- Medical Image Classification on Hybridized Techniques, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-620-0-47544-2, ISBN-10: 620047544X, 2019.
- Data Analysis of Clustering and Classification Schemes in Networking, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13:978-620-0-46708-9, ISBN-10:6200467080, 2019.
- Machine Learning Concepts and algorithms for beginners, ISBN9789356252141.
- A smart methodology to track the spread of pandemic and sanitizing at regular intervals, File. No. 2020103763, International Patent, Australia, 22/01/2020.
- Crop health monitoring system using IoT and machine learning, File. No. 2021100538, 28/01/2021.
- Methodology for detecting disease in plants using image processing technique, File. No. 2021100952, International Patent, Australia, 19/02/2021
Local Journals
- Akey Sungheetha, et.al, (2018). An Internet of things-based approach for balancing soil irrigation in crucial agriculture fields, National journals of technology, 14(2).
- Akey Sungheetha, (2015). “Recent Review on Big Data for Currency Application”, International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences, 21(26).
- K.Mahalakshmi, G.Usha, Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “A Design Framework to Detect Corrupted Files Using Frame Based Technique, Karpagam Journal of Engineering Research (KJER), 5(2), 1-7.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Proxy system using XAMPP server for controlling webpage security.” Special Issue on 2016 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Improved Classification on Medical Images using Distinctive Approach.” Special Issue on 2016 Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Comparative Study on Medical Image Classification Techniques” International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, Vol-2, Issue-11, pp. 1849-1853.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, D Kavitha, P Anitha, Sreeja G, (2016). “Effective Disaster Management by Efficient Usage of Resources”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), 2(12), 2122-2126.
- Rajesh Sharma R, P Marikaanu, Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Improved Brain Tumor Classification using Enhanced GSO Based Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifier” International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, 4(5).
- Rajesh Sharma R, Akey Sungheetha, (2018). Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, Probabilistic Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering based on Medical Images Classification – A Study, International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 4(12), 793-799.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2018). Figuring out Extinct Values of Yeast Gene Microarray Expression (YGME) and Influencing Successive Time for Hierarchical Clustering Technique – An Improvement, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 5(12).
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma, (2020). "Novel Shared Key Transfer Protocol for Secure Data Transmission in Distributed Wireless Networks." Journal of trends in Computer Science and Smart technology (TCSST) 2(2), 98-108.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma, (2020). "A Novel CapsNet based Image Reconstruction and Regression Analysis." Journal of Innovative Image Processing (JIIP) 2(3), 156-164.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma, (2020). "Real Time Monitoring and Fire Detection using Internet of Things and Cloud based Drones." Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm (JSCP) 2(3), 168-174.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma. "GTIKF-Gabor-Transform Incorporated K-Means and Fuzzy C Means Clustering for Edge Detection in CT and MRI." Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm (JSCP), 2(2), 111-119.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma, (2020). "Cost Effective Energy-Saving System in Parking Spots." Journal of Electronics 2(1), 18-29.
- Sungheetha, Akey & Rajendran, Rajesh Sharma. (2021). A Comparative Machine Learning Study on IT Sector Edge Nearer to Working From Home (WFH) Contract Category for Improving Productivity. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks. 2. 217-225. 10.36548/jaicn.2020.4.004.
- Sungheetha, Dr & Rajendran, Rajesh Sharma. (2020). Comparative Study: Statistical Approach and Deep Learning Method for Automatic Segmentation Methods for Lung CT Image Segmentation. Journal of Innovative Image Processing. 2. 187-193. 10.36548/jiip.2020.4.003.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma, "Design of Effective Smart Communication System for Impaired People" Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation 2(4), 181-194, 2021.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma. "Fuzzy Chaos Whale Optimization and BAT Integrated Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Sewage Treatment." Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm (JSCP) 3.01 (2021): 10-18.
- Sharma, Rajesh, and Akey Sungheetha. "An Efficient Dimension Reduction based Fusion of CNN and SVM Model for Detection of Abnormal Incident in Video Surveillance." Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm (JSCP) 3.02 (2021): 55-69.
- Sungheetha, Akey, and Rajesh Sharma. "3D Image Processing using Machine Learning based Input Processing for Man-Machine Interaction." Journal of Innovative Image Processing (JIIP) 3.01 (2021): 1-6
Awards won
- Best Faculty in the department of Information Technology by Karpagam Institutions, 2017.
- Award for publishing Scopus and SCI indexed journals by Karpagam Institutions, 2017.
- Research Award for remarkable Achievements in Teaching, Research and Publications by IRDP, 2017.
- Innovative researcher award for Excellence in Data Mining and Networking research by RULA AWARDS & IJRULA in affiliation with, World Research Council & United Medical Council.
- Best Paper Award for paper titled. “Tenable Contemporaneous Version Control System using Virtual Private Networks” organized by the Departments of CSE & IT, Jaya Engineering College, 2006.
- Best embroidery student of the year, Athletics, Ball Bad Minton and Volleyball award by CSI Jessie Moses,1998.
