
Dr. Ajam Shaikh
Assistant Professor
Department of Sciences
Dr. Ajam Shaikh teaches Organic Chemistry at the Department of Sciences, Alliance University. He has completed his Post-Doctoral studies from Kyushu University, Japan (2011-2014). During his Post-doc, he was engaged in the synthesis of BINOL-based Diionic Chiral Lewis Acid/Base Catalysts and Pyromellitic Diimide-based Macrocyclic Tubular Molecules. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy from National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan. In his Doctoral work, he worked on 1. Synthesis of Molecular Tweezers and BINOL based Troger’s base, 2. Synthesis of (+)-Pericosine A and B and Deuterium Labeled Controlled-drugs, 3. Development of Green and Efficient Methods for Organic Synthesis.
Dr. Ajam Shaikh has more than 10 years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has taught various courses such as Engineering Chemistry, Fundamentals of Chemistry, Environmental Science, Creativity and Design Thinking etc.
Peer-Reviewed Research Publications
- Abhishek Kamboj, Aanchal Jain, Tanya Singh, Ajam Shaikh, Amit Gupta, β-glucan: Immune boosting potential and antioxidant candidate. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2020, 11, 491-496.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Emphasizing on Natural Repository of Important Phytochemicals: Identification and Quantification of Phytochemicals in Some Medicinal Plants. Int. J. Res. Anal. Review. 2018, 4, 381-387.
- Rajendra Marathe, Yogesh Phatake, Ajam C Shaikh, Bharat Shinde, Milind Gajbhiye, Effect of IAA Produced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 6A (BC4) On Seed Germination and Plant Growth of Glycin Max. J. Expt. Bio Agri. Sci. 2017, 5, 351-358.
- Amit Gupta, Ajam C Shaikh, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Aqueous extract of Calamus rotang as a novel immuno-adjuvant enhances both humoral and cell mediated immune response. J. Herbmed. Pharmacol. 2017, 6. 43-48.
- Amit Gupta, Ajam C Shaikh, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Exploration of Active Metabolites from Aegle Marmelos and Emblica Officinalis for Determining its Immunosuppressive Properties, J. Progressive Res. Bio. 2016, 3, 119-126.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Amit Gupta, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Identification of structurally unique molecules, phytochemical and immunological activity of medicinal plants. Int. J. Med. Pharma. Res. 2016, 4, 223-230.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Amit Gupta, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Quantitative investigation of phytochemicals in Nakshtra plants and distribution analysis of ketones pertaining to LC-MS, Int. J. Chem. Pharma. Sci. 2016, 4, 381-393.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Amit Gupta, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Quantitative phytochemical credential of Nakshtra plants and distribution analysis of aldehydes pertaining to LC-MS, Int. J. Chem. Pharma. Sci. 2016, 4, 408-415.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Amit Gupta, Sushama R Chaphalkar, HPTLC, LC-MS aided qualitative, quantitative phytochemical screening and immunosuppressive activity of medicinal plants, Int. J. Current Trends in Pharma. Res. 2016, 4, 208-215.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Amit Gupta, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Structural Diversity in Medicinal Plants: Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Secondary Metabolites Using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for Determining Its Anti-inflammatory Activity, Innovare J. Agri. Sci, 2016, 5, 1-6
- Amit Gupta, Ajam C Shaikh, Priya Kakade, Sagar Sakat, DM Wakhle, Tushar Borse, Rajesh Sharma, Sushama R Chaphalkar, Scientific validation of correlation studies between human phenotypes constellation and concept of Aaradhya Vruksha, ASTRA, January 2016.
- Attrimuni P. Dhondge, Ajam C Shaikh, Chinpiao Chen, A pineno-salen type catalyst for the enantioselective Nozaki–Hiyama–Kishi reaction. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2012, 23,723–733.
- Satoaki Onitsuka, Yong Zhi Jin, Ajam C Shaikh, Hiroshi Furuno and Junji Inanaga, Silica gel mediated organic reactions under organic solvent-free conditions. Molecules 2012, 17, 11469-11483
- Amarendra Nath Maity, Ajam C Shaikh, Sankareswaran Srimurugan, Chi-Ju Wu, Chinpiao Chen, and Shyue-Chu Ke, Synthesis of 4-Thia-[6-13C] lysine from [2-13C] Glycine: Access to Site-directed Isotopomers of 2-Aminoethanol, 2-Bromoethylamine and 4-Thialysine. Amino Acids 2012, 42, 309–315.
- Shubhankar Tripathi, Ajam C Shaikh, Chinpiao Chen, Facile carbohydrate based stereo-controlled divergent synthesis of (+)-Pericosines A and B. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 7306–7308.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Chinpiao Chen, An easy and efficient synthesis of Bisindolylmethanes and Tetraindolylmethane Tröger’s Base catalyzed by AgBF4. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2011, 58, 899–905. (Chosen as Hottest Articles in Catalysis by Wiley)
- Ajam C Shaikh, Chinpiao Chen, Facile and efficient aromatization of 1,4-Dihydropyridines with M(NO3)2•XH2O, TNCB, TBAP and HMTAI and preparation of deuterium labeled dehydronifedipine from nifedipine-d3. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2010, 20, 3664–3668.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Chinpiao Chen, Synthesis of deuterium-labeled Zaleplon-d5 as an internal standard. J. Label Compd. Radiopharm, 2008, 51, 72–76.
- Ajam C Shaikh, Yu-Yun Wang, Chinpiao Chen, Synthesis of deuterium-labeled (±)-DOM and (±)- MMDA. J. Label Compd. Radiopharm, 2007, 50, 660–665.
- Moreshwar M. Awachat, Ajam C Shaikh, Nitin V. Ganjave, Subhash P. Chavan, I. Shivakumar, Uttam R. Kalkote, A facile aromatization of 1,4-dihydropyridines by ammonium nitrate in acetic acid. J. Chem. Res. 2007, 193–194.
- Book Title: Medicinal Plants: Microbial Interactions, Molecular Techniques and Therapeutic Trends
Chapter Title: Nanocarriers: Promising Vehicles for Controlled Bioactive Drug Delivery in Current Medical System (Page no. 311-335), 2023
Author's Name: Ajam C. Shaikh, Ashfaq A. Shah and Amit Gupta
Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers Pte. Ltd, Singapore - Book Title: Techno-Societal 2018, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications - Volume 1,
Chapter Title: Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Variable Compression Multi-fuel Engine Fueled with Argemone Mexicana Biodiesel– Diesel Blend (Page no. 551-563), November 7th 2019
Author's Name: Vishwasinha V. Bhosale, Walmik S. Rathod, Supriya N. Bobade, Ajam C. Shaikh
Publisher: Springer Publication. - Book Title: Advances in Chemistry Research. Volume 10
Chapter Title: Synthesis and application of deuterium-labeled controlled-drugs as internal standards (Page no. 202-234), January 2012
Author's Name: Ajam C Shaikh and Chinpiao Chen
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY.
Invited Speaker
- Invited as a Judge/Expert for a 'Science Exhibition' organized by Education Department, Barshi Taluka Panchayat Samiti, Barshi at ‘Silver Jubilee High School, Barshi on September 1st & 2nd 2022.
- ‘Last Minute Tips for MHTCET Preparation’ on September 16th 2021 in a webinar at MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research, Barshi.
- ‘Preparation of CET: Do’s and Donts’ on July 24th 2021 in a webinar at MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research, Barshi
- ‘Job Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Railways’ on January 31st 2018 at Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology (Polytechnic), Solapur - Barshi Road, Solapur.
- ‘IR & NMR Spectroscopy: A Tool for Structure Elucidation’ Star College Scheme, March 04th 2017, VP’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati.
- ‘Lecture and Demonstration on Chromatographic Analysis using HPLC and HPTLC’ Two day state level workshop on “Advanced Instrumentation and Analysis Techniques’ February 3-4th 2017, VP’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati
Academic Counselor
- Academia Counselor for ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry’ (PGDAC) run by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi.
- Academic Counselor for ‘Certificate Program in Laboratory Techniques’ (CPLT) run by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi.
Innovative Pedagogical Practices Used/Created/Devised
- Used Moodle, MS Teams, Google Classroom as an LMS
- Edpuzzle (In Video Questions), Crosswords, Match the Following (Prepared on Hot Potatoes) used for effective teaching delivery of Chemistry/Engineering Chemistry
- MCQ-based Quiz Mobile Application ‘ChemQuest’ was prepared for better understanding and ease of access to the subject matter for the students.
- Powerpoint based Virtual Lab like experiments were devised for students to practice and understand the practical aspects of chemistry.
- Created animation-based short clips/videos for understanding chemistry concepts cogently and uploaded those on my YouTube channel.
SWAYAM/NPTEL/UDEMY/edX Courses Completed
- Patent Filling in India – Udemy
- How to Create a Course Outline – Udemy
- Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice – NPTEL
- Rail Vehicle Engineering – Udemy
- The Chemical Society of Japan (Ex-Member)
- The Chinese Chemical Society, Taipei, Taiwan, (Ex-Member)
- Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) (Life-Member)
Research Credentials
- Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7lvs4sYAAAAJ&hl=en
- Researchgate - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ajam-Shaikh
- Orcid ID - https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-4683-901
- Scopus - https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200101877
- Co-convener: Virtual ‘National Conference on Advances in Functional Materials’ March 16th MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research, Barshi. Maharashtra
- Two days national level symposium on “Chromatography and Spectroscopy Findings in Life Sciences, March 8-9th, 2016. VP’s School of Biotechnology, Baramati. Maharashtra
- State-level symposium cum workshop on “Production of Bioinoculants” February 17-18, VP’s School of Biotechnology, Baramati. Maharashtra
- The 6th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on Pharma Sciences, “How Fascinating the Synthetic Organic Chemistry is” September 2012, Osaka, Japan.
- The 92nd Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan, March 2012, Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan.
- 6th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-6) Chemical Synthesis: Creativity and Applications. December 2009, Singapore.
- The 9th International Symposium on Organic Reactions, ISOR-2008, November 2008, Chiayi, Taiwan.
- Annual Chinese Chemical Society and ICCT 2007 Joint Conference, December 2007, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- 1st India-Taiwan Conference on Frontiers of Organic Chemistry, January 2007, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Poster Presentations
- Ajam C. Shaikh and Chinpiao Chen, “Exploitation of Pineno-Salen Type Ligand for Enantioselective Nozaki-Hiyama Reaction.” Presented at the 6th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-6) Chemical Synthesis: Creativity and Applications. December 2009, Singapore.
- Ajam C. Shaikh and Chinpiao Chen, “Synthesis of Pinene Based Chiral Molecular Tweezer.” Annual Chinese Chemical Society and ICCT 2007 Joint Conference. December 2007, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Ajam C. Shaikh and Chinpiao Chen, “Novel syntheses of deuterium-labeled MMDA-d3 and Zaleplon-d5.” 2006 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei. November 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.