Conference Papers:
- Akey Sungheetha, (2008). Presented paper on “Mobile Network’s 3D Image Streaming” as a part of WebTOPS National Level Conference – Fourth Generation, organized by the Departments of CSE & IT, Jaya Engineering College.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2009). Presented paper on “Multicast Routing Protocol for MANET with Clustering Scheme” in National Conference NCACC ’09 at Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2009). Presented paper on “Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocols” in National Conference on emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology ENTECH 09 at Anna University, Tirunelveli.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2009). Presented paper on “Energy Efficient Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocol for MANET’s”, in National Conference at Anna University Coimbatore CSIR & ISRO Sponsored First National Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering Applications-NCICE’09.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2015). “Recent Review on Big Data for Currency Application”, National Conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology, 162-165.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). Proxy system using xampp server for controlling webpage security, 9th National Conference on Advanced Computing and Changing Paradigms in Computer Applications, Coimbatore.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, (2016). Improved Classification on Medical Images using Distinctive Approach, Advanced Computing and Changing Paradigms in Computer Applications, (NCACCA16) Coimbatore.
- Mahalakshmi K, Usha G, Akey Sungheetha, (2016). Design Framework to Detect Corrupted Files Using Frame Based Technique, Advanced Computing and Changing Paradigms in Computer Applications (NCACCA16) Coimbatore.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2008). Presented paper on “Mobile Network’s 3D Image Streaming” as a part of WebTOPS National Level Conference – Fourth Generation, organized by the Departments of CSE & IT, Jaya Engineering College.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2009). Presented paper on “Multicast Routing Protocol for MANET with Clustering Scheme” in National Conference NCACC ’09 at Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2009). Presented paper on “Energy Efficient Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocol for MANET’s”, in National Conference at Anna University Coimbatore CSIR & ISRO Sponsored First National Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering Applications-NCICE’09.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2011), ‘A Critical Survey of Cluster based UDG for FCM’, International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Systems (ICDECS – 2011), RNS Institute of Technology Banglore.
- Akey Sungheetha (2012), ‘Energy Efficiency of Routing Protocols with Unit Disk Graph Methods’, 3rd International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks (SENNET-12), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT).
- Akey Sungheetha (2013), ‘Effective Optimized Polymorphic Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocol’, International Conference on Innovations In Communication, Information And Computing-ICICIC`13, Sasurie College of Engineering, Erode.
- Akey Sungheetha (2011). Presented paper on “Novel Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocols”, in the International Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing Technologies, ICNICT 2011, organized by the Department of Computer Science, Karpagam University.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). Offline Private Transportation Management System Based on GPS/WiFi International Conference on green computing, Coimbatore.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). Comparative Study of Distinctive Image Classification Techniques IEEE conference on international systems and control.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Comparative Study on Medical Image Classification Techniques” 3rd International Conference on “Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication" EEICC.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). Rajesh Sharma R, Banuchitra M, “Performing Statistical Relation and Significance based Machine Learning for Analysis of Variance Method as statistical Tool for Monitoring”, IEEE Explore Proceedings of ICET.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, (2017). Segmentation and Classification Techniques of Medical Images using Innovated Hybridized Techniques – A Study”, IEEE Explore Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Control.
- Akey Sungheetha, (2016). “Improved Classification on Medical Images using Distinctive Approach.” Special Issue on 2016 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems.
- Akey Sungheetha, Sujitha, Arthi, Rajesh Sharma R, (2017). Data Analysis of multiobjective density based spatial clustering schemes in gene selection process for cancer diagnosis, Electronics and communication systems (ICECS).
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R, Jemal Nuradis, (2019). Implication Centered Learning Mechanism for Exploring Analysis of Variance by Means of Linear Regression in Artificial Neural Networks, 3rd International conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud.
Conferences/Seminar/Workshop Organized and Coordinated:
- Workshop on Theory of Computation on 26th-27th/09/2014
- National Conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology on 26th-27th/03/2015
- C/C++ Talent Assessment Test on 27th/12/2014
- Clique in 2015
- Hacking Workshop in 2015
- PHP Workshop in 2016
- ISCO IEEE Conference in 2017
- Clique in 2016
- Software Engineering in 2017
- Multimedia Training Version 1 in 2017
- Multimedia Quiz Contest in 2017
- Computing Quiz Contest - c++ in 2018
- Supported ICPC Contest 2 2017-2019 for 40 teams as Managing team committee member.
- Supported ICPC Contest ETHCPC 2020 (ECPC) 2020 for 40 teams as Managing team committee member.
- Block chain Technology in sep 2020
- Social media analysis 1 19th Sep 2020
- Machine learning prediction and image recognition on 26th Sep 2020
- Big data Predictive analysis techniques 2nd Oct 2020
- Cloud computing with AWS on 14th nov 2020
- The potential for AI in healthcare in dec 2020
- Cloud based interactive eLearning for teaching and learning in on 28 nov 2020.
- Emotion processing from speech on nov 2020
- An optimized machine learning approach on 21st nov 2020
- Robotic operating system on 17 july 2